A tiny, zero dependency helper for sending text messages with Twilio. Just enough of a wrapper to abstract away Twilio's REST API for sending messages, without anything else.

Twilio's full Ruby library does a lot, and has a large memory footprint to go with it—too large for just sending a message. It's also more difficult to mock and verify in tests than I'd like.
Using Twilio’s REST API directly is fine, but can be cumbersome.
You should consider using Twilito if the only thing you need to do is send text messages and you don't want to worry about making HTTP requests to Twilio yourself.
If you use more of Twilio, consider twilio-ruby or interact with the REST API in another way.
Twilito should work on Ruby 2.4 and up.
Install the gem
gem 'twilito'
Simplest case
result = Twilito.send_sms(
+ to: '+15555555555',
+ from: '+15554444444',
+ content: 'This is my content',
+ account_sid: '...', auth_token: '...'
+result.success? result.errors result.sid result.response result.data
Use send_sms! to raise on error instead
+ Twilito.send_sms!(
+ to: '+15555555555',
+ from: '+12333',
+ body: 'This is my content',
+ account_sid: '...',
+ auth_token: '...'
+ )
+rescue Twilito::SendError => e
+ e.message e.response end
Every argument can be defaulted
+Twilito.configure do |config|
+ config.account_sid = ENV['TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID']
+ config.auth_token = ENV['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN']
+ config.from = '+16145555555'
+Twilito.send_sms!(to: '+15555555555', body: 'Foo')
Everything can be defaulted, including the message body, so that a bare Twilio.send_sms!
can work in your code
Sending MMS
+result = Twilito.send_sms(
+ to: '+15555555555',
+ content: 'This is my content',
+ media_url: 'https://example.com/image.png',
Testing your code
TODO: Add examples of mocking and/or test helpers for asserting your code sends an SMS
Contribute Feedback, Ideas, and Bug Reports
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There is currently an open issue for adding RDoc/YARD documentation
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