- Main
- cache (maybe?)
- add caching for the responses from databases
- add a flag thats saying data is stale and its currently loading
- add provider element for hooks to utilise. The idea is to create a custom provider that has access to firebase functions wrapped with hooks, so the user has to only wrap his
with provider, then hooks will be configured to consume that context.
- cache (maybe?)
- Firestore hooks
- read all documents in the collection
- get document by id
- Auth hooks
- Login user
- STRETCH GOAL: add support for Concurrent mode: when checking for user there is a time period where current user is being loaded in and there can be a burst of unloaded content shown to the user, which is ofc bad UX
- Add current user lookup function
- Sign up user
- Hooks for all signup methods
- Realtime DB hooks
- Storage hooks
Stretch goals:
- Static type checking for queries by asking user to input his db structure
- Dynamic imports of for only needed firebase parts, ie only
import "firebase/firestore"
when actually using firestore