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119 lines (119 loc) · 3.99 KB

File metadata and controls

119 lines (119 loc) · 3.99 KB

Clean Architecture

  1. Folder Structure
    ├── cmd
    │   └── web
    │       └── main.go
    ├── config
    │   ├── driver.go
    │   ├── mysql.go
    │   └── sqlite.go
    ├── go.mod
    ├── go.sum
    ├── handler
    │   └── album.go
    ├── Makefile
    ├── models
    │   ├── albums.go
    │   └── prepareDB.go
    ├── repository
    │   └── albumrepo.go
    └── router
       └── router.go
  2. cmd/web/main.go is entry point to run go application and define:
    1. Initial Database connection
      // sqlite
      config.DB = config.SqliteConn("foo.db")
      defer config.DB.Close()
    2. Run application
      router := router.Router()
  3. config/driver.go is contained global pointer database connection *sql.DB
  4. config/sqlite.go and config/mysql.go are define function SqliteConn(f string) *sql.DB return pointer database connection
  5. repository/albumrepo.go defines an AlbumRepo interface with methods:
    type AlbumRepo interface {
        Get() ([]models.Album, error)
        GetByID(id string) (models.Album, error)
        Create(title string, artist string, price float64) error
        Update(title string, artist string, price float64, id string) error
        Delete(id string) error
  6. models/albums.go defines:
    1. An Album table
      type Album struct {
          ID     int     `json:"id"`
          Title  string  `json:"title"`
          Artist string  `json:"artist"`
          Price  float64 `json:"price"`
    2. A struct for binding an client request body for an album
      type RequestAlbum struct {
          Title  string  `json:"title"`
          Artist string  `json:"artist"`
          Price  float64 `json:"price"`
    3. Using global pointer database connection *sql.DB from config/driver.go
    4. Implementation all method of AlbumRepo interface
      func (al Album) Get() ([]models.Album, error) {}
      func (al Album) GetByID(id string) (models.Album, error) {}
      func (al Album) Create(title string, artist string, price float64) error {}
      func (al Album) Update(title string, artist string, price float64, id string) error {}
      func (al Album) Delete(id string) error {}
  7. handler/album.go defines:
    1. An AlbumHandler struct with albumRepo is repository Album interface
      type AlbumHandler struct {
          albumRepo repository.AlbumRepo
    2. Define NewAlbumHandler function to return AlbumHandler object
      func NewAlbumHandler() *AlbumHandler {
          return &AlbumHandler{
              albumRepo: models.Album{},
    3. Implementation all CRUD method on AlbumHandler and query database using AlbumHandler.albumRepo attribute
      func (al AlbumHandler) Index(c *gin.Context) {}
      func (al AlbumHandler) Show(c *gin.Context) {}
      func (al AlbumHandler) Create(c *gin.Context) {}
      func (al AlbumHandler) Update(c *gin.Context) {}
      func (al AlbumHandler) Delete(c *gin.Context) {}
  8. router/router.go defines:
    1. Create a *gin.Engine
      router := gin.New()
    2. Create an AlbumHandler
      albumH := handler.NewAlbumHandler()
    3. Doing route base on url
      router.GET("/albums", albumH.Index)
      router.GET("/albums/:id", albumH.Show)
      router.POST("/albums", albumH.Create)
      router.PUT("/albums/:id", albumH.Update)
      router.DELETE("/albums/:id", albumH.Delete)