Releases: allegro/hermes
0.15.4 (14.01.2018)
0.15.3 (09.01.2018)
0.15.2 (5.12.2018)
(957) Optimized elasticsearch template mapping
0.15.1 (28.11.2018)
(956) Updated elasticsearch to 6.1.4 version in hermes-tracker
(955) Changed format for subscription healthcheck endpoint
From now on we can list unhealthy subscriptions via following endpoint on hermes-management:
POST `/unhealthy
We can also provide parameters:
POST /unhealthy?ownerSourceName={ownerSourceName}&ownerId={service_id}&respectMonitoringSeverity=true
Thanks the first two parameters you can narrow down search results to unhealthy subscriptions owned by provided
{ownerId} from {ownerSourceName}.
The last flag decides whether monitoring severity flag on subscription should be respected. If true then only
unhealthy subscriptions with severity monitor set to Important
or Critical
will be returned by unhealthy endpoint.
0.15.0 (06.11.2018)
8 changes were merged in this release which were done during Allegro Hacktoberfest event.
(919) Test case for lowercase header by @adididas122
(935) Added log ready debug message to hermes response interface by @mictyd
(937) 503 response without Retry-After does not ignore rate limiting by @spooz
(938) Introduce randomTopic test helper method creating topic with random name by @Theer108
(940) Added message filter type validation against topic by @klacia
(942) Passing max message size to kafka by @mictyd
(943) Added content type validation disabling AVRO for BATCH delivery mode by @pwolaq
(949) Added clone action for topics and subscriptions by @pwolaq
0.14.0 (25.10.2018)
0.13.5 (22.10.2018)
(947) Fix subscription page
0.13.4 (22.10.2018)
(933) Fix trackingmode mapping
Fix improper mapping for tracking mode in subsription edit page.
0.13.3 (18.10.2018)
(918) Trace only discarded messages
Added options to trace only discarded messages for subscription and error for topic.
(916) Subscription filter on UI
Now we support editing filters via UI. Filters can be added/edited during creation or editing a subscription.
(923) Avro filter supports null value
Now using avro filter we are able to filter fields with a null value.
(924) Adding health status endpoint to hermes-management
(925) Updating wiremock and switching it to standalone version
Updating wiremock to the latest version (2.19.0) and using standalone version where it is possible to avoid conflicts of its dependencies.
0.13.2 (20.09.2018)
(909) Schema update improvements
From now on when topic schema is updated via hermes-console then all Hermes instances are notified to load latest schema
from schema-registry as soon as possible (by default they should be notified in 2 minutes).