Deployment with
We are using a custom nginx.conf.sigil. When updating Dokku, make sure to check if the most recent default nginx base is used.
Set up a Dokku application, create and link a Postgres DB and a Redis instance, respectivly. Then set up all the environment variables. Finally:
git push dokku
To use a custom (and updated) image for postgre (and redis): Full the image, and then specify the tag like this:
docker pull postgres:11
dokku postgres:upgrade $dbname -I 11
Here a script to keep the images up to date:
- setup a default server:
- to make the custom CHECKS file work: set a list of allowed hosts (e.g. a local IP adress):,xx.xx.xx.xx
mkdir /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/some-storage
The uid and gid of the user of the Dockerfile (in this case the user django
chown -R 101:101 /var/lib/dokku/data/storage/some-storage
16 * * * * /usr/bin/dokku run unding ./ dbbackup --encrypt --compress --clean
16 12,19 * * * /usr/bin/dokku run unding ./ mediabackup --encrypt --compress --clean