Generate on-chain randomness on Solana and invoke a Callback on your contract. ORAO's Verifiable Random Function for Solana offers unbiased, fast and affordable randomness for your Solana programs. Create unique NFT characteristics, generate random levels for games and weapons, randomize airdrops and provide secure, verifiable lottery. Built using Anchor framework.
This repository provides Rust and JS web3 SDKs for ORAO Callback VRF program.
Program account (devnet/mainnet): VRFCBePmGTpZ234BhbzNNzmyg39Rgdd6VgdfhHwKypU
The Callback VRF program is intended for on-chain usage. Here are the steps you must follow to create a new VRF client (every step is considered in detail later in this guide):
- Create, deploy and initialize a client program for Solana
- Register your client program at the Callback VRF
- Fund the new Client PDA created in the previous step
- Request randomness
All the requests to the Callback VRF are made via CPI by a registered client, so the first step is to write a client program.
Here are the minimal requirements for a client program:
- Program must have at least one PDA (bellow called a State PDA) that is
going to be used as a request authority — this PDA will sign the CPI call
to the
instruction so that the request could be authorized by the Callback VRF. - Program must have an instruction that is going to invoke the
instruction via CPI.
Client programs can have one or more instructions that can be used as callbacks.
Callback instructions have some requirements imposed on their list
of accounts (see the [Callback](#callback) section bellow).
As you can see the minimal client program could have just two instructions: first one to initialize the state PDA and the second one to perform the Request CPi. The complete example of a Callback VRF client program could be found in the rust/examples/cpi folder.
This step will create a new Client PDA on the Callback VRF. This PDA will be used for the following purposes:
- Its balance will be used to pay request fees
- It will be a signer of a callback CPI (for authentication purposes).
Please note that only the program owner (it's upgrade authority)
is able to call the Register
instruction — this account becomes an owner of
the new client. The client ownership could later be transferred using the Transfer
instruction (see bellow).
Also note that you can register the same client program multiple times as long as unique State PDAs are used for every registration — every such registration will create it's own independent Client PDA.
Here is the data you need to provide to invoke the Register
- Address of your client program
- Address of your client program's
account - A State PDA address
- State PDAs seeds + bump (via
instruction parameters) - (Optionally) A Client-level callback (via
instruction parameters) (more info on callbacks and its kinds is in the Callback section)
In JS SDK there is a helper named RegisterBuilder
for the Register
let vrf = new OraoCb(provider);
let builder = await new RegisterBuilder(
[...clientStateSeeds, Buffer.from([clientStateBump])]
// You can omit the callback completely so the
// new client won't have a client-level callback
.withCallback(/* see the Callback section bellow */)
console.log("Registered in", await builder.rpc());
Rust SDK has its own RegisterBuilder
helper for the Register
let vrf: anchor_client::Program<_> = /* ... */;
let state_seeds: Vec<Vec<u8>> = /* State PDA seeds and bump */;
let signature = RegisterBuilder::new(state_seeds)
// You can omit the callback completely so the
// new client won't have a client-level callback
.with_callback(/* see the Callback section bellow */)
.build(vrf, program_address, state_address).await?
println!("Registered in {signature}");
An arbitrary client program instruction can be used as a callback instruction as long as it expects the following list of accounts:
- (signer) Client PDA will sign the callback call
- (writable) State PDA will be writable within the callback
- (readonly) VRF's
PDA will be available for reading - (readonly) Fulfilled
PDA will be available for reading - (optional) ... zero or many additional accounts given upon registration
or upon the
CPI (see bellow)
There are two types of callbacks:
- Client-level callback — a callback (if any) that is given upon the client registration — it will be called for every fulfilled request of this client, but may be overridden by the Request-level callback.
- Request-level callback — a callback (if any) that is given upon the
CPI — it will be called for the request it was given to. If there is a Client-level callback defined for this client, then it won't get called if Request-level callback is given.
To define a callback you must provide the following information:
Borsh-serialized instruction data.
In rust it is convenient to use the
helper:let cb = Callback::from_instruction_data(SomeInstr::new(/* some params */));
In Typescript you may use the
for your IDL:let ixCoder = new anchor.BorshInstructionCoder(clientProgram.idl); let callback = { data: ixCoder.encode("some_instruction_name", { /* some params */ }), // ... };
(optional) A list of remaining accounts — note that for a remaining account to be writable you must prove that it's a client program's PDA by providing seeds and bump:
In rust it is convenient to use the
helper:let cb = Callback::from_instruction_data(SomeInstr::new(/* some params */)) .with_remaining_account(RemainingAccount::readonly(some_address)) .with_remaining_account(RemainingAccount::writable( some_other_address, vec![ACCOUNT_SEED.to_vec(), vec![account_bump]], ));
In Typescript you just fill the object fields:
let ixCoder = new anchor.BorshInstructionCoder(clientProgram.idl); let callback = { data: ixCoder.encode("some_instruction_name", { /* some params */ }), remainingAccounts: [ { pubkey: some_address, seeds: null, }, { pubkey: some_address, seeds: [Buffer.from(ACCOUNT_SEED), Buffer.from([account_bump])], }, ], };
There is a SetCallback
instruction that allows a client owner to update/remove
the client-level callback:
in typescript:
let signature = await cbProgram2.methods .setCallback({ newCallback: { /* see above on how to define a callback */ }, }) .accountsPartial({ client: clientAddress }) .rpc(); console.log("Callback updated in:", signature);
in rust:
let vrf = provider.program(orao_solana_vrf_cb::id())?; let signature = SetCallbackBuilder::new((/* see above on how to define a callback */)) .build(&vrf, client_addr).await? .send().await?; println!("Callback updated in {signature}");
As soon as Register
instruction is successfully executed a new Client PDA
is allocated. Its address could be easily found using proper helper function:
in typescript:
import { clientAddress } from "@orao-network/solana-vrf-cb"; const [clientAddr, clientBump] = clientAddress( exampleClient.programId, clientStateAddr );
in rust:
use orao_solana_vrf_cb::state::Client; let (client_addr, client_bump) = Client::find_address( program_addr, state_addr, id(), );
Now to make a Request
CPI the Client PDA must be funded — it's balance will
be used to pay request fees and rent:
- effective VRF fees can be observed in the VRF's
account - the request rent is reimbursed upon fulfill
To fund the client you need to transfer some funds to the Client PDA. You can do it directly or via your program's instruction — in fact Solana imposes no limitations on how accounts can be funded:
// Here we'll fund our Client PDA using the SystemProgram's Transfer instruction.
let transfer = new web3.Transaction().add(
fromPubkey: provider.publicKey,
toPubkey: clientAddr,
lamports: amountToTransfer,
await provider.sendAndConfirm(transfer);
You can withdraw client funds using Callback VRF's Withdraw
This is a trivial operation but please note that you won't be able to withdraw past Client's funds necessary for rent exemption — there is a helper that returns the available client balance:
in typescript use
method:let vrf = new OraoCb(anchorProvider); let availableBalance = await vrf.clientBalance(clientAddr);
in rust use
:let vrf = provider.program(orao_solana_vrf_cb::id())?; let available_balance = client_balance(&vrf, client_addr).await?;
Here is an example of off-chain Withdraw
in typescript:
let vrf = new OraoCb(provider); let signature = vrf.methods .withdraw({ amount: amountInLamports }) .accountsPartial({ client: clientAddr }) .rpc(); console.log("Withdrawn in", signature);
in rust there is a
helper:let vrf = provider.program(orao_solana_vrf_cb::id())?; let signature = WithdrawBuilder::new(amount_in_lamports) .build(&vrf, client_addr).await? .send().await?; println!("Registered in {signature}");
Randomness requests are performed via CPI to the VRF's Request
instruction, so
it's a job for one of your program's instructions. Please note that you
can provide a request-level callback and a list of its remaining accounts —
you can decide that in the logic of your instruction (see the Callback section above).
Every Request
invocation has to provide a unique seed — this seed represents
a commitment necessary to verify the generated randomness. Note that every
registered client has a separate seed space — you don't need to worry on whether
some seed is already used by another client or not, but you still need to make
sure that your seed is not already used by your client - in case it's already used by your client
the Request
instruction will error out.
This example shows the simplest possible way for a client program to invoke
the Request
instruction - no request-level callback or complex logic will
be used:
/// This is the instruction of our program, that is going to perform `Request` CPI.
/// Our simple instruction has no logic in itself so in fact all of its accounts
/// and the `seed` parameter are here only to be proxied to the CPI.
#[instruction(seed: [u8; 32])]
pub struct InvokeRequest<'info> {
/// An account that pays transaction fees.
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
// We're going to call VRF's instruction, so we need VRF's the program account.
pub vrf: Program<'info, OraoVrfCb>,
// All of the following accounts are required
// by the VRF's `Request` instruction.
/// State PDA account will authenticate the request.
/// The layout of this account might be arbitrary so
/// we omit the `ClientState` definition for brevity
pub state: Account<'info, ClientState>,
/// Client PDA will pay fees and rent.
pub client: Account<'info, Client>,
/// Network state holds the effective VRF configuration
pub network_state: Account<'info, NetworkState>,
/// Treasury will receive fees (it's actual address is in the `NetworkState`)
/// CHECK: Asserted by the CPI
pub treasury: AccountInfo<'info>,
/// The request account we're going to create
/// CHECK: Asserted by the CPI
pub request: AccountInfo<'info>,
/// System program is necessary because `Request` will create an account.
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
// ..
/// And here is a handler for our `InvokeRequest` instruction
pub fn handler(ctx: Context<InvokeRequest>, seed: [u8; 32]) -> Result<()> {
use orao_solana_vrf_cb::{cpi, RequestParams};
// As stated above our simple instruction will just perform CPI
// without any other logic.
// First lets prepare instruction parameters and accounts.
let cpi_program = ctx.accounts.vrf.to_account_info();
let cpi_params = RequestParams::new(seed);
let mut cpi_accounts = cpi::accounts::Request {
payer: ctx.accounts.payer.to_account_info(),
state: ctx.accounts.state.to_account_info(),
client: ctx.accounts.client.to_account_info(),
network_state: ctx.accounts.network_state.to_account_info(),
treasury: ctx.accounts.treasury.to_account_info(),
request: ctx.accounts.request.to_account_info(),
system_program: ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(),
// As said above our state account will authorize the `Request` CPI,
// so VRF expects it to sign the invocation
// (see
cpi_accounts.state.is_signer = true;
let signers_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[
// Now just perform the CPI
let cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts)
cpi::request(cpi_ctx, cpi_params)?;
This example is similar to the one shown above but it adds one additional parameter to opt-in into a request-level callback (for callbacks and its kinds see the Callback section above).
Additionally our request-level callback will illustrate how one can provide additional accounts to a callback — we're going to provide two accounts
- some read-only account — this illustrates basic functionality
- a writable account — this illustrates how to give a writable Program's PDA to a callback
/// This is the instruction of our program, that is going to perform `Request` CPI.
/// In addition to the seed it also takes a boolean that is going to indicate
/// that caller opts-in to a request-level callback.
#[instruction(seed: [u8; 32], with_cb: bool)]
pub struct InvokeRequest<'info> {
/// An account that pays transaction fees.
pub payer: Signer<'info>,
// We're going to call VRF's instruction, so we need VRF's program account.
pub vrf: Program<'info, OraoVrfCb>,
// All of the following accounts are required
// by the VRF's `Request` instruction.
// Note that this instruction does not take any of additional accounts
// used by the request-level callback — this is because they are going
// to be provided by the oracle upon the callback invocation.
/// State PDA account will authenticate the request.
/// The layout of this account might be arbitrary so
/// we omit the `ClientState` definition for brevity
pub state: Account<'info, ClientState>,
/// Client PDA will pay fees and rent.
pub client: Account<'info, Client>,
/// Network state holds the effective VRF configuration
pub network_state: Account<'info, NetworkState>,
/// Treasury will receive fees (it's actual address is in the `NetworkState`)
/// CHECK: Asserted by the CPI
pub treasury: AccountInfo<'info>,
/// The request account we're going to create
/// CHECK: Asserted by the CPI
pub request: AccountInfo<'info>,
/// System program is necessary because `Request` will create an account.
pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
// ..
/// And here is a handler for our `InvokeRequest` instruction
pub fn handler(
ctx: Context<InvokeRequest>,
seed: [u8; 32],
with_cb: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
use orao_solana_vrf_cb::{
cpi, RequestParams, state::client::Callback, instruction
// As said above our simple instruction will just perform CPI
// without any other logic.
// First lets prepare instruction parameters and accounts.
let cpi_program = ctx.accounts.vrf.to_account_info();
let mut cpi_params = RequestParams::new(seed);
let mut cpi_accounts = cpi::accounts::Request {
payer: ctx.accounts.payer.to_account_info(),
state: ctx.accounts.state.to_account_info(),
client: ctx.accounts.client.to_account_info(),
network_state: ctx.accounts.network_state.to_account_info(),
treasury: ctx.accounts.treasury.to_account_info(),
request: ctx.accounts.request.to_account_info(),
system_program: ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(),
// As said above our state account will authorize the `Request` CPI,
// so VRF expects it to sign the invocation
// (see
cpi_accounts.state.is_signer = true;
let signers_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[
// Now let's check if caller opted-in to a request-level callback
let callback = with_cb.then(|| {
// Let's pretend that we have two accounts required by our callback
// * the first one is "Data" account holding some necessary information
// our callback needs to read — this is an arbitrary account
// * the second one is the "Statistic" account our callback needs
// to updated — this is our program's PDA
// The `Callback` instruction itself is defined bellow.
let data_address = SOME_KNOWN_ADDRESS;
let (stat_address, stat_bump) = Pubkey::find_program_address(
// Now let's define a callback giving our read-only and writable accounts
&instruction::Callback { example_param: 42 },
// This gives the read-only account — it will go first
// This gives the writable account — it will go second
vec![b"STATISTIC".to_vec(), vec![stat_bump]]
// And finally let's perform the CPI reflecting the callback that
// may be defined
let cpi_ctx = CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts)
cpi::request(cpi_ctx, cpi_params)?;
/// This is our callback instruction definition.
/// All the accounts here follows the callback accounts requirements
/// described in the "Callback" section of this guide except the last
/// two accounts that are the additional accounts we've added to the callback.
/// Note that it accepts a parameter named `example_param` and its value was
/// given by the request-level callback definition above and will be available
/// within the instruction handler.
/// The instruction handler definition is omitted for brevity.
#[instruction(example_param: u8)]
pub struct Callback<'info> {
/// The first account is always the Client PDA and must be a signer.
/// This must be thoroughly verified to avoid unauthorized calls.
seeds = [
bump = client.bump,
seeds::program = orao_solana_vrf_cb::id(),
has_one = state,
pub client: Account<'info, Client>,
/// The layout of this account might be arbitrary so
/// we omit the `ClientState` definition for brevity
seeds = [b"CLIENT_STATE"],
bump = state.bump,
pub state: Account<'info, ClientState>,
/// Effective VRF configuration is available for observation.
bump = network_state.bump,
seeds::program = orao_vrf_cb::id(),
pub network_state: Account<'info, NetworkState>,
/// This request will alway be in the fulfilled state.
seeds = [CB_REQUEST_ACCOUNT_SEED, client.key().as_ref(), request.seed()],
seeds::program = orao_vrf_cb::id(),
pub request: Account<'info, RequestAccount>,
// Bellow follows our additional accounts
/// The first additional account is "Data" account.
/// We pretend that it is holding some necessary information
/// our callback needs to read (the definition is omitted for brevity).
pub data: Account<'info, Data>,
/// The second additional account is "Statistic" account.
/// We pretend that our callback will update this account (the definition
/// is omitted for brevity).
#[account(mut, seeds = [b"STATISTIC"], bump = statistic.bump)]
pub statistic: Account<'info, Statistic>,
The effective owner of a client is stored in the owner
field of a Client PDA.
The owner is able to:
- update client-level callback using
instruction - withdraw funds from the Client PDA
- transfer ownership of the client
is a simple instruction requiring only the Client PDA being
transferred and a new owner address, but the signer must be the current
client owner:
in typescript:
let vrf = new OraoCb(provider); let signature = await vrf.methods .transfer({ newOwner: newOwnerAddress }) .accountsPartial({ client: clientAddress }) .rpc(); console.log("Transferred in:", signature);
in rust:
let vrf = provider.program(orao_solana_vrf_cb::id())?; let signature = TransferBuilder::new(new_owner_address) .build(&vrf, client_addr).await? .send().await?; println!("Transferred in {signature}");