Inspired by redis-dump-load but can handle binary blobs not just text.
Dumps Redis data sets into a format suitable for long-term storage (currently Python Literals using AST) and loads data from such dump files back into Redis.
- Supports all Redis data types;
- Dumps TTL and expiration times;
- Can load TTL OR original expiration time for expiring keys;
- Dumps are human readable
- Dumps are line-aligned (can be streamed)
- Can be used as a module in a larger program or as a standalone utility
- SSL connection support (use -x as parameter to enable SSL)
Use python2 for restoring dumps taken using python2 Use python3 for restoring dumps taken using python3
python3 -h
python3 dblist
python3 dump -o outfile.py3redis
python3 restore -i outfile.py3redis