Erickson's original slides
Matrix67: 点燃绳子究竟还能测出哪些时间? (2010) (where I first learned about them)
Junyan Xu. Survey on fusible numbers.
Counterexample to Erickson's formula and new conjectured formula with computations (see this file for details), well-foundedness of fusible numbers, and algorithm to find the next fusible number.
Jeff Erickson, Gabriel Nivasch, Junyan Xu. Fusible numbers and Peano Arithmetic.
Preliminary version in Proc. 36th Ann. ACM/IEEE Symp. on Logic in Comp. Sci. (LICS), 13 pages, 2021. Distinguished paper.
Full version in Logical Methods in Computer Science, 18(3), article 6, 26 pages, 2022.
Nivasch's LICS short talk, long talk
Erickson's page
Alexander I. Bufetov, Gabriel Nivasch, Fedor Pakhomov. Generalized fusible numbers and their ordinals.
FOM mailing list discussions (Harvey Friedman, et al.)
StackExchange question: Proof of recursive formula for "fusible numbers", with my answer
Rope-burning puzzle - Wikipedia, page created by David Eppstein
Fusible number | Googology Wiki
Mesurer le temps en allumant des mèches - Pour la Science: popular science article in French by Jean-Paul Delahaye