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Remy Betus edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 1 revision

Installing the bundle

From your application root:

$ php composer.phar require --prefer-dist "akeneo/excel-connector-bundle"

Register the bundle by adding the following lines:

<?php /* app/AppKernel.php */

    // ...
    protected function getPimDependenciesBundles()
        return [
            // ...
            new Akeneo\Bundle\SpreadsheetParserBundle\AkeneoSpreadsheetParserBundle(),
            new Pim\Bundle\ExcelConnectorBundle\PimExcelConnectorBundle()

Initializing the PIM with a XSLX file

Create an InstallerBundle

You can create your own InstallerBundle by following the instructions from the documentation :

Copy the fixtures

All minimal fixtures are located in the Resources/fixtures/minimal folder inside the ExcelConnectorBundle.

All these fixtures can't be set in the init.xslx files. Be sure to use the very same name/code in both the init.xslx files and the YML files.

Place them in the same directory inside your InstallerBundle. Here is a description of what each files contains:

CE edition

File Description
currencies.yml Contains all curencies used (and the ones that are removed)
init.xslx Contains the whole Catalog description, see init.xslx structure below
locales.yml Define the used locales and their currency
user_groups.yml Define all user groups (code + label)
user_roles.yml Define all user roles (code + label)
users.yml Define users list

You can still have a look on the Akeneo PIM minimal fixtures set to get a full list of the files and their expected format.

EE edition (incl. CE files)

EE edition adds support of ACL, please refer to the minimal fixtures set located in the InstallerBundle to see the structure and the content of the files. Note that you cannot define ACL in the init.xslx file and will have to define them in seperatly

File Description
attribute_groups_accesses.yml Contains ACL for attribute groups
category_accesses.yml Contains ACL for categories
locale_accesses.yml Contains ACL for locales

Customize init.xslx !

Edit the init.xlsx file to your needs following the instructions inside the file itself. The file is composed of various tabs that allow you to set your catalog structures :

  • channels
  • categories
  • group types
  • association types
  • attributes
  • attribute groups
  • attribute options
  • families (as many tabs as required)

Change PIM parameter to use your custom installation

    pim_installer.fixture_loader.job_loader.config_file: 'PimExcelConnectorBundle/Resources/config/fixtures_jobs.yml'

Define the data used by the installer :

# app/config/pim_parameters.yml
    installer_data: 'AcmeDemoBundle:minimal'
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