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The goal of valueR is to facilitate access to real estate market data from VALUE AG’s Market Data team via our API interfaces with R.


This package emerged from our own analyses of VALUE market data using R that we would like to make available to our users. The package is still under active development and we are happy to receive hints on enhancements to the functionality.


You can install the development version of valueR from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools", dependencies = T)


With valueR you can access two of our REST-APIs:


VALUE ANALYST is based on our real estate market database, which provides up-to-date and comprehensive information on prices, rents and yields of the German real estate market. Most users access our database via our GUI “Analyst”, we therefore refer to this access as “Analyst” in the context of valueR.

If you have a VALUE license with API/REST access, you can find the Swagger documentation here.


VALUE AVM is a fully comprehensive solution for automated value indication and system-supported derivation of market and lending values. With the AVM, different value indications and also object and location parameters can be fetched. The latter are currently not yet implemented in valueR.

If you have a VALUE license with AVM-API/REST access, you can find the Swagger documentation here.


To access VALUE Analyst and VALUE AVM you need a license with individual access data for each. Without valid credentials, the use of valueR is pointless. Please contact us if you would like a trial license.

To load the package, run


You will be asked to provide you credentials using valuer_access():

#> Unable to connect to AVM.
#> Unable to connect to ANALYST.
#> Please connect with valuer_access() to AVM or ANALYST.

To avoid having to enter credentials every time, valueR recognizes the following system variables:





It is highly recommended to set these variable using Sys.setenv() in .Renviron.

Developers with access to our testing-systems might also set VALUER_AVM_URL and VALUER_ANALYST_URL which both default to our live-systems if not provided.

Once you have provided your credentials, you will be logged in:

#> Connected to AVM:
#> Connected to ANALYST:


First, you might check the system status by


There are some information on your license, e.g. the segments of your license

analyst_segments() %>% dplyr::select(key, titleEn) %>% head(5)
#>        key                                                   titleEn
#> 1    WHG_M                                 Flats/apartments for rent
#> 2    WHG_K                             Flats/apartments for purchase
#> 3   EZFH_K                     Single/two-family houses for purchase
#> 4   EZFH_M                         Single/two-family houses for rent
#> 5 MFHWGH_K Multi-family houses, residential and commercial buildings

your licensed variables

analyst_vars() %>% dplyr::select(key, titleEn) %>% head(5)
#>                      key                         titleEn
#> 1             aadr_firma        Company name of provider
#> 2 aadr_gewerblich_janein             Commercial provider
#> 3           aadr_telefon    Telephone number of provider
#> 4             angebot_id                              ID
#> 5    anz_balkon_terrasse Number of balconies or terraces

or spatial information

analyst_spatial(type = 'municipalities') %>% head(5) %>% dplyr::select(municipalityCode,municipality)
#>   municipalityCode municipality
#> 1          1001000    Flensburg
#> 2          1002000         Kiel
#> 3          1003000       Lübeck
#> 4          1004000   Neumünster
#> 5          1051001   Albersdorf

Each of these functions return a data.frame() inlcuding all available descriptions.

To start a query, you must create a query on a given segment, with the provided filter conditions using analyst_id(). The returned ID can be used in subsequent API requests to access the data described by this query. The ID is only valid for 6 hours, before it expires and has to be posted again. A query must be provided as JSON, e.g.

id <- analyst_id(json = '{"segment": "WHG_K","administrativeSpatialFilter": {"postalCodes": [23558]}}',query_id = T)
#> [1] 17780526

To create a valid JSON, you can also create a query in our ANALYST GUI and get the corresponding JSON output. Note that due to query_id = T, analyst_id() will return only an integer that can be used for further requests, which in turn return an object of class list.

This structured list contain several objects from which you can choose. In most cases, you probably want to refer to values that include a tidy data.frame() of results. But you might also use the returned JSON to start a new query. Let’s say, you want to create an ID for the counterpart to your original request, you could than use analyst_queries() to get the counterpart

counterpart <- analyst_queries(id = id, subquery = 'counterpart')

and then getting a new ID for that counterpart:

#> {"segment":["WHG_M"],"administrativeSpatialFilter":{"postalCodes":[23558]}}

id_counter <- analyst_id(json = counterpart$json,query_id = T)
#> [1] 17791137

You’re then ready to get all results of your original request and its counterpart using analyst_results(). E.g. to get a timeline of both requests, set subquery = 'timeline' and provide yearParts.

# Leave variable empty to get available variables:
analyst_results(id, subquery = 'timeline', yearparts = 2)$values$key
#> You will find available variables to get timeline results for your queryId 17780526 at values$keys.
#> [1] "einnahmen_kaufpreisfaktor" "einnahmen_rendite"        
#> [3] "kosten_je_flaeche"         "kstn_kaufpreis"

orig <- analyst_results(id, subquery = 'timeline', variable = 'kosten_je_flaeche', yearparts = 2) 
orig_seg <- analyst_queries(id = id, subquery = 'queryId')$values$segment # get segment of ID
orig_v <- orig$values %>% dplyr::mutate(segment = orig_seg)

counter <- analyst_results(id_counter, subquery = 'timeline', variable = 'kstn_miete_kalt_pqm', yearparts = 2)
counter_seg <- analyst_queries(id = id_counter, subquery = 'queryId')$values$segment # get segment of counter ID
counter_v <- counter$values %>% dplyr::mutate(segment = counter_seg)

# combine both queries and compute index to plot results:

results <- orig_v %>% dplyr::bind_rows(counter_v) %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(segment) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(index = value / value[date == min(date)] * 100)

With analyst_results() and the corresponding ID, all predefined results can be retrieved. You can also get all single offers of the query by setting subquery = 'offers' to run your own statistics and analysis.

Please also note that the ANALYST API also includes an endpoint to retrieve georeferencing of an address. Currently, this endpoint cannot be accessed with valueR.


coming upon request…