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In this document we'll see how to use ajd-validation filters

Basic usage

  • To use filter check the available filters in src/AJD_validation/Filters or at Filters.
  • Prefix the filter class name with F[filter_classname] and remove suffix _filter
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

	Associative array filtering useful for $_POST,$_GET data filtering
$toFiler = [
	'field1' => '1aas',
	'field2' => '1'

	->cacheFilter(string $field) must be present in the array
$filteredValues = $v

	This will print 
		array(2) {
		  string(40) "AES_DECRYPT(4, UNHEX(SHA2("test", 512)))"
		  string(1) "1"

	Single value Filtering Example

$filteredSingle = $v 
	->filterValue('as   ');

	This will print 
		string(41) "AES_DECRYPT(as, UNHEX(SHA2("test", 512)))"
  • It is recommended that you filter the data to be validated first then define the field-rule validation like in the example below
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

	Associative array filtering useful for $_POST,$_GET data filtering
$toFiler = [
	'field1' => '1aas',
	'field2' => '1'

	->cacheFilter(string $field) must be present in the array
$filteredValues = $v

	->check('field1', $filteredValues);

	->check('field2', $filteredValues);

Filter and validate at the same time

  • You can also filter and validate at the same time
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

	Example 1
$v->Ffilter_sanitize(FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT, true)
		->check('test_digit', 'aa');

	Outputs error 
		All of the required rules must pass for "Test digit".
		  - The Test digit field is required
		  - Test digit must contain only digits (0-9).

	Example 2
		->check('test_string', '<<aa');
	Outputs error
		All of the required rules must pass for "Test string".
		  - Test string must contain only letters (a-z).

	To get the pre_filter values and filtered_values after validation
		- pre_filter values means filtered values before validation.
		- filter_value means filtered values after validation.

$pre_filter = $v->pre_filter_value();
	returns array;
	array(1) {
	  string(0) ""
$filtered_values = $v->filter_value();

	returns array;
	array(1) {
	  string(0) ""
  • In example 1 the second paramater true in ->Ffilter_sanitize() will tell the filter to pre filter the value aa so the value will be '' during validation.

  • In example 2 the second paramater false in ->Ffilter_sanitize() (and default is false.), will tell the filter to apply filter to the value after validation thats why it did not remove characters <<.

Adding Custom Filters

Adding Filters Directory and Filters Namespace

  • You can add custom filters by adding a new filters directory and add filters namespace
  • Filters under the new directory must extend to AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_filter
  • All new custom filters must have [Custom]_filter as a suffix.
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;


	Custom Filter class example
namespace CustomFilters;

use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_filter;

class Custom_filter extends Abstract_filter
	public function filter( $value, $satisfier = NULL, $field = NULL )
        return $value.'_custom_filter';

$toFiler = [
	'field1' => '1aas',
	'field2' => '1'

	->cacheFilter(string $field) must be present in the array
$filteredValues = $v

	array(2) {
	  string(54) "AES_DECRYPT(4, UNHEX(SHA2("test", 512)))_custom_filter"
	  string(1) "1"

Registering filters collection

- If your app is already using some sort of autoloading you can use this to register a collection/array of filters.
- Use this if you dont want to register the whole filters directory and just want to register specific filters.
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;
$v = new AJD_validation;

$v ->registerFiltersMappings([

$v->Fcustom_test()->check('custom', 'a');

Registering custom filter using $v->registerExtension()

- registering extension not only registers custom rule but can also register custom filtering, custom logics, custom middlewares, custom anonymous class rule.
use AJD_validation\Contracts\Base_extension;
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;
use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_exceptions;
use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_anonymous_rule;

$v = new AJD_validation;

class Custom_extension extends Base_extension
	public function getName()
		return 'Custom_extension';

	public function getRules()
		return array(

	public function getRuleMessages()
		// it is recommended to define the inverse message also for the custom rule.
		// but if you don't define an inverse message ajd validation will just output the same message.
		return array(
			'custom_validation' 	=> ['default' => 'The :field field is not a a.', 'inverse' => 'Not The :field field is not a a.'],
			'custom_validation2' 	=> 'The :field field is not a a 2.',

	public function custom_validation( $value, $satisfier, $field )
		if( $value == 'a' )
			return true;
			return false;

	public function custom_validation2( $value, $satisfier, $field )

		return false;

	public function getAnonClass()
		return [
			new class() extends Abstract_anonymous_rule
				public function __invoke($value, $satisfier = NULL, $field = NULL)
					return in_array($value, $satisfier);

				public static function getAnonName() : string
					return 'ext1_anontest';

				public static function getAnonExceptionMessage(Abstract_exceptions $exceptionObj)
					$exceptionObj::$defaultMessages 	= array(
						 $exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> array(
						 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is ext1_anontest',
						  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> array(
				            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is not ext1_anontest.',
			new class() extends Abstract_anonymous_rule
				public function __invoke($value, $satisfier = NULL, $field = NULL)
					return in_array($value, $satisfier);

				public static function getAnonName() : string
					return 'ext2_anontest';

				public static function getAnonExceptionMessage(Abstract_exceptions $exceptionObj)
					$exceptionObj::$defaultMessages 	= array(
						 $exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> array(
						 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is ext2_anontest',
						  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> array(
				            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is not ext2_anontest.',

					$exceptionObj::$localizeMessage 	= [
						Lang::FIL => [
							$exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> array(
							 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field ay ext2_anontest',
							  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> array(
					            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field ay hindi ext2_anontest.',

	public function getLogics()
		return [

	public function custom_logics_logic($value = null, ...$satisfier) : bool
		return $value == $satisfier[0];

		Adding custom filters
	public function getFilters()
		return [

		Adding custom macros
	public function getMacros()
		return [

		filter method must always have _filter suffix
	public function custom_string_filter( $value, $satisfier, $field )
		$value 	= filter_var( $value, FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES ).'_from_extension';

		return $value;

	public function extension_macro()
		return function()

			return $this;

	public function extension_macro2($args = null)
		return function($args = null)

			$this->registerAsRule(function($value, $satisfier = null)
				if (!is_numeric($value)) 
		            return false;

		        return $value > 0;

			}, ['default' => 'Value :field must be positive ext :*', 'inverse' => 'Value :field must not be positive ext :*']);

			return $this;

	1. Register the extension object.
$extension 	= new Custom_extension;

$toFiler = [
	'field1' => '1aas',
	'field2' => '1'

$filteredValues = $v

	array(2) {
	  string(54) "AES_DECRYPT(4, UNHEX(SHA2("test", 512)))_from_extension"
	  string(1) "1"

See also: