Integration gives you the remote access to your local smart home through encrypted transactions in Robonomics blockchain. It allows:
- Whatch current states
- Call services
- Manage Home Assistant users with subscription devices
- Create backups
More information you can find on Robonomics Wiki.
For the Robonomics integration you need an account in Robonomics Network with subscription. Also you need a controller
account added to subscription as a device (it must be ed25519 type). Controller account will send telemetry from Home Assistant and will be able to send commands to smart devices.
Robonomics controlle account seed. Seed phrase of you
account. Note that this seed is stored only on your local machine and integration use it to encrypt the data and send transactions fromcontroller
account. -
Robonomics subscription owner address. The address of the subscription owner account. It is needed for sending transactions using subscription.
Timeout for sending data to Robonomics. Remote states will be updated with this timeout. Note that it shouldn't be too small, because you don't have the ability to send transactions using subscriptions too often.
Custom IPFS gateway. URL for the custom IPFS gateway. Default integration store data in local IPFS node, but you can add your custom gateway (recommended for backups) to improve connectivity.
Port for the custom IPFS gateway.
Use controller seed gateway authentication. Tick it if your gateway uses web3 authentication.
Pinata public key. You also can use Pinata as a custom gateway. For that you need to add an API Key in your Pinata account.
Pinata private key.