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Automate Your Workflows with GitHub Actions

🔖 The following instructions will take on the assumption that you will be completing the steps on the GitHub UI. Feel free to use the terminal or any other GUIs you are comfortable with.

Presentation Summary:

Workflow 1: Steps to set up CI workflow

Create a repository

  1. Log into your GitHub account and create a new repository

    • Give it a name, e.g. my-first-github-action, and a description
    • It does not matter if you set the visiblity to Private or Public
    • Select Add a README file
    • Click Create repository

Set up python project files

💡 For the purpose of this exercise, we will be committing directly to your default branch (e.g. main) so you don't need to create a new branch beforehand

  1. Add this file to the root of your repository pyproject.toml and add your code in src/example/

    • You can create the project files manually and copy the content into each;

      • pyproject.toml: Contains your python project meta data

        Click here to view file contents to copy:
        💡 Replace the placeholders OWNER with your GitHub handle or organization name (if you created the repository in an organization), and REPOSITORY_NAME.
        # Project name for pypi
        # $ pip install gh_action_gdsc_OWNER
        name = "gh_action_gdsc_OWNER"  # Required
        version = "1.0.3"  # Required
        description = "A sample python github action project from GDSC EPITA"  # Optional        
        readme = "" # Optional
        requires-python = ">=3.7"
        license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"}
        keywords = ["github-action", "tutorial", "GDSC", "GDSC EPITA"]  # Optional
        authors = [
          {name = "GDSC EPITA", email = "[email protected]" } # Optional
        [project.optional-dependencies] # Optional
        dev = ["check-manifest"]
        test = ["coverage"]
        [project.urls]  # Optional
        "Homepage" = ""
        "Bug Reports" = ""
        "Source" = ""
        # The following would provide a command line executable called `example`
        # which executes the function `main` from this package when invoked.
        [project.scripts]  # Optional
        example = "example:main"
        package-data = {"example" = ["*.dat"]}
        requires = ["setuptools>=43.0.0", "wheel"]
        build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
      • tox.ini: Contains your python test meta data

        Click here to view file contents to copy:
        envlist = py{37,38,39,310}
        # Minimal tox version required to run
        minversion = 3.3.0
        isolated_build = true
        deps =
            check-manifest >= 0.42
            # If your project uses README.rst, uncomment the following:
            # readme_renderer
        commands =
            check-manifest --ignore 'tox.ini,tests/**'
            python -m build
            python -m twine check dist/*
            flake8 .
            py.test tests {posargs}
        exclude = .tox,*.egg,build,data
        select = E,W,F
      • src/example/ Your source code

        Click here to view file contents to copy:
        def say(line):
            return line
      • tests/ Your test code

        Click here to view file contents to copy:
        import unittest
        from example.simple import say
        class TestSimple(unittest.TestCase):
            def test_say(self):
                self.assertEqual(say("Hello"), "Hello")
    • Make sure your changes are committed to your default branch before proceeding

Add a CI Workflow

  1. Create the following file to the default branch:

    • .github/workflows/ci.yml
      • This will be the workflow file taking care of building and testing your source code
      • The file content will be empty for now
  2. After the above steps are finished, you should have the following files in your repository;

    • pyproject.toml
    • tox.ini
    • src/example/
    • tests/
    • .github/workflows/ci.yml
  3. 🎉 If everything looks fine so far, it's time to start creating our CI workflow!

  4. Go to .github/workflows/ci.yml and enter edit mode by clicking the pencil 📝 icon

    Click here to view file contents to copy:

    # This workflow will run CI on your codebase, label your PR, and comment on the result
    name: Test Label and Comment
      pull_request: # the workflow will trigger on every pull request event
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            python: ['3.9', '3.10'] # matrix for building and testing your code across multiple node versions
          - name: Checkout
            uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python }}
            uses: actions/setup-python@v3
                python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
          - name: Install test dependencies
            run: python -m pip install -U tox
          - name: Test
            run: python -m tox -e py
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        needs: build #this ensures that we only trigger the label job if ci is successful
          - name: Checkout
            uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - uses: actions/github-script@v3
              github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
              script: |
                  issue_number: context.issue.number,
                  owner: context.repo.owner,
                  repo: context.repo.repo,
                  labels: ['release']
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        needs: [build, label]
          - name: Checkout
            uses: actions/checkout@v2
          - name: Comment on the result
            uses: actions/github-script@v3
              github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
              script: |
                  issue_number: context.issue.number,
                  owner: context.repo.owner,
                  repo: context.repo.repo,
                  body: `
                  Great job **@${context.payload.sender.login}**! Your CI passed, and the PR has been automatically labelled.
                  Once ready, we will merge this PR to trigger the next part of the automation :rocket:
  • ⚠️ yaml syntax relies on indentation, please make sure that this is not changed

  • Update the name of your workflow

  • Within the comment job, you can edit the body of the comment as you see fit

  • Commit the changes to your default branch

  • Knowledge Check

    • How many jobs are there in the workflow?

      Answer The workflow contains three jobs:
      • a build-job,
      • a label-job,
      • a comment-job
    • What is the event that will trigger this workflow?

      Answer The workflow is triggered by any pull request events.
    • Does this workflow use a build matrix?

      Answer Yes, this workflow will build and test across multiple python versions.

🎉 Awesome, now our CI workflow should be complete!

Modify the Github actions permissions

Set the workflow permissions to write otherwise you will get an error message in the next step
Settings -> Actions -> General:

Choose the default permissions granted to the GITHUB_TOKEN when running workflows in this repository. You can specify more granular permissions in the workflow using YAML.
x Workflows have read and write permissions in the repository for all scopes.

Don't forget to click save

Test the CI Workflow

  1. To test our CI workflow, we need to trigger it. And the event that triggers it is pull_request. So let's create a pull request to get this workflow running

  2. Go to your file and enter edit mode

  3. Make some changes/add some text

  4. Commit your changes to a new branch e.g. update-readme and click Commit changes

  5. In the pull request, leave the title and the body to default and click Create pull request

  6. In your PR, click on the Checks tab

    • You should now see your workflow kicking off, and executing all the steps defined in .github/workflows/ci.yml
  7. After the workflow has completed, check that the following is true in your PR;

    • A label release has been added
    • A comment is added to the PR with the text corresponding to what you defined in the comment job inside .github/workflows/ci.yml
  8. If your workflow fails, inspect the log output:

    • Which job failed?
    • Did you update your pyproject.toml file correctly?
    • Does the log indicate any syntax errors with your CI workflow file?

⚠️ Do not merge your pull request just yet! There's more to do.

Workflow 2: Steps to publish a package workflow

Add a workflow that publishes an PyPy package and creates

  1. Register a test.pypy account: and add an API Token in your account
  2. Setting -> Secrets and variables -> Actions -> New Repository Secret: Add a new repository secret in your repository with the name TEST_PYPI_API_TOKEN
  3. Add a workflow file at this directory .github/workflows/release.yml:
    • Checkout

    • Set up python

    • Install build dependencies setuptools wheel build

    • Publish the package to pypy with this actions pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1 with password and repository_url (

      Click here to view file contents to copy:
      # This workflow will create a PyPy package
      name: Publish
          # branches to consider in the event; optional, defaults to all
            [master, main]
          runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - name: Checkout
              uses: actions/checkout@v2
            - name: Set up Python
              uses: actions/setup-python@v1
                python-version: '3.x'
            - name: Install build dependencies
              run: python -m pip install -U setuptools wheel build
            - name: Build a binary wheel and a source tarball
              run: >-
                python -m
                --outdir dist/
            - name: Publish distribution 📦 to Test PyPI
              uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
                password: ${{ secrets.TEST_PYPI_API_TOKEN }}

Watch your actions come to life!

  1. Merge the pull request and check that your workflow completes successfully
  2. Check on the Action tab that the release action has completed
  3. Check on pypy that your package is visible

Use your package

You can now download and use your python package:
python3 -m pip install --index-url your-package

import example.simple