mobileno_rule(string $additionalChars, $startNo = false)
- Philippines only mobile no format.
- if $startNo = true must start with +639
Validates whether the input value is valid mobile no format in the philippines.
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation as v;
$v = new v;
$v->mobileno()->check('mobileno_field', '90'); // will put error in error bag
$v->getValidator()->mobileno()->validate(90); // false
$v->mobileno()->check('mobileno_field', '09257981924'); // validation passes
$v->getValidator()->mobileno()->validate('09257981924'); // true
$v->mobileno()->check('mobileno_field', '9257981924'); // validation passes
$v->getValidator()->mobileno()->validate('9257981924'); // true
$v->mobileno(null, true)->check('mobileno_field', '+639257981924'); // validation passes
$v->getValidator()->mobileno(null, true)->validate('+639257981924'); // true
Version | Description |
0.1.0 | Initial Release |