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735 lines (610 loc) · 17.8 KB

Adding Custom Rules

Adding Rules Directory and Rules Namespace

  • You can add custom rules by adding a new rules directory and add rules namespace
  • Rules under the new directory must extend to \AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_rule
  • When adding a new Rule using a new Rules Directory one must add Rule exception for that rule inside new Rules Directory\Exceptions folder.
  • All new custom rule must have [Custom]_rule as a suffix and all new custom exception must have [Custome]_rule_exception as a suffix
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;


	Inside Custom Rules directory one must create exceptions directory also

	Custom_rule class
namespace CustomRules;

use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_rule;

class Custom_rule extends Abstract_rule

	public function run( $value, $satisfier = NULL, $field = NULL, $clean_field = NULL, $origValues = NULL )
		return strtolower($value) == 'custom_rule';

	public function validate( $value )
		$check 	= false;
		$check 	= $this->run( $value );

		if( is_array( $check ) )
			return $check['check'];

		return $check;


	Custom_rule_exception class

namespace CustomRules\Exceptions;

use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_exceptions;
use AJD_validation\Constants\Lang;

class Custom_rule_exception extends Abstract_exceptions
    public static $defaultMessages  = [
        self::ERR_DEFAULT           => [
            self::STANDARD          => 'The :field is validated using custom rule.',
        self::ERR_NEGATIVE          => [
         self::STANDARD             => 'The :field is not validated using custom rule.',

    	if with localization error message
    public static $localizeMessage 	= [
		Lang::FIL => [
			self::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> [
			 	self::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field ay ginagamit ang custom rule',
			  self::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> [
	            self::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field ay hindi ginagamit ang custom rule.',

    public static $localizeFile     = 'custom_rule_err';

	- After defining both the rule and rule exception class you can use now your custom validation
	- When using your custom rule just remove `_rule` suffix

	->check('custom_field', ''); // outputs error 
	Outputs error
	The Custom Field is validated using custom rule

	->validate(''); // false

	->check('custom_field', 'custom_rule'); // validation passes

	->validate('custom_rule'); // true

Adding an invokable rule

- For simple rule implementation create invokable rule
- You can add custom invokable rules under the new rules directory and rules namespace by extending to \AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_invokable
namespace CustomRules;

use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_invokable;
use AJD_validation\Constants\Lang;

class Invokable_custom_rule extends Abstract_invokable
    public function __construct()

	public function __invoke($value, $satisfier = NULL, $field = NULL)
        $check = strtolower($value) == 'invokable_custom_rule';


            return $this->exception->message($check, [
                $this->exception::ERR_DEFAULT => [
                    $this->exception::STANDARD => 'The :field field is validated using custom invokable.'
                $this->exception::ERR_NEGATIVE      => [
                    $this->exception::STANDARD          => 'The :field field is not custom invokable.',
                	If you want localization
                Lang::FIL => [
                    $this->exception::ERR_DEFAULT => [
                        $this->exception::STANDARD => 'The :field* field ay custom invokable.'
                    $this->exception::ERR_NEGATIVE      => [
                        $this->exception::STANDARD          => 'The :field* field ay hindi custom invokable.',

        return $check;


use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;
$v = new AJD_validation;

	->check('invokable_custom_field', ''); // outputs error 
	Outputs error
	The Invokable Custom Field field is validated using custom invokable.

	->validate(''); // false

	->check('invokable_custom_field', 'invokable_custom_rule'); // validation passes

	->validate('invokable_custom_rule'); // true

Registering Rules Mapping

- If your app is already using some sort of autoloading you can use this to register rules and exceptions key value pair.
- Use this if you dont want to register the whole rules directory and just want to register specific rules/exceptions.
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;
$v = new AJD_validation;

$v ->registerRulesMappings([
	\CustomNamespace\Rules\Custom_rule::class => \CustomNamespace\Exceptions\Custom_rule_exception::class

$v->custom()->check('custom', '');

Registering custom rules using Anonymous class

use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;
use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_anonymous_rule;
use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_exceptions;
use AJD_validation\Constants\Lang;

$v = new AJD_validation;

	new class() extends Abstract_anonymous_rule
			must return boolean
		public function __invoke($value, $satisfier = NULL, $field = NULL)
			return in_array($value, $satisfier);


			your custom rule name
		public static function getAnonName() : string
			return 'custom_anonymous';

		public static function getAnonExceptionMessage(Abstract_exceptions $exceptionObj)
			$exceptionObj::$defaultMessages 	= [
				 $exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> [
				 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is validated using custom_anonymous rule.',
				  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> [
		            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is not validated using custom_anonymous rule.',

			$exceptionObj::$localizeMessage 	= [
				Lang::FIL => [
					$exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> [
					 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field localization example for custom_anonymous rule.',
					  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> [
			            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field not localization example for custom_anonymous rule.',

	->check('anonymous_custom_field', '1'); // outputs error 
	Outputs error
	The Anonymous Custom Field field is validated using custom_anonymous rule.

	->check('anonymous_custom_field', '3'); // validation passes
- **Note: Custom rules Registered using anoymous class won't work when using `$v->getValidator()->custom_anonymous()`, might add support in the future.**

Registering Custom Rule using $v->registerClass()

use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

class Custom_class
	// must have a method run or must have an __invoke magic method
	public function run( $value = null, $satisfier = null, $field = null, ...$custom_args )
		if( $value == 'a' )
			return true;
			return false;

//  or 
class Custom_class
	// must have a method run or must have an __invoke magic method
	public function __invoke( $value = null, $satisfier = null, $field = null, ...$custom_args )
		if( $value == 'a' )
			return true;
			return false;

	1. first argument is class object
	2. second arugment is the default message and inverse message
	3. third argument is the optional array of arguments to be passed
	4. fourth argument is the optional rule name or how this class rule will be called

	By default ajd validation will explode the class name by \ and it will get the last segment as the rule name but if you define a rule name as fourth argument ajd validation will use that as the rule name
$v->registerClass( new Custom_class, ['default' => 'this value is not custom class a', 'inverse' => 'not this value is not custom class a'], ['custom_args']);
$v->custom_class()->check('custom_class', ''); // outputs error 
	Outputs error
		this value is not custom class a
$v->custom_class()->check('custom_class', 'a'); // validation passes

	Example of fourth argument as rule name
$v->registerClass( new Custom_class, ['default' => 'this value is not custom class a', 'inverse' => 'not this value is not custom class a'], ['custom_args'], 'custom_class_name');
$v->custom_class_name()->check('custom_class', ''); // outputs error 
	Outputs error
		this value is not custom class a
$v->custom_class_name()->check('custom_class', 'a'); // validation passes
- **Note: Currently there is no localization support for this way of adding custom rule.**

Registering Custom Rule using $v->registerMethod()

use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;

$v = new AJD_validation;

class Custom_method
	public function custom_method( $value = null, $satisfier = null, $field = null, ...$custom_args )
		if( $value == 'a' )
			return true;
			return false;

	1. first argument is method name
	2. second argument is the object
	3. third arugment is the default message and inverse message
	4. fourth argument is the optional array of arguments to be passed

$v->registerMethod('custom_method', new Custom_method, ['default' => 'this value custom method is not a', 'inverse' => 'not this value custom method is not a'], ['custom_args']);

$v->custom_method()->check('custom_method', ''); // outputs error 
	Outputs error
		this value custom method is not a

$v->custom_method()->check('custom_method', 'a'); // validation passes
- **Note: Currently there is no localization support for this way of adding custom rule.**

Registering custom rule using $v->registerFunction()

use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;
$v = new AJD_validation;
// custom function using callback/Closure
	1. first argument is function name
	2. second argument is the optional ?\Closure anonymous function
	3. third arugment is the default message and inverse message
	4. fourth argument is the optional array of arguments to be passed
$v->registerFunction('my_custom_func', function($value, $field, $satisfier, ...$custom_args)
	if( $value == 'a' )
		return true;
		return false;
}, ['default' => 'this value is not a', 'inverse' => 'not this value is not a'], ['custom_args']);

$v->my_custom_func()->check('my_custom_func', 'b'); // outputs error
	Outputs error
		this value is not a

$v->my_custom_func()->check('my_custom_func', 'a'); // validation passes

	You could also add named function

function my_custom_func($value)
	if( $value == 'a' )
		return true;
		return false;

$v->registerFunction('my_custom_func', null, ['default' => 'this value is not a', 'inverse' => 'not this value is not a']);

$v->my_custom_func()->check('my_custom_func', 'b'); // outputs error
	Outputs error
		this value is not a

$v->my_custom_func()->check('my_custom_func', 'a'); // validation passes
- **Note: Currently there is no localization support for this way of adding custom rule.**

Default php function supported

- error message for the following supported php function is found under src/AJD_validation/lang/[current_lang]_lang.php

$v->is_numeric()->check('is_numeric_field', 'a'); // outputs error
	Outputs error
		Is numeric field must be numeric.
$v->is_numeric()->check('is_numeric_field', '1'); // validation passes

	Third paramater false turns off auto loop array checking
$v->is_array()->check('is_array_field', '', false); // outputs error
	Outputs error
		Is array field must be a php array.
$v->is_array()->check('is_array_field', [], false); // validation passes		
- **Note: these default php functions won't work when using `$v->getValidator()->is_array()`.**

Registering custom rule using $v->registerExtension()

- registering extension not only registers custom rule but can also register custom filtering, custom logics, custom middlewares, custom anonymous class rule.
use AJD_validation\Contracts\Base_extension;
use AJD_validation\AJD_validation;
use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_exceptions;
use AJD_validation\Contracts\Abstract_anonymous_rule;

$v = new AJD_validation;

class Custom_extension extends Base_extension
	public function getName()
		return 'Custom_extension';

	public function getRules()
		return array(

	public function getRuleMessages()
		// it is recommended to define the inverse message also for the custom rule.
		// but if you don't define an inverse message ajd validation will just output the same message.
		return array(
			'custom_validation' 	=> ['default' => 'The :field field is not a a.', 'inverse' => 'Not The :field field is not a a.'],
			'custom_validation2' 	=> 'The :field field is not a a 2.',

	public function custom_validation( $value, $satisfier, $field )
		if( $value == 'a' )
			return true;
			return false;

	public function custom_validation2( $value, $satisfier, $field )

		return false;

	public function getAnonClass()
		return [
			new class() extends Abstract_anonymous_rule
				public function __invoke($value, $satisfier = NULL, $field = NULL)
					return in_array($value, $satisfier);

				public static function getAnonName() : string
					return 'ext1_anontest';

				public static function getAnonExceptionMessage(Abstract_exceptions $exceptionObj)
					$exceptionObj::$defaultMessages 	= array(
						 $exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> array(
						 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is ext1_anontest',
						  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> array(
				            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is not ext1_anontest.',
			new class() extends Abstract_anonymous_rule
				public function __invoke($value, $satisfier = NULL, $field = NULL)
					return in_array($value, $satisfier);

				public static function getAnonName() : string
					return 'ext2_anontest';

				public static function getAnonExceptionMessage(Abstract_exceptions $exceptionObj)
					$exceptionObj::$defaultMessages 	= array(
						 $exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> array(
						 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is ext2_anontest',
						  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> array(
				            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field is not ext2_anontest.',

					$exceptionObj::$localizeMessage 	= [
						Lang::FIL => [
							$exceptionObj::ERR_DEFAULT 			=> array(
							 	$exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field ay ext2_anontest',
							  $exceptionObj::ERR_NEGATIVE 		=> array(
					            $exceptionObj::STANDARD 			=> 'The :field field ay hindi ext2_anontest.',

	public function getLogics()
		return [

	public function custom_logics_logic($value = null, ...$satisfier) : bool
		return $value == $satisfier[0];

		Adding custom filters
	public function getFilters()
		return [

		Adding custom macros
	public function getMacros()
		return [

		filter method must always have _filter suffix
	public function custom_string_filter( $value, $satisfier, $field )
		$value 	= filter_var( $value, FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES ).'_from_extension';

		return $value;

	public function extension_macro()
		return function()

			return $this;

	public function extension_macro2($args = null)
		return function($args = null)

			$this->registerAsRule(function($value, $satisfier = null)
				if (!is_numeric($value)) 
		            return false;

		        return $value > 0;

			}, ['default' => 'Value :field must be positive ext :*', 'inverse' => 'Value :field must not be positive ext :*']);

			return $this;

	1. Register the extension object.
$extension 	= new Custom_extension;

$v->custom_validation()->custom_validation2()->check('custom_extension', '');
	Outputs error
		All of the required rules must pass for "Custom extension".
		  - The Custom extension field is not a a.
		  - The Custom extension field is not a a 2.

$v->ext1_anontest(3)->check('ext1_anontest', '1');
	Outputs error
		The Ext1 anontest field is ext1_anontest

$v->ext2_anontest(3)->check('ext2_anontest', '1');
	Outputs error
		The Ext2 anontest field is ext2_anontest

	using custom logic
$v->Lgcustom_logics(5)->runLogics('1'); // false
$v->Lgcustom_logics(5)->runLogics('5'); // true
- **Note: custom rules registered using `$v->registerExtension()` won't work when using `$v->getValidator()->custom_validation()`. Might add support for custom rules using Anonymous class in `$v->getAnonClass()` to work when using `$v->getValidator()->ext1_anontest()` in the future.**