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Tez UI

You can use this Docker image to start the Tez UI and Application Timeline Server and view the Tez UI locally.


  • Install Docker

Build Docker image

You can either build this Docker image yourself, or use the public image here:

  1. Download the files in the tez-ui directory from the GitHub repository.
  2. Login to ECR if not already done.
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
  1. Build the image
cd $SOURCE_ROOT/utilities/tez-ui
docker build -t emr/tez-ui .

Start the Tez UI

You can use a pair of AWS access key and secret key, or temporary AWS credentials.

  1. Set a few environment variables relevant to your job.
export S3_LOG_URI=s3://${S3_BUCKET}/logs
export APPLICATION_ID=001122334455
export JOB_RUN_ID=667788990011
  1. Set your AWS access key and secret key, and optionally session token.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="ASIAxxxxxxxxxxxx"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
  1. Run the Docker image
 ./ <S3-Bucket> <ApplicationId> <jobid>
  1. Access the Tez UI via http://localhost:8088