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File metadata and controls

604 lines (482 loc) · 16.4 KB


  • Rule or Field scenario could be trigger by a specific scenario.


  • When defined a rule or field will only do the validation once the scenario is trigger.
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

		/* example 1 */


			'username' => 'a',
			'fname' => '',

		/* example 2 */


	catch(Exception $e)
		echo $e->getMessage();

Example 1 will not output any error message because we defined that username field validation will ony trigger once edit and for field fname minlength validation will only trigger when edit if we change $v->on('add'). Error Output will be

All of the required rules must pass for "Username".
  - Username must be greater than or equal to 2. character(s). 
All of the required rules must pass for "Fname".
  - Fname must be greater than or equal to 1. character(s). 

Example 2 will out put erorr.

All of the required rules must pass for "Middlename".
  - Middlename must be greater than or equal to 1. character(s). 

When we change to $v->on('add') error output will be.

All of the required rules must pass for "Middlename".
  - The Middlename field is required
  - Middlename must be greater than or equal to 1. character(s). 


  • When defined a rule or field will only be validated if the value is present and not empty
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

		/* example 1 */


			'username2' => '',
			'fname2' => '',

		/* example 2 */


	catch(Exception $e)
		echo $e->getMessage();

Example 1 will not output any error because we define rule grouping required will only be validated when field value is present and not empty.

But if we remove ->sometimes on ->Srequired() error output will be.

All of the required rules must pass for "Fname2".
  - The Fname2 field is required

This is because we define that field username will only be validated if the value is present and not empty and fname field minlength rule will only be validated if value is present and not empty

Example 2 error out put will be

All of the required rules must pass for "Middlename2".
  - The Middlename2 field is required

This is because we defined that minlength rule will only be validated if value is present and not empty

Sometimes using with a closure

  • We can also pass a closure inside ->sometimes() to make a custom logic to initiate a validation. Closure must return a boolean true/false.
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

		/* example 1 */

			->field('username2')->sometimes(function($value = null, $field, $details = [])
					return $value == 'a';
				->minlength(1)->sometimes(function($value = null, $satisfier = null, $field)
					return true;

			'username2' => 'a',
			'fname2' => '',

		/* example 2 */

			->minlength(3)->sometimes(function($value = null, $satisfier = null, $field)
					return strlen($value) == 2;
			->check('middlename2', 'aa');

	catch(Exception $e)
		echo $e->getMessage();
  • ->sometimes(string|\Closure)

    Will trigger once the value is present and not empty or closure returns true.

      - Rule sometimes
      	1. [Closure] for first paramater. Closure will receive the following
      		- $value - current value.
      		- $satisfier - current rule satisfier e.g. minlength's allowed length value.
      		- $field - current field.
      - Field sometimes
      	1. [Closure] for first paramater. Closure will receive the following
      		- $value - current value.
      		- $field - current field.
      		- $details - current field details. 

Example 1 will output errors

All of the required rules must pass for "Username2".
  - Username2 must be greater than or equal to 2. character(s). 
All of the required rules must pass for "Fname2".
  - The Fname2 field is required
  - Fname2 must be greater than or equal to 1. character(s). 

This is because we defined on field username 2 ->sometimes() that we will validate the field if $value == 'a' and minlength error only prints because required and alpha rule passess

Example 2 will output error becase we defined that we will validate minlength rule if value strlen($value) == 2 which passes

All of the required rules must pass for "Middlename2".
  - Middlename2 must be greater than or equal to 3. character(s). 

Sometimes using with a logic or validator

  • We can also pass an ajd validation logic or ajd validation validator in sometimes
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

		/* example 1 */


			'username2' => 'a',
			'fname2' => '',

		/* example 2 */

			->check('middlename2', 'aa');

	catch(Exception $e)
		echo $e->getMessage();
  • Example 1 will only output if field username2 sometimes logic returns true it will run the field validation because that First_logic returns true you may check src/AJD_validation/Logics/First_logic.php

  • Example 1's field fname2 minlength rule will only run if value is digit.

  • Example 2's field middlename2 minlength rule will only run if value is required but allows zero meaning if value zero required_allowed_zero is true and if value is digit, in this case since the value is aa minlength rule will not run


  • We can also group set of rules and tell the validator to run a specific group only

  • There is different syntax to be used when grouping in normal/basic vs alternative syntax. Please refer to the example below.

Normal/Basic sytanx

  • In normal/basic we use ->useGroupings() before the ->check() method
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;
$v = new AJD_validation;

	->check('field', '');

Alternative sytanx

  • In alternative syntax we use ->useGroupingsField() afer the ->field() method or after the sub rule definition of the field.
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;
$v = new AJD_validation;

->Srequired(null,  AJD_validation::LOG_OR)->groups('t1')
	->Sminlength(2, AJD_validation::LOG_AND)->groups('t2')

		->useGroupingsField($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't3']))

		->useGroupingsField($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2']))

	'field_group1' => ['field_group1' => ['a-a', 'a-a']],
	'field_group2' => ['field_group2' => ['1', '']],
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

	->required(null, '@custom_error_Field is required.')->groups(['t1'])

	->alnum(['*', '&'])->groups('t2')


	->check('grouping_field', ''); // validation fails
	Outputs error
	All of the required rules must pass for "Grouping field".
  		- Grouping field must contain only letters (a-z), digits (0-9) and ""*&"".

  • In the above example alnum and maxlength validation only run since we told that only use groups t2.

Example using alternative syntax

use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

->Srequired(null,  AJD_validation::LOG_AND)->groups('t1')
	->Sminlength(2, AJD_validation::LOG_AND)->groups('t2')
		->useGroupingsField(['t2', 't3'])
		->useGroupingsField(['t1', 't2', 't4'])
	'field_group1' => ['field_group1' => ['', '']],
	'field_group2' => ['field_group2' => ['', '']],
]); // validation fails

	Outputs error
	All of the required rules must pass for "Field group1".
	  - Field group1 must be greater than or equal to 2. character(s).  at row 1.
	  - Field group1 must be greater than or equal to 2. character(s).  at row 2.
	  - Field group1 must contain only letters (a-z). at row 1.
	  - Field group1 must contain only letters (a-z). at row 2.
	All of the required rules must pass for "Field group2".
	  - The Field group2 field is required at row 1.
	  - The Field group2 field is required at row 2.
	  - Field group2 must be greater than or equal to 2. character(s).  at row 1.
	  - Field group2 must be greater than or equal to 2. character(s).  at row 2.
	  - Field group2 must contain only digits (0-9). at row 1.
	  - Field group2 must contain only digits (0-9). at row 2.


Grouping Sequence

  • you could also define the sequence of how the grouping will run.
  • this mean that the validator will run the group sequentially and if one grouping fails validation will stop there.
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

	example 1
		->required(null, '@custom_error_Field is required.')->groups(['t1'])

		->alnum(['*', '&'])->groups('t2')


		->useGroupings($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't3']))
		->check('grouping_field', ''); // validation fails 
	Outputs error 
	All of the required rules must pass for "Grouping field".
	  - Field is required.
	  - Grouping field must be greater than or equal to 3. character(s). 

	example 2
		->required(null, '@custom_error_Field is required.')->groups(['t1'])

		->alnum(['*', '&'])->groups('t2')


		->useGroupings($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't3']))
		->check('grouping_field', 'aa***--'); // validation fails 
	Outputs error 
	All of the required rules must pass for "Grouping field".
	  - Grouping field must be less than or equal to 5. character(s). 
	  - Grouping field must contain only letters (a-z), digits (0-9) and ""*&"".

	example 3
		->required(null, '@custom_error_Field is required.')->groups(['t1'])

		->alnum(['*', '&'])->groups('t2')


		->useGroupings($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't3']))
		->check('grouping_field', 'aaaaa'); // validation fails 
	Outputs error 
	All of the required rules must pass for "Grouping field".
  		- The Grouping field field has appeared in a data leak.

	example 4
		->required(null, '@custom_error_Field is required.')->groups(['t1'])

		->alnum(['*', '&'])->groups('t2')


		->useGroupings($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't3']))
		->check('grouping_field', 'ame*&'); // validation passes 

Using alternative syntax in Group Sequence

Note: Currently using Group Sequence in alternative syntax kinda works but there might be a scenario where the desired result won't be correct. So it is recommended to use the normal/basic syntax for group sequencing.

use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

	Example 1
->Srequired(null,  AJD_validation::LOG_AND)->groups('t1')
	->Sminlength(2, AJD_validation::LOG_AND)->groups('t2')
		->useGroupingsField($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't3']))
		->useGroupingsField($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't4']))
	'field_group1' => ['field_group1' => ['', '']],
	'field_group2' => ['field_group2' => ['', '']],
]); // validation fails
	Outputs error
	All of the required rules must pass for "Field group1".
	  - The Field group1 field is required at row 1.
	  - The Field group1 field is required at row 2.
	All of the required rules must pass for "Field group2".
	  - The Field group2 field is required at row 1.
	  - The Field group2 field is required at row 2.

	Example 2
->Srequired(null,  AJD_validation::LOG_AND)->groups('t1')
	->Sminlength(2, AJD_validation::LOG_AND)->groups('t2')
		->useGroupingsField($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't3']))
		->useGroupingsField($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't4']))
	'field_group1' => ['field_group1' => ['a', 'a-']],
	'field_group2' => ['field_group2' => ['', 'a-']],
]); // validation fails
	Outputs error 
	All of the required rules must pass for "Field group1".
	  - Field group1 must be greater than or equal to 2. character(s).  at row 1.
	  - Field group1 must contain only letters (a-z). at row 2.
	All of the required rules must pass for "Field group2".
	  - The Field group2 field is required at row 1.
	  - Field group2 must contain only digits (0-9). at row 2.
  • In example 1 only requirederror prints because we told that sequence will use group t1 will be the first sequence.

  • In example 2 field group 1 row 1 triggers minlength error, field group 1 row 2 triggers alpha error, field group 2 row 1 trigger required error because of the sequence and field group 2 row 2 prints digit rule error.

use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;
	Example 3
->Srequired(null,  AJD_validation::LOG_OR)->groups('t1')
	->Sminlength(2, AJD_validation::LOG_AND)->groups('t2')
		->useGroupingsField($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't3']))
		->useGroupingsField($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't4']))
	'field_group1' => ['field_group1' => ['a', 'a']],
	'field_group2' => ['field_group2' => ['', '']],
]) // validation fails

	Outputs error 
	All of the required rules must pass for "Field group1".
	  - Field group1 must be greater than or equal to 2. character(s).  at row 1.
	  - Field group1 must be greater than or equal to 2. character(s).  at row 2.
  • Example 3 since we define that required will pass if field field_group1 or field_group2 is not empty that is why it printed minlength rule for field_group1 but if you put a value for field_group2 that is not length >= 2 field_group2 will also output error.
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;
	Example 4
->Srequired(null,  AJD_validation::LOG_OR)->groups('t1')
	->Sminlength(2, AJD_validation::LOG_AND)->groups('t2')
		->useGroupingsField($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't3']))
		->useGroupingsField($v->createGroupSequence(['t1', 't2', 't4']))
	'field_group1' => ['field_group1' => ['a-a', 'a-a']],
	'field_group2' => ['field_group2' => ['1a1', '1a']],
]); // validation fails

	Outputs error
	All of the required rules must pass for "Field group1".
	  - Field group1 must contain only letters (a-z). at row 1.
	  - Field group1 must contain only letters (a-z). at row 2.
	All of the required rules must pass for "Field group2".
	  - Field group2 must contain only digits (0-9). at row 1.
	  - Field group2 must contain only digits (0-9). at row 2.
  • So again it is recommended to use normal/basic syntax for group sequencing Usage.

See also: