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Hints for ~250 leetcode problems. Mostly medium, some hard. Good practice list for internships/job hunt.

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Solutions here


  • BF - Brute Force, many times I use Array and BF interchangeably; just implement the obvious logic.
  • DP - Dynamic Programming
  • Array - Problem specific array logic
  • D&C - Divide & Conquer

First hint list

# Tags Hints Complexity
1 Hash Use hash map to store all values until current value. O(n)
2 BF Brute force. O(n)
3 Array Use a window. Extend if next element is not in the current window. O(n)
5 DP Build recurrence relation (may help to solve longest common substring problem) O(n^2)
7 BF Brute force. O(log(n))
9 BF Brute force. O(log(n))
10 DP Use a 2D matrix. DP[i][j] = whether p[0:i] matches with str[0:j]. O(mn)
15 Array Solve 2 sum before attempting this problem. O(n^2)
16 Array Similar to 3 sum, but use a sorted array and make front++, back-- updates to minimize abs(target - sum). O(n^2)
17 Recursion Possible approaches are trie, or more easy - building on smaller solution. O(4^n)
22 Recursion If less than n open brackets are open, we can add open bracket. But to add a close bracket you need count(')') < count('(') .
23 Heap Use a data structure which can give you minimum element at low cost. .
26 Array Maintain length of unique elements till current element. O(n)
27 Array vector.erase() will not work, as vector overwrites the element every time erase is called. O(n)
28 BF Brute force. O(mn)
31 Array, Sorting Find the location closest from the end which has segment ab of the form a < b, and make it ba. O(n log(n))
33 Binary Search Array increasing, sudden drop and then increasing again. Find out where the middle element is, can it's location help you? O(log(n))
36 BF Brute force. O(1)
42 Stack + Array Find next greater element index for each index, and prefix sum for each element. Can you build the solution from this? Check out problem 496 for next greater element. O(n)
43 BF Normal multiplication, like in school. O(n log(d))
44 DP Solve problem 10 first. Construct a 2D box of size len(pattern)*len(string). DP[i][j] = whether p[0:i] matches with str[0:j] O(mn)
46 Recursion Combine str[0] with permutations of str[1:], use recursion. O(n!)
47 Recursion Eg, aaaabbcc, only one of each kind {a, b, c} can come at 0th index. Recurse. O(n!)
48 Array index <i, j> is i positions from left, j positions from top. Find a mapping to 3 other locations, and swap the values. O(n^2)
49 Hash Hashing O(n) if O(1) hash
50 D&C/Recursion 2^n = 2^(n/2)*2^(n/2) O(log(n))
51 Backtracking + Pruning If a queen is in <i, j>, block that diagonal, row & column. O(n!)
52 Backtracking Solution for 51 is more exhaustive than this problem. O(n!)
53 Array Keep extending window <i, j> to the right until sum > 0, if sum < 0, set i = j+1 O(n)
54 Array/BF Brute Force O(n^2)
56 Sorting Sort based on start time. O(n log(n))
57 Sorting Insert interval and do problem 56. O(n log(n))
66 BF Brute force O(n)
67 BF Simple array addition O(log(n))
68 Array If you can fit in k words in a line, there must by atleast k-1 spaces, so L-(k-1)-sum(char's in words) must be divided mentioned in the question. O(n)
69 Binary Search start = 0, end = x/2, binary search O(log(n))
70 DP DP[i] = DP[i-1] + DP[i-2] O(n)
71 BF Split by '/', use stack to handle '..' O(n)
72 DP 2D DP, DP[i][j] = minimum steps for string1 till i to match with string2 until j. Also note that adding a character in one string is the same as removing it in another. O(n^2)
75 2 pointer Start & end indices. See if you can swap em into place. O(n)
76 Array Extend and contract window. O(n)
77 Backtrack Backtracking O(nCk)
78 Backtrack Backtracking Or generate all numbers between 0 & 2^n and use bit properties. O(2^n)
79 DFS DFS if letter match O(nm * len(str))
80 BF Implementation based, maintain count. O(n)
81 Binary Search Similar to Problem 33. O(log(n))
88 Array Merging logic from merge sort O(n+m)
90 Array Build the powerset starting from []. [[], [1]] + [2] -> [[], [1], [2], [1, 2]] + [2] = [[], [1], [2], [1, 2], [2, 2], [1, 2, 2]} O(2^n)
91 DP DP[i] = number of ways to decode until position i, relate it with DP[i-1] & DP[i-1] O(n)
98 Tree Traversal Both subtrees must be BST and max(left subtree) < min(right subtree) O(n)
101 Tree Traversal Assume you're at root, ll - left subtree of left subtree, and so on; Condition is ll = rr & lr = rl & l->val = r->val. O(n)
102 BFS Straighforward BFS O(n)
103 BFS BFS + stack at alternate levels. O(n)
104 Tree Traversal f(i) = 1 + max(f(i->left), f(i->right)) O(n)
107 Tree Traversal Problem 102 + reverse the result. O(n)
108 Array Middle element becoems root. O(n)
116 BFS BFS will give the ordering. O(n)
117 BFS Same hint as 116. O(n)
118 BF Generate new row from old row. O(n^2)
119 BF Generate new row from old row. O(n^2)
128 DP DP problem, find recurrence relation. O(n)
133 DFS/BF Copy the original graph in a DFS like manner. O(E+V)
137 Bit manipulation/Array Consider 1 bit version, only 0's and 1's are allowed. If all numbers except one come 3 times, then there will be either 3k 1's, or 3k 0's followed by the bit of the actual number. So, whenever 1 comes 3 times make it 0. In the end, only the bit in the required number will be existing. Extend this logic to 32 bits. O(n)
139 DP DP[i] = whether sentence S[1:i] has a valid word break. DP[i] is true if some DP[j] is true and S[j:i] is a word. O(n^2)
140 DP Same as 139, keep track of all possible solutions at each i. O(n^2)
146 Hashing/Array Mostly brute force; keep track of which element needs to get evicted next, elements are stored in a hash. O(1) per operation
149 Array For each point X, check slope with every other point. If 5 points have same slope S then they all fall on the same line where X defines the intercept for slope S. O(n^2)
150 Stack Use stack to store operands and whenever operator is seen, evaluate. Use stoi() to convert string to number. O(n)
152 Array Maintain max and min values while iterating through the array. If A[i] is -ve, then swap max and min, as min is now a candidate to become max (after multiplying). While multiplying with A[i], only multiply if it can increase max or decrease min. If it cannot, then that subarray ends there and must start with A[i]. O(n)
161 BF When there is mismatch, check if A[i+1:] == B[j:], A[i+1:] == B[j+1:], A[i:] == B[j+1:]. O(n)
164 Bucketing Try to bucket numbers b/w min and max with gap = ceil(max-min / n-1). This way minimum gap is atleast according to the formula. If the numbers are in the same bucket then they cannot form the answer. So for every bucket you only have to maintain the min and max, compare max[i-1] with min[i] for all i, as they would be consecutive in the final sorting order. Note that maybe you can't place largest number inside some bucket, so keep an extra check later. O(n)
168 BF If n <= 26, then this is easy. Otherwise it is F(n) = F(n/26)+ (char)n%26; something like this. Calculate the exact relation. O(log(n))
169 Array Assume A[0] is the majority element i.e. curmax = 0, whenever A[i] != A[curmax], reduce the count, if the count becomes -ve at any point, set curmax = i. Idea is that we are cancelling all non-equal elements, if some element occurs more than half times, then in the end curmax should point to that element. O(n)
172 Math [n/5] + [n/25] + [n/125] and so on .. where [] is floor operator. O(log(n))
173 Stack For every element, go right and then left repeatedly to get the next smallest element, can storing it in a stack help? O(n)
187 Hash Store all 10 letter substrings in a hashtable. O(n)
190 BF Remember to store answer in unsigned long. Construct answer from bits. O(log(n))
191 BF Straighforward. O(log(n))
198 DP DP[i] = max(DP[i-2]+nums[i], DP[i-1]). O(n)
200 DFS Do DFS whenever you encounter a 1; #islands = # of times the DFS routine is called from main(). O(n*m)
202 Set Use a set to keep track of all visited numbers. Don't know.
205 Hash Make sure you have a 1-1 mapping. O(n)
206 BF Use variables prevNode, curNode, nextNode. You need to do it this step by step, decide in how to and in what order to set the said variables. O(n)
207 DFS You're looking for a loop. So set the nodes whom you're visiting in the current loop as gray, and if you end up visiting a gray node then there is a loop. O(V+E)
208 Tree Multiway tree. O(n) for both search and insert, n = # letters
209 Array Expanding and shrinking window approach. O(n)
210 Topological Sorting Make sure to check for cycles. O(V+E)
212 Trie+DFS Problem is that you never know when a word ends. If no word starts with prefix "ab" and your path in DFS is currently "ab" you can break the current DFS chain. See if a trie can help with this kind of pruning. O(n^2*m^2) in the absolute worst case, all words use all the letters in the matrix.
214 BF/KMP KMP is faster. But BF works by asking .. what is the largest prefix of the string that is also a palindrome, and thus how many characters are needed to make it into a palindrome. O(n)
215 QuickSort Don't complete the sort. Partition, and if there are more than k characters in the first half, search for kth largest in the first half, else search for it in the second half (subtract number of elements in the first half). O(log(n)) on average
217 HashSet Check if an element is already in the set, if not add it. O(n)
219 HashMap Similar to 217. O(n)
220 HashMap Divide all numbers by t. Then use a hashset to check for nums[i]-1, nums[i] and nums[i+1] O(n)
221 DP DP[i][j] = length of biggest square ending at i, j. Use DP[i-1][j], DP[i-1][j-1], DP[i][j-1] to get and update expression for DP[i][j]. O(mn)
224 Stack You need to use 2 stacks. Read internet article on expression evaluation. O(n)
227 Stack Similar to 224, but you need to use preference order. O(n)
228 BF Single pass through the numbers, you should be able to get the first and the last elements of the ranges. Check what happens if there is only one element. O(n)
230 Inorder Traversal Find the kth largest element during traversal. O(n)
231 Bit manipulation Only one bit must be set. O(1)
234 List Reversal Reverse first half of linked list and then go outwards from the centre. O(n)
235 BF Current node should be larger than one element but smaller than one element. Find this node. O(h)
236 BF Find the path to each node, then compare the paths. O(n)
238 Array Compute prefix product array and suffix product array. O(n)
239 Array/Stack Solve Next greater element problem. Until nge index is outside the window, current maximum will repeat. O(n)
240 Array Start from the top right corner, if larger than target, go left, else go down. O(m+n)
246 Array Find out the mapping, 1-1, 6-9 and so on. Algo is similar to checking palindrome, instead check for this mapping. O(n)
247 Recursion Can expand $ as it as "1$1", "0$0", "6$9", "8$8" and so on. O(5^n)
248 Recursion Similar to 247, just check if it is in range and add it to the list. O(5^n)
249 Hashing For each string S, convert it into a Key K by using a concept of offsets. O(n), string processing is assumed to be O(1)
251 BF Keep track of which vector and position you are at. O(n), n = # total number of elements
252 Sorting Sort by start or end time, and check if a previous interval interrupts the next one. O(n log(n))
253 Greedy/Heap Basically interval scheduling problem. O(n log(n))
257 Inorder traversal Maintain a path string and add to solution when you hit null. O(n)
259 Sorting/2Sum Sort and do 2 sum like algo. They asked for index triplets, so duplicates aren't an issue. O(n^2)
261 DFS If any chain of exploration hits an already visited node, return false. O(n)
263 BF Divide by 2, 3, 5. You should have 1 in the end. O(log(n)) in terms of bits.
264 BF There are 3 sequences 2x1, 2x2, 2x3....; 3x1, 3x2, 3x3, ...; 5x1, 5x2, 5x3 ...; Keep 3 pointers, at each step, each of these pointers will give the next candidate. The minimum candidate is the next ugly number. O(n)
265 BF/Greedy M[i][j] = cost of painting first i house and i is painted in color j. Fill it it in a bottom up fashion. O(n^2)
266 BF Keep count of letters. O(n)
269 Topological Sort Construct the mapping using the dictionary, then do topological sorting. O(n*max(word_length))
270 BST Root to leaf search. O(log(n))
271 Array Use string length to keep track. O(n), n=total number of characters
272 Tree traversal Given a sorted order, can you extract the k numbers in O(n)? Inorder traversal gives sorted order in O(n). To extract the k numbers, find 2 numbers - the smallest number larger than target (right index), and the largest number smaller than target (left index). Extend left and right indices until you have k numbers. O(n)
273 BF Write a routine that deals with the lowest 3 positions of the number, you can use this to create a billion b million c thousand d. O(log(n))
274 Sorting Check for conditions from highest citation to lowest citation in sorter order. O(n)
275 Array Same algo as above. O(n)
277 Array Consider P1, P2. If P1 knows P2, P1 can't be the answer and vice versa. If both know each other or both don't know each other, both can't be the answer. Extend this idea. O(n)
278 Binary Search BF o(log(n))
279 DP F(n) = 1 + min{i = 1..sqrt(N)} (F(n-i*i)) O(n sqrt(n))
316 Stack First count number of instances of each character. Go through left to right. If the stack is empty, insert. If the character is already in the stack, continue. While the character in the is larger than current character and has more instances later, remove it. Finally add current char to the stack. Core idea is that you are trying to push the smaller characters to the left as much as possible. You only force yourself to add a larger character if it never appears again. O(n)
413 Array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]. can be written as [5, 3] i.e. 5 sequence of difference 1 and 3 sequence of difference 2, you need to figure out how many parts you can split 5 and 3 into. O(n)
694 DFS Keep track of the directions in which DFS proceeds in some form, maybe a string like ddr for down down right. O(rows*cols)
738 Array Find the first time Xi > Xi+1, Xi -= 1 and turn all Xi+k = 9, For eg, 321 becomes 299. Figure out cases like 33332. O(n)

Second hint list

# Hints Complexity
5 Use DP, P<i, j> = P<i+1, j-1> && S[i] == S[j] is the recurrence relation. O(n^2)
10 Manually solve [aab, cab], [ab, .b], [aaa, ab*a] for corner cases. O(mn)
15 2sum for a sorted list gives a more optimal sub routine here. O(n^2)
17 Build solution for first k numbers, and modify solution vector for k+1 number. O(4^n)
22 Backtracking based solution.
23 Use heap (this method uses extra memory).
27 Count the number of occurences in a variable - acting as offset.
31 Sort from b onwards. Solution is done.
33 Depending upon the location of the middle element and whether target is lower or greater than middle element, write 4 cases.
42 Let nge(i) = k and p be prefix sum array, we can roughly say water trapped = Sigma[ (h_i x (k-i)) - (p[k]-p[i])]
44 Write cases for when p[i] = '' and not ''. O(mn)
108 Left node must be filled before right node.
128 If L[k] represents the largest consecutive sequence, L[k] -> L[k-L[k]]+ L[k]