This module, maybe, is stupid. It does an easy task in a very complicated fashion. But it seems to work.
The need for such a module arises from a problem with a real time process; it sometimes reaches a share of cpu of 100% and no userspace strategy has shown to be useful in killing it automagically.
So the idea: writing a kernel module that, given a pid, is able to send a signal to it if a specific condition on the share of cpu used by the process is met.
The sendsig module will check every WAIT_TIMEOUT seconds if the process you want to monitor has a share of cpu greater than or equal to MAX_CPU_SHARE. If the process is in this situation for MAX_CHECK consecutive checks, sendsig will send a SIG_TO_SEND signal to it. Additionally, these parameters could be tuned up to fit everyone needs by setting them in the command line of the module, eg:
insmod sendsig max_cpu_share=60 wait_timeout=5 max_checks=5 sig_to_send=9
See "modinfo sendsig" for more details.
- cd sendsig
- make
- make install (as root)
- Load the module as you prefer
- pray