- Fixed missing theme toggle icon on iOS Safari
- Fixed custom radio buttons overflowing on iOS Safari
- Fixed custom radio buttons having wrong color on iOS Safari
- Fixed selecting a suggested tag not working on iOS Safari
- Fixed missing icons on shopping list actions on iOS Safari
- Cocktail import now shows similar cocktails to prevent possible duplicates
- You can now drag files into the image upload component
- Search tokens are now always fetched from API instead of local storage
- Fixed some component warnings in shelf
- Fixed broken layout on cocktail/ingredient details page
- Added missing stats tile: Bar shelf ingredients
- Fixed missing checkmark in ingredient finder
- Fixed site logo not updating on bar update
- Show prices in cocktail details
- Add final cocktail price calculation to menu
- Support target pour cost
- Add "Add missing cocktails from bar shelf" action to menu
- This will add a new menu category with all menus from bar shelf
- You can now export menu as CSV
- Add "Clear category" action to menu category
- Added more amounts to amount suggestions
- Public menu now uses thumbnail images
- Updated maintenance mode page
- Calories and alcohol units now update with the recipe scaling
- Added missing translations
- Fix issues with updating menu prices
- Added support for bar shelf
- Copy cocktail action now requires confirmation
- Fixed auth session reseting in certain cases
- Added cocktail recipe target volume scaling
- Cocktails page now default to latest cocktails
- Fixed print shortcut opening multiple tabs
- Fixed adding all ingredients instead of only missing ingredients #242
- Fix wrong method call on endpoint
- Added
Copy invite link
to bars- This link will automatically open and fill join bar modal
- Fixed endless loading when deleting public link
- Presing ctrl+p on cocktail page will open print dialog
- Fixed wrong endpoint name
- Fixed incorrect function call on cocktail import
- Fixed footer version check
- Added compatibility with Bar Assistant v4.0.0
- Importing now supports substitute ingredients
- Added shopping list page
- Image uploads now show file paths
- Added "Can be substituted with" and "Is a substitute for" to ingredient details
- Update PWA image and name
- Removed importing from collection
- Removed importing from yaml
- Removed downloading csv from collections
- Updated cocktail details layout
- Updated ingredient details layout
- Importing no longer automatically converts units
- Fixed wrong volume calculations for multiple servings
- Enabled Italian language
- Updated base docker image to alpine 3.20
- Fix substitute ingredient showing null amounts as
- Correctly show fraction amount for all units
- Added ALLOW_REGISTRATION env variable
- If set to
then registration components actions are disabled
- If set to
- Menu prices are now hidden if they are set to zero
- Removed logo link from menus
- Ingredient amounts are now converted to number before saving
- Ingredient units are not forced to ml before saving anymore
- Added ingredient prices
- Added quantity calculator to collections
- Calculate how many bottles you need
- Calculate approx. price totals
- Calculations are saved per-client
- Added JSON+LD share action
- Added Crowdin support
- Fixed HTML entity parsing #191
- Fixed cl to oz conversion
- Updated cocktail tag input, you now get existing tag suggestions
- Added Polish language
- Ingredient strength no longer required field
- Updated ingredient form layout
- Updated search modal styling
- You can now prevent mobile screen from dimming/locking when viewing a recipe
- Added support for complex ingredients
- Updated button styling
- Updated ingredient details page
- Fixed wrong filter count
- Fixed not being able to filter by cocktail id
- Show total number of active filters on cocktails and ingredients page
- Added approximate volume, calories and alcohol units to cocktail details
- You can now save default bar units, user settings will still overwrite this
- Added support for glass type volume
- You can now filter cocktails by ignored ingredients
- You can now filter cocktails by specific ingredients
- Common ingredient amounts are now recommended on amount inputs
- Added "Exports" page to settings
- Added public recipe link to menu if available
- Add "Copy XML" share action
- Add duplicate cocktail action
- Added API tokens page to settings
- Updated loader positions on ingredient page
- Cocktail import information now uses user defined units
- Fixed base ingredient tag showing on all ingredients when importing
- Added bar menu managing
- Added public bar menu page
- Added cocktail safety info
- Active search refinements are now by default expanded
- Approximate total liquid is now shown in cocktail recipe
- Show label for base ingredients
- Cocktails list is now in 2 columns (if possible) on mobile
- Shelf has more stats
- Added "Track parent ingredient" option to profile
- Updated collections screen
- Added missing loader on rating
- Bar Assistant now has a new cloud offering and homepage: barassistant.app
- Added bar members count
- Added image cropper
- Detailed info about edit and create timestamps moved to edit forms
- Updated links to point to new homepage
- Update accent font
- Moved fonts locally
- Ingredient details now have a link to cocktail list with current ingredient filter
- Show currently selected ingredient in ingredient finder
- Fixed issues with generating recipe images (related to font loading)
- Better handling of empty units in cocktail import
- Show ingredient category on ingredients grid
- Bars are now grouped by status
- Added missing translations
- Fixed issues with role check when bar is not selected
- Importing recipes from URL now shows more data
- Show ingredient source string
- Now imports ingredient notes
- Dates are now shown in short form
- Added missing translations
- Fixed missing settings for moderators
- Added new pages: forgot password, reset password, confirm account
- Migrated dependency from popperjs to floatingui
- Removed unused docker vars
- Added demo instance notice
- Added missing ingredient optional mark on shared recipes
- You can now share specific collections with rest of the bar members
- You can now filter by user public collections
- Added number of cocktails to collections
- Added "Remember me" checkbox to login page
- Added last updated by information to cocktail and ingredient details
- Markdown tags are now hidden from ingredient description in ingredient spotlight and ingredient list #88
- Refinements are now collapsable
- Fixed missing role string for "Guest"
- Swapped edit and view actions in collections view
- Fix substitute units conversion #120
- Fix meta theme color
- Fix link to shelf ingredients from shelf
- Fix missing version info in footer
- Add major version tag to docker tags
This release marks support for Bar Assistant v3.0. Check Bar Assistant changelog for more info about new features.
- Added support for multiple bars
- Splitted navigation
- Added an option to delete your profile
- Added current user role checking for actions
- Ingredient selector now supports variable amounts and notes
- On cocktail import page you can now manually match ingredients
- Added "Copy as YAML" to cocktail share
- Added new cocktail refinements
- By average rating
- By bar members
- By members public shelves
- Removed
env variable- Now uses bar name from current selected bar
- Removed
env variable- Now uses bar subtitle from current selected bar
- Small design updates
- Updated import cocktail page
- Adding substitute ingredients is now a seperate action
- Fix image size preview in site search
- Fix clear refinements not clearing correctly #111
- Fix searching not resetting pagination #111
- Fix an issue with cocktail importing when glass or method was empty #108
- Added utensils
- Added more actions to cocktail collections list
- Added garnish info to cocktail print layout
- Improved mapping cocktail method when importing cocktails
- Added share shopping list in markdown format
- Added share cocktail in markdown format
- Added Recipe schema.org microdata to public page
- Added importing cocktails from a collection
- Added prev and next cocktail buttons
- Added sorting and filtering cocktails by number of ingredients
- Updated ingredient details page
- Moved shopping list share functions to ingredients page
- Added sort ingredients by number of cocktails
- Ingredients list is now using Bar Assistant API for filtering and searching
- This changes follows the changes introduced in last version with cocktails filtering
- Added missing collection dialog translations
- Added user cocktail collections
- You can now filter cocktails by collection
- You can create a new collection from the current cocktail filters on cocktail list
- Added new sorting options to cocktail list
- Sort by average rating
- Sort by missing ingredients
- Sort by date favorited
- Sort by user rating
- Sort by ABV
- Added cocktails count to glasses and tags list
- Cocktails list is now using Bar Assistant API for filtering and searching
- This is a bit slower but should solve a lot of issues with syncing state between Instantsearch and Salt Rim
- New implementation is missing total results per refinement
- Old implementation is still available at
- Fixed site search sometimes missing autofocus on search input
- Fix cocktail without ingredients blank page #100
- Added cocktail details sidebar
- Added similar cocktails
- Added ingredient spotlight
- Use custom bar name if set in window titles #94
- Fix vue-router/instantsearch URL syncing #95
- You can now copy cocktail recipe details
- As JSON for sharing to other Bar Assistant instances
- As plain text for general sharing
- Improved cocktail importing
- Added importing from YAML and JSON formats
- Added support for Meilisearch v1.2
- Allow fractional amounts without leading zeros #91
- Fix site search auto focusing on wrong input
- Fix missing sync between vue router and instantsearch history #87
- Fix unit/amount converting
- Fix translation errors #85
- Fix opened dialog back interaction #82
- Fix missing translations on public recipe
- Added support for generating and sharing recipe images
- Added support for DISABLE_LOGIN=true variable
- This will disable the need to authenticate to Bar Assistant API instnace
- Note that Bar Assistant API also needs to have this variable set to true
- Supports Bar Assistant version > 2.0.0
- New locale supported: German
- Use native color picker when possible
- Updated parent ingredient picker
- Added dark theme
- Added light/dark theme switcher
- Added support for cocktail notes
- Fix some cocktail data not updating when switching cocktails #73
- Fix ingredient actions sometimes showing on top of dialogs
- Fix cocktail actions sometimes showing on top of dialogs
- New locale supported: French
- Added new stat: Total shelf ingredients
- Removed leftover
- Added
Shelf ingredients
andShopping list ingredients
filtering to ingredients page. - Added ThumbHash placeholder image while the real images are loading to cocktails page
- Added
environment variable to override default language - Added
environment variable to setup opt in analytics tracking
- Added missing error message handling when doing actions on the ingredients in the shelf
- Added internationalization
- Currently supports English (US) and Croatian
- Checkout
folder if you are intereseted in contributing a new language
- You can now share public link of a cocktail recipe
- You can now change bar name and description, this will update the application logo
- Added print button to print pages
- Added Meilisearch version to footer
- Fixed container overflow on shelf page on smaller screens
- Fixed inconsistencies with unit conversion when adding ingredients
- Fix nginx post body size #62
- You can now upload multiple cocktail images
- You can sort images, first one in the list is used for default thumbnail
- Added confirm dialogs
- Selected fluid units are now also used as default when adding ingredients #60
- Updated UI styling
- Version now automatically updated from github ref
Official docker image moved to barassistant/salt-rim
- Fix pagination when there is a lot of data
- Added form for cocktail scraping
- Added ingredient variety updating
- Added 404 page
- Updated PWA icons
- Docker image now uses nginx for serving the application
- Fixed rating not changing when selecting a different cocktail
- Auto-update PWA cache on version change
- Fix sort not updating when cocktail ingredient sort attribute is duplicated or missing
- You can now sort cocktail ingredients by dragging and dropping
- Putting ingredient on first place will mark it as a main ingredient of the cocktail
- Updated cocktails list page
- Now includes more filters: main ingredient, strength, method
- Use theme for instantsearch components
- Updated cocktail page
- Added more details: calculated ABV, method, average rating
- Move links from shelf to navigation
- Updated ingredients page
- Now includes filters and searching similar to cocktails
- You can now add ingredients to shopping list directly from the grid
- Added filters: Category, Origin and Strength
- Added tag management to settings
- Added shopping list page
- View all items on your shopping list
- You can now print your shopping list
- Updated shelf page
- Now includes application stats
- Removed shelf cocktails, favorites and shopping list grid view
- Added 3 columns with: Latest cocktails, Latests shopping list items and Favorite cocktails
- Refactored behavior of cocktail shelf and favorites filters
- Small styling changes
- Updated default fonts
- Expanded default container width
- Updated instantsearch routing handling
- Started work on PWA features
- Still needs a lot of testing
- Added cocktail recipe printing
- Added users management
- Check for admin permissions on some actions
- Show user rating instead of average rating in cocktail details
- Correctly handle dropdown click away when multiple dropdowns are present
- Add missing loader on ingredient form
- Added cocktail ratings
- Updated cocktail filters
- Show total number of items in refinement
- Added rating refinement
- Added shelf cocktails refinement
- Fix markdown display issues
- Update footer styling
- Add some help notes to ingredient modal
- Update
attribute on cocktail ingredient on update and save - Fix canceling ingredient modal not properly resetting ingredient
- Fix ingredient image upload sticking on route change
- Make tags and glass tags clickable
- Update site search component
- Add settings page
- Move profile settings to settings page
- Add ingredient categories editing
- Add glass types editing
- Use thumbnail for cocktail list images
- Update cocktail list filters
- Remember selected measurement unit
- Enable markdown for ingredient description
- Fix empty tags handling
- Fix colorpicker issues with null values
- Add profile page
- Small changes to styling and design
- Add register page
- Make footer sticky
- Updates to cocktails searching
- Enabled filtering by glass type
- Enabled filtering by favorites
- Show current search refinements
- Fix issues related to
script setup
- Fix issues #14, #15
- Update delete response handling
- Add icons to site autocomplete
- Improve error handling
- Add dev docker image
- Fix missing login request body due to
script setup
- Add more server info on login
- Sync endpoints with BA api
- Removed arm-v7 from build
- Support adding cocktail ingredient substitutes
- Show ingredient varieties
- Add "cl" as unit of measurement
- New image uploading component
- Add glass types updating
- Meilisearch host server is now fetched from user endpoint
- Update cocktail card styling
- Truncate a lot of tags on cocktail card
- Missing cocktail and ingredient images are now local to client
- Add colorpicker to ingredient form
- Some fixes for ingredient modal
- Fix image upload container on smaller devices
- Update input styling on smaller devices
- Updated cocktail ingredient form
- Layout fixes for smaller devices
- Auth class methods now static
- Add logout button
- Add automated docker build github action
- Optimize docker build with multi stage steps
- Add vue select
- Add cocktail image delete
- Add button focus styling
- Add ingredient page description
- Initial release