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Package Development

In this document we'll see how to create package for ajd-validation

Package Folder structure

  • These are the recommended folder structure:
+-- Rules
|   +-- Custom_rule.php
+-- Exceptions
|   +-- Custom_rule_exception.php
+-- Filters
|   +-- Custom_filter.php
+-- Logics
|   +-- Custom_logic.php
+-- Macros
|   +-- Custom_macro.php
+-- Extensions
|   +-- Custom_extension.php
+-- Validations
|   +-- Custom_validation.php
+-- ClientSide
|   +-- Custom_client_side.php
+-- lang
|   +-- custom_lang.php
|   +-- custom_lang.stubs
+-- ValidatorProvider.php
+-- Rules
|   +-- Custom_rule.php
|	+-- Exceptions
|   	+-- Custom_rule_exception.php
+-- Filters
|   +-- Custom_filter.php
+-- Logics
|   +-- Custom_logic.php
+-- Macros
|   +-- Custom_macro.php
+-- Extensions
|   +-- Custom_extension.php
+-- Validations
|   +-- Custom_validation.php
+-- ClientSide
|   +-- Custom_client_side.php
+-- lang
|   +-- custom_lang.php
|   +-- custom_lang.stubs
+-- ValidatorProvider.php
  • Inside a package you can create your Custom Rules -> Exceptions, Filters, Validators, Macros, Extensions, Client Sides, lang file, lang stubs file and Logics.
    • You can read creating a custom rule class here: Adding Custom Rule
    • You can read creating a custom extension class here: Adding Custom Rule, Filters
    • You can read creating a custom validator class here: Custom validation
    • You can read creating a custom macro class here: Macros
    • You can read creating a custom filter class here: Filters
    • You can read creating a custom logics class here: When
    • You can read creating a custom client side class here: When

Validator Provider

  • All package must have a validator provider class which extends to \AJD_validation\Contracts\Validation_provider.php.
  • Inside the validator provider class there must be a register() method.
namespace PackageAjd\PackageAjd;

use AJD_validation\Contracts\Validation_provider;

class PackageAjdValidatorServiceProvider extends Validation_provider
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
				Rules\Package_test_rule::class => 
			// ->registerRules()
			// ->registerFilters()
			// ->registerLogics();

Registering Rules and Exceptions

  • Before registering any Rules -> Exceptions one must ->setDefaults([ 'baseDir' => __DIR__, 'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__ ])

  • There are two ways to register rules and exceptions

    • use ->registerRules() if you are using folder structure 2 and is not using any autoloading. This will automatically register Rules Directory and Exceptions Directory
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
- use `->registerRulesMapping([Rule::class => ExceptionClass])` if you want to register a key value pair of rules and exceptions and is using autloading.
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
			// manual registering of rule exception key value pair
				Rules\Package_test_rule::class => 

			// use this if you want the provider to try and auto map rules and exceptions class


Registering Filters

  • Before registering any Filters one must ->setDefaults([ 'baseDir' => __DIR__, 'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__ ])

  • There are two ways to register Filters

    • use ->registerFilters() if you are using folder structure 2 and is not using any autoloading. This will automatically register Filters under Filters Directory
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
- use `->registerFiltersMapping([Filter::class])` if you want to register an array of filter classes and is using autloading.
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
			// manual registering of filters

			// use this if you want the provider to try and get all the filters under filters directory 


Registering Logics

  • Before registering any Logics one must ->setDefaults([ 'baseDir' => __DIR__, 'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__ ])

  • There are two ways to register Logics

    • use ->registerLogics() if you are using folder structure 2 and is not using any autoloading. This will automatically register Logics under Logics Directory
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
- use `->registerLogicsMapping([Logic::class])` if you want to register an array of logic classes and is using autloading.
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
			// manual registering of logics

			// use this if you want the provider to try and get all the logics under logics directory 


Registering Client Sides

  • Before registering any Client Sides one must ->setDefaults([ 'baseDir' => __DIR__, 'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__ ])

  • There are two ways to register Client Sides

    • use ->registerClientSides() if you are using folder structure 2 and is not using any autoloading. This will automatically register Client Sides under ClientSides Directory
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
- use `->registerClientSideMapping([ClientSideInterface::class])` if you want to register an array of client sides classes and is using autloading.
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
			// manual registering of client sides

			// use this if you want the provider to try and get all the client sides under ClientSides directory 


Registering new JsValidationLibrary for client side

  • Before registering any new JsValidationLibrary one must ->setDefaults([ 'baseDir' => __DIR__, 'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__ ])
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__

Registering Custom Validations

  • Before registering any Validations one must ->setDefaults([ 'baseDir' => __DIR__, 'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__ ])

  • There is only one way to register custom validation

    • use ->registerValidationsMapping([Validation_interface::class]) if you want to register an array of custom validation classes and is using autloading.
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
			// manual registering of custom validations

			// use this if you want the provider to try and get all the custom validations under validations directory 


Registering Custom Macros

  • Before registering any Macros one must ->setDefaults([ 'baseDir' => __DIR__, 'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__ ])

  • Two way of registering/creating macros:

    • You can read more about macros here: Macros
    • inline registration/creation use ->macro(string $name, Closure $macro).
    • class based registration/creation ->mixin(\PackageAjd\Macros\Package_macro::class, $replace = true, ...$args).
// Example of a macro class
namespace PackageAjd\Macros;

use AJD_validation\Contracts\CanMacroInterface;

class Package_macro implements CanMacroInterface
	public function getMacros()
		return [

	public function package_macro_class()
		return function()
			echo 'package_macro_class';

			return $this;

	public function package_macro_class2()
		return function()
			echo 'package_macro_class2';

			return $this;

	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
			// inline registration/creation
			->macro('package_macro', function()
				echo 'package_macro';

				return $this;
			// class based registration/creation

Registering Custom Extensions

  • Before registering any Extensions one must ->setDefaults([ 'baseDir' => __DIR__, 'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__ ])
  • Custom Extension is a way to add Rules,Exceptions,Filters,Logics,Client Sides and Macros in one class.
  • It is recommended to add Rules,Exceptions,Filters,Logics,Client Sides and Macros by clasess.
  • To register an extension use ->registerExtension(new \AJD_validation\Contracts\Base_extension $extension).
  • You can read more about extension class here: Adding Custom Rule Filters
  • You could also check out \src\AJD_validation\Contracts\Extension_interface.php
// Example of a extension class
namespace PackageAjd\Extensions;

use AJD_validation\Contracts\Base_extension;

class Package_extension extends Base_extension
	public function getName()
		return self::class;

	public function getRules()
		return array(

	public function getRuleMessages()
		return array(
			'custom_validation' 	=> 'The :field field is not a a.',
			'custom_validation2' 	=> 'The :field field is not a a 2.',

	public function custom_validation_rule( $value, $satisfier, $field )
		if( $value == 'a' )
			return true;
			return false;

	public function custom_validation2_rule( $value, $satisfier, $field )

		return false;

	public function getAnonClass()
		return [
			new class() extends Abstract_anonymous_rule
				public function __invoke($value, $satisfier = NULL, $field = NULL)
					return in_array($value, $satisfier);

				public static function getAnonName() : string
					return 'ext1_anontest';

				public static function getAnonExceptionMessage(Abstract_exceptions $exceptionObj)
					$exceptionObj::$defaultMessages 	= array(
						 $exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> array(
						 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is ext1_anontest',
						  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> array(
				            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is not ext1_anontest.',
			new class() extends Abstract_anonymous_rule
				public function __invoke($value, $satisfier = NULL, $field = NULL)
					return in_array($value, $satisfier);

				public static function getAnonName() : string
					return 'ext2_anontest';

				public static function getAnonExceptionMessage(Abstract_exceptions $exceptionObj)
					$exceptionObj::$defaultMessages 	= array(
						 $exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> array(
						 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is ext2_anontest',
						  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> array(
				            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is not ext2_anontest.',

					$exceptionObj::$localizeMessage 	= [
						Lang::FIL => [
							$exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> array(
							 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field ay ext2_anontest',
							  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> array(
					            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field ay hindi ext2_anontest.',

	public function getLogics()
		return [

	public function custom_logics_logic($value = null, ...$satisfier) : bool
		return $value == $satisfier[0];

		Adding custom filters
	public function getFilters()
		return [

		filter method must always have _filter suffix
	public function custom_string_filter( $value, $satisfier, $field )
		$value 	= filter_var( $value, FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES ).'_from_extension';

		return $value;

		Adding custom macros
	public function getMacros()
		return [

	public function extension_macro()
		return function()

			return $this;

	public function extension_macro2($args = null)
		return function($args = null)

			$this->registerAsRule(function($value, $satisfier = null)
				if (!is_numeric($value)) 
		            return false;

		        return $value > 0;

			}, ['default' => 'Value :field must be positive ext :*', 'inverse' => 'Value :field must not be positive ext :*']);

			return $this;

	public function getClientSides()
		return [
			'custom_validation' => [
				'clientSide' => function(string $field, string $rule, mixed $satisfier = null, string $error = null, mixed $value = null)
					$js[$field][$rule]['rule'] =   <<<JS

					$js[$field][$rule]['message'] = <<<JS
					return $js;
				// optional
				'field' => 'specific_field'

	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
			->registerExtension(new \PackageAjd\Extensions\Package_extension);

Registering Custom lang file

  • It is not necessary but it is recommended to set defaults first before registering custom lang file. ->setDefaults([ 'baseDir' => __DIR__, 'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__ ])

  • There is only one way to register custom lang file

    • use ->addLangDir('custom', $directory_where_lang_file_is)
      1. $langName = first argument is language name.
      2. $path = second argument is the absolute path of the directory where the language file is located and it is necessary that all language file will have an _lang suffix so for this example custom_lang.php will be the filename.
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
			// register package's custom lang file
			->addLangDir('custom', __DIR__.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'lang'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

	// now to use the custom lang file
	// 1. register the package to ajd validation first


	// 2. the set the lang file to custom

Registering Custom lang stubs

  • It is not necessary but it is recommended to set defaults first before registering custom lang stubs file. ->setDefaults([ 'baseDir' => __DIR__, 'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__ ])

  • There is only one way to register custom lang stub file

    • what are lang.stubs file this will be the template generated for custom lang file.
    • if you want your custom rules lang to be included in the template add your custom lang stubs file.
    • use ->addLangStubs($path_to_lang_stubs)
      1. $path = first argument is the path to your custom lang stubs file.
	public function register()
				'baseDir' => __DIR__,
				'baseNamespace' => __NAMESPACE__
			// register package's custom lang stubs file
	} // after registering ajd validation will automatically include your lang stubs file in the template
	// example of a custom lang stubs file
	use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_exceptions as ex;

	use AJD_validation\Exceptions as Assert;

	$lang = [];

	$lang['error_msg']  = [
		'package_custom'		=> array(
			ex::ERR_DEFAULT 	=> array(
				ex::STANDARD 	=> ':field must be a custom stubs file example.'
			ex::ERR_NEGATIVE 	=> array(
				ex::STANDARD 	=> ':field must not be a custom stubs file example.'

	return $lang;

Adding package/s to ajd-validation

  1. composer require the package to your project.
  2. To add package/s use AJD_validation::addPackages([Package::class])
  3. After adding you can now use all the rules -> exceptions/filters/logics in that package
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;
