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Remy Betus edited this page Mar 9, 2015 · 4 revisions

Attributes tab

In this tab you can define every attribute depending wether they belong to one or more families. If the attribute is only part of one family, consider defining it directly in the corresponding family tab.

See family tab section to know how to do this.

For more details about the keys concept of attribute, see attribute in the user guide.

General properties

Attribute code

Attribute code must be only composed of letters, numbers, spaces and underscores. No other character will be accepted.

Labels columns

These columns allows you to define localized label for your attribute. You will have to add one column per locale. Be sure there are grouped below the Labels section (line #4).

Note : labels must be under 255 characters.

Attribute type

Attribute type can be: Identifier, Text, Text area, Multiple select, Simple select, Price collection, Number, Boolean, Date, File, Image, Metric.

These type are definded in the hidden attribute type tab attribute_type. If you are using the CustomEntityBundle, this is where you will have to add your new attribute type.

Attribute group

Select here the associated attribute group code. Attributes codes are defined in the attribute groups tab.

Sort order

The sort order is an integer defining the display order in the attribute group on the product edit form.

Is unique

Choose if the attribute must have unique values.

Is localizable

Choose if the attribute is localizable or not.

Specific to locales

Define here the list of comma-separated locales.

Is scopable

Choose if the attribute is scopable or not.

Minimum input length

Determines how many characters should be typed for select attributes before an option is presented. This should be used for attributes which have a large number of options

Useable as grid filter

Choose if the attribute is useabe as grid filter or not.

Properties for text attributes

Max characters

Max characters is an integer defining how many characters maximum can be entered in a text field.

Validation rule

Validation rule can be email, url or regexp.

Validation regexp

If validation rule is regexp, use this column to define the regular expression that will be used for validation.

Rich text

Choose if the text field will be using a TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor, allowing rich text possibilities.

Properties for number attributes

Minimum number

Specify here the minimum number.

Maximum number

Specify here the maximum number.

Decimals allowed

Specify here if the numbers can only be integers or not.

Negative allowed

Specify here if negative numbers are allowed.

Properties for date attributes

Minimum date

Specify here the minimum date users can input.

Maximum date

Specify here the maximum date users can input.

Properties for metric attributes

Metric family

Choose here the metric family. Available options are: Area, Binary, Frequency, Length, Power, Speed, Temperature, Volume, Weight.

Metric families are defined in the hidden metric types tab.

Default metric unit

Choose here the default metric unit.

Metric units are defined in the hidden metric units tab.

Properties for file attributes

Max file size

Define here the maximum file size in MB.

Allowed extensions

Insert the allowed extensions, separated by a comma.

For example : jpg, jpeg, png

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