javascript: (async (s) => {
/* Was not used as search engine */
if (s === globalThis.atob("JXM=")) s = undefined;
* More bookmarklets at
* When used as a browser search engine `s` will be what user typed in address bar
* Post:
/* Use this to get input */
if (!s) s = globalThis.prompt("hh:mm/hh:mm, hh:mm/hh:mm, ...");
if (!s) return;
/* When copied from slack edited message */
s = s.replace("(edited)", "");
let timeToDur = (t) => {
let [h, m] = t.split(":");
return Number(h) * 60 + Number(m);
let durToTime = (d) => {
let h = String(Math.floor(d / 60)).padStart(2, "0");
let m = String(d % 60).padStart(2, "0");
return `${h}:${m}`;
let diffTime = (t1, t2) => {
let d1 = timeToDur(t1);
let d2 = timeToDur(t2);
let d = d1 < d2 ? d2 - d1 : d2 + 24 * 60 - d1;
return durToTime(d);
let split = (a, s) => {
return a
.map((l) => l.trim())
let totalTime = (entries, convert = true) => {
let total = split(entries, ",")
.map((l) => diffTime(...split(l, "/")))
.reduce((t1, t2) => t1 + t2);
return convert ? durToTime(total) : total / 60;
let human = totalTime(s, true);
let machine = totalTime(s, false).toFixed(2);
globalThis.alert(`${human} / ${machine}`);