- github CI added ( PR: #22 many thnx to @petergoldstein )
- issue fixed #23
- dropped support for 2.4 ( transform_keys is missing, and I'm too lazy to backward reimplement it you can do PR if needed )
- Huge core-logic refactoring and simplification
- dollar signed literals/strings added
- strings literals issue #16 fixed
- strings literals colorized properly
- comments are bold and greyed now.
- code now is rubocoped with shopify rules
- No features just some code refactoring
- BREAKING CHANGE! ActiveRecord compatibility extracted to the rails_sql_prettifier gem! If you need niceql funcitonality with rails / active_record plz include rails_sql_prettifier has a a versioning aligned to the active_record versions and has same DSL for ActiveRecord the niceql was providing prior.
- description update
- merged PR #19, now Arel is also extended with niceql methods!!
- test and better niceql comparisons assertion
- tests were trialed against rails 4.2 and some additional conditions were added for later cases
- ruby forced to >= 2.4
- String match extension no longer needed
- fixed issue with missing HINT and DETAIL string ( #18 )
- both new and old activerecord StatementInvalid formats supported
- major prettify_pg_err refactoring ( much cleaner code now )
- Fix to issue #17 (comment). ActiveRecord base config is no longer a hash, so it does not have dig method, hence it's breaking the ar_using_pg_adapter? method.
- active_record added as development dependency :( for proper testing cover.
- ActiveRecord pg check for config now will try both connection_db_config and connection_config for adapter verification
- prettify_pg_errors will not be set to true if ActiveRecord adapter is not using pg, i.e. ar_using_pg_adapter? is false.
- rake dev dependency bumped according to security issues
- No features, just strict ruby dependency for >= 2.3,
- travis fix for ruby 2.3 and 2.6 added
- +LATERAL verb
- removed hidden rails dependencies PR(#9)
- multi query formatting
- fix bug for SQL started with comment
- Add respect for SQL comments single lined, multi lined, and inline
add prettify_pg_errors to config - now pg errors prettified output is configurable, default is true if ActiveRecord::Base defined and db adapter is pg
tests for error prettifying
- add color to logger output
- add test
- fix issue 1 for real
- Add prettify_active_record_log_output to rails config generator
- JOIN verb refactored, INNER|OUTER will be also colored properly
- prettify_active_record_log_output added to config, now you can set it to true and sql will log prettified