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Install and use this gem

1. Install the gem

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "govuk_publishing_components"

And then execute:


2. Mount the component guide

Mount the component guide in your application:

# config/routes.rb
mount GovukPublishingComponents::Engine, at: "/component-guide" if Rails.env.development?

If your application was government-frontend the component guide would be at:

An example guide this gem created for government-frontend:

You are encouraged to set up Heroku review apps for your application, so that any changes to local components can be reviewed by looking at the component guide.

3. Configure the gem

Use a config block in an initialiser:

# config/initializers/govuk_publishing_components.rb
GovukPublishingComponents.configure do |c|
  c.component_guide_title = "My component guide"
  c.application_stylesheet = "custom_stylesheet" # Defaults to "application", set to `nil` if the application stylesheet is not in use
  c.application_javascript = "custom_javascript" # Defaults to "application"

4. Include the assets

To make use of the components, you'll have to include the JS and CSS in your application.

Import Sass for individual components

The Sass for any components in use in an application should be imported. In order for this to work you must first import some generic Sass files that include govuk-frontend and some gem specific mixins and variables.

Note that you will need to keep this up to date if you add or remove components from your application.

For example:

// supporting sass
@import "govuk_publishing_components/govuk_frontend_support";
@import "govuk_publishing_components/component_support";
// component specific sass
@import "govuk_publishing_components/components/back-link";

If you load the component guide in the application the suggested Sass for it has been generated for you. Click the 'Suggested imports for this application' link, then copy and paste the output into your application.scss file.

Import all Sass (deprecated, will be removed in a later version)

// application.scss
@import "govuk_publishing_components/all_components";

Import JavaScript for individual components

If your application doesn't use Slimmer/Static:

# application.js
//= require govuk_publishing_components/dependencies
//= require govuk_publishing_components/lib
//= require govuk_publishing_components/components/button

If your application does use Slimmer/Static:

# application.js
//= require govuk_publishing_components/lib
//= require govuk_publishing_components/components/button

Create a separate JS bundle for govuk-frontend components

As of govuk-frontend v5.0.0, the target for browser support has changed to browsers that support using the type="module" attribute on script tags. This means that govuk_publishing_components JavaScript files that include files from govuk-frontend will now error ungracefully and potentially function in an unpredictable way if a browser that doesn't support type="module", tries to evaluate the Javascript in a script tag without the type="module" attribute.

To ensure that grade X browsers don't evaluate the JavaScript that they don't support, consider using a separate file called es6-components.js for these components, for example:

# es6-components.js
//= require govuk_publishing_components/lib
//= require govuk_publishing_components/components/accordion

Then include this in a script tag with the type="module attribute:

# application.html.erb
<%= javascript_include_tag 'es6-components.js', type: "module" %>

This will ensure that browsers will only be able to load the JavaScript that they are capable of running.

Note: You can get an up-to-date list of components that use govuk-frontend JS using the component auditing tools, components that use JS from govuk-frontend will be marked as "Yes" under the "GF JS" column.

New use_es6_components config option

If you are using the layout_for_public or layout_for_admin templates, you can use the new use_es6_components config option in your application to load the es6-components.js bundle you create. If this config is set to true and there is no es6-components.js file then an error will occur.

# config/initializers/govuk_publishing_components.rb
GovukPublishingComponents.configure do |config|
  config.use_es6_components = true

Using the type="module" attribute

Scripts that use type=”module” will run in strict mode and be deferred by default. Please refer to the "Stop Internet Explorer 11 and other older browsers running unsupported JavaScript" section of the govuk-frontend v5.0.0 release notes further details and recommendations.

Import all JavaScript (deprecated, will be removed in a later version)

If your application doesn't use Slimmer/Static:

# application.js
//= require govuk_publishing_components/dependencies
//= require govuk_publishing_components/all_components

If your application does use Slimmer/Static:

# application.js
//= require govuk_publishing_components/all_components