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Why and How to fork LODSPeaKr

timrdf edited this page Mar 11, 2012 · 23 revisions

If you want to develop LODSPeaKr model queries and view templates for a particular data source or application, you may also want to version control and share them. By forking LODSPeaKr, you can continue to get updates from Alvaro's original LODSPeaKr while maintaining and sharing your model and view additions.

LODSPeaKr forks


Step 1: Create a new repos at

Step 2: Set up on your machine:

  mkdir csv2rdf4lod-lodspeakr
  cd csv2rdf4lod-lodspeakr
  git init

# These three are different from what github tells you to do
git remote add alvaro git://
git fetch alvaro
git merge alvaro/master

  git remote add origin [email protected]:timrdf/csv2rdf4lod-lodspeakr.git
  git push -u origin master

Step 3: Change the github URL at utils/install (e.g. install) from git:// to your own (e.g. git:// or the read-write [email protected]:timrdf/csv2rdf4lod-lodspeakr.git)

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