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File metadata and controls

231 lines (165 loc) · 8.14 KB


TBD status lozenges

A simple RxJava wrapper around JDBC that lets you convert JDBC Connections to RxJava Observables. tiny-rxjava-jdbc manages the lifecycle of you Connections, transactions, PreparedStatements and ResultSets.

The two main drivers for developing this library were:

  • ability to manage JDBC transactions while working with Observables;
  • access to the raw ResultSet (and then Record when we moved to jOOQ).

For query chaining and ORM-like access use rxjava-jdbc.


Using tiny-rxjava-jdbc uses Gradle for build.

git clone
cd tiny-rxjava-jdbc
./gradlew clean build

Running the tests for tiny-rxjava-jdbc-test requires postgres to be installed. See db-env.


Provides access to core JDBC functionality.

Connections and transactions are managed from the ConnectionPool and TransactionContextExecutor. All SQL executions start with the ConnectionPool the returned TransactionContextExecutor is used to manage how transactions are handled. Signaling is borrowed from RxNetty, using the completion of the ConnectionConsumer's Observable to signal completion of activity on the Connection. The only extension to this is withCommitPerEvent, which uses each emitted event to signal the need to commit a transaction.

TBC maven/gradle


ConnectionPool pool = ConnectionPool.from(...);

Observable<Void> result = pool
    connection -> {
      // do stuff with connection ...

      // signal completion
      return Observable.empty();

Composable SQL execution

ConnectionPool pool = ConnectionPool.from(...);

Observable<Object> result = pool
    connection ->
      Execute.using(connection, connection -> connection.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE test (id INT);"))
          ExecuteUpdate.using(connection, connection -> connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO test VALUES (7);"))
          ExecuteQuery.using(connection, connection -> connection.prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM test;"))
// result is [null, 1, 7]

PreparedStatement builders

ConnectionPool pool = ConnectionPool.from(...);

Observable<Integer> result = pool
    connection ->
        DefaultPreparedStatementBuilder.of("SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = ?;")
          .add(7, Types.INTEGER)
ConnectionPool pool = ConnectionPool.from(...);

Observable<Integer> result = pool
    connection ->
        NamedParameterPreparedStatementBuilder.of("SELECT id FROM test WHERE id = :id;")
          .add("id", 7, Types.INTEGER)
// result is [null, 1, 7]

See for examples.


Provides a named, pooled H2 ConnectionProvider.

See for examples.

TBC maven/gradle

import com.trunk.rx.jdbc.h2.H2ConnectionProvider;

ConnectionProvider p = new H2ConnectionProvider("pool-name");


Use jOOQ's DSL to query your database.

See for examples.

TBC maven/gradle

Table<Record> test = table("test");
Field<Integer> id = field("id", SQLDataType.INTEGER);

ConnectionPool pool = ConnectionPool.from(...);

Observable<Integer> ids = pool
    connection ->
                   c -> using(c, SQLDialect.H2).select(id).from(test),
                   r -> r.getValue(0, Integer.class))


Provides a named, pooled PostgreSQL ConnectionProvider and a Hikari based ConnectionProvider.

TBC maven/gradle


new PgConnectionProvider(...);
new PgHikariConnectionProvider(...);


Archaius/Guice bindings for tiny-rxjava-jdbc-core. This requires a binding for a ConnectionProvider, eg PgConnectionProviderModule or PgHikariConnectionProviderModule. This is provided as a singleton.

Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new ArchaiusModule(), new ConnectionPoolModule(), new PgConnectionProviderModule());


Archaius/Guice bindings for tiny-rxjava-jdbc-pg. PgConnectionProvider and PgHikariConnectionProvider are both bound to ConnectionProvider, so only one of the modules should be added to any one Injector. These are provided as singletons.

Expects the following in your properties:

  • database_host the database hostname
  • database_database the database name
  • database_username the username
  • database_password the password
  • database_maxConnections (optional) the connection pool size
Injector injector = Guice.createInjector(new ArchaiusModule(), new PgConnectionProviderModule());


Bootstrap test data into a connection for testing using Liquibase.

See for examples.

TBC maven/gradle

ConnectionProvider connectionProvider = ...;
Observable<ConnectionProvider> pool = LiquibaseBootstrap.using(connectionProvider, "test/sample_update.xml");


Code ported from rxjava-jdbc is copyright David Moten.

All other material copyright 2016 Trunk Platform.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.