Starts_with_rule($startValue, $identical = false)
Validates only if the value is at the start of the input.
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation as v;
$v = new v;
$v->starts_with('ipsum')->check('starts_with_field', 'lorem'); // will put error in error bag
$v->getValidator()->starts_with('ipsum')->validate('lorem'); // false
$v->starts_with('ipsum')->check('starts_with_field', 'ipsum lorem '); // validation passes
$v->getValidator()->starts_with('ipsum')->validate(' ipsum lorem'); // true
$v->starts_with('ipsum')->check('starts_with_field', ['starts_with_field' => ['aa', 'ipsum']]); // validation fails for row 1, validation passes for row 2.
Outputs error
All of the required rules must pass for "Starts with field".
- Starts with field must start with "ipsum". at row 1.
$v->getValidator()->starts_with('ipsum')->validate(['ipsum', 'lorem']); // true
Version | Description |
0.1.0 | Initial Release |