There is a script being built to generate many, many simple test-cases. I.e. one element with an role and/or a property.
It will generate a file for:
- Each tag (80).
- Each tag with each role (2,400).
- Each tag with each state & property (800)
- Each tag with each role and each state & property (24,000)
With 80 tags, 30 roles and 11 state/properties, that is a lot of files!
Please note, these are a filtered list for generating very simple test-cases, anything which would require more than one element or dynamic functionality has been excluded.
There may be other relevent elements, this is the starting point.
a, abbr, address, article, aside, audio, b, bdi, bdo, blockquote, br, button, canvas, cite, code, data, datalist, del, details, dfn, dialog, div, em, embed, fieldset, figure, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hr, i, iframe, img, input, ins, kbd, keygen, label, link,main, map, mark, math, menu, meter, nav, object, ol, ul, output, p, pre, progress, q, ruby, s, samp, script, section, select, small, span, strong, sub, sup, svg, table, template, textarea, time, u, ul, var, video, wbr, text
- dt,dd
- li
- tbody,td,th,tfooter,theader
These should make sense applied to (most) HTML elements.
- article
- definition
- directory
- document
- group
- heading
- img
- math
- note
- presentation
- region
- separator
- application
- banner
- complementary
- contentinfo
- form
- main
- navigation
- search
- alert
- button
- checkbox (true, false, mixed)
- dialog
- log
- marquee
- link ([href])
- status
- textbox (aria-multiline=true/false)
- aria-disabled (true/false)
- aria-dropeffect (copy/move/link/execute/popup/none)
- aria-expanded (true/false)
- aria-haspopup (true/false)
- aria-hidden (true/false)
- aria-invalid (grammar/false/spelling/true)
- aria-grabbed (true/false/undefined)
- aria-label ([string])
- aria-level ([integer])
- aria-live (off/polite/assertive)
Just for the purpose of showing how many haven't been included for these tests.
- aria-atomic
- aria-busy (state)
- aria-controls
- aria-describedby
- aria-disabled (state)
- aria-dropeffect
- aria-flowto
- aria-grabbed (state)
- aria-haspopup
- aria-hidden (state)
- aria-invalid (state)
- aria-label
- aria-labelledby
- aria-live
- aria-owns
- aria-relevant
- aria-autocomplete
- aria-checked (state)
- aria-disabled (state)
- aria-expanded (state)
- aria-haspopup
- aria-hidden (state)
- aria-invalid (state)
- aria-label
- aria-level
- aria-multiline
- aria-multiselectable
- aria-orientation
- aria-pressed (state)
- aria-readonly
- aria-required
- aria-selected (state)
- aria-sort
- aria-valuemax
- aria-valuemin
- aria-valuenow
- aria-valuetext
- aria-activedescendant
- aria-controls
- aria-describedby
- aria-flowto
- aria-labelledby
- aria-owns
- aria-posinset
- aria-setsize
- alert
- alertdialog
- button
- checkbox
- dialog
- gridcell
- link
- log
- marquee
- menuitem
- menuitemcheckbox
- menuitemradio
- option
- progressbar
- radio
- scrollbar
- slider
- spinbutton
- status
- tab
- tabpanel
- textbox
- timer
- tooltip
- treeitem
- article
- columnheader
- definition
- directory
- document
- group
- heading
- img
- list
- listitem
- math
- note
- presentation
- region
- row
- rowgroup
- rowheader
- separator
- toolbar
- application
- banner
- complementary
- contentinfo
- form
- main
- navigation
- search