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JOO200 edited this page May 31, 2020 · 18 revisions

Using ACF - Annotation Command Framework

Build Tool Setup

See Maven, Gradle, or you can find artifacts here:

Or manual:

Getting a Command Manager

This part is platform specific. Use the command manager that represents your platform.


BukkitCommandManager manager = new BukkitCommandManager(yourBukkitPlugin);

Paper (Recommended over Bukkit):

  • Using the Paper Command Manager does NOT make your plugin require Paper. It simply lets it take advantage of Paper specific features if available, such as Asynchronous Tab Completions
  • Paper specific improvements will be added in the future as potential is found.
  • Server owners are STRONGLY encouraged to use Paper instead of Spigot or CraftBukkit, as it is a massive improvement to the server software.
PaperCommandManager manager = new PaperCommandManager(yourBukkitPlugin);


BungeeCommandManager manager = new BungeeCommandManager(yourBungeePlugin);


SpongeCommandManager manager = new SpongeCommandManager(yourSpongePlugin);

Registering a command

First you need to create a class that extends BaseCommand, then register that command with the manager

manager.registerCommand(new MyCommand());

If you need your plugin instance, pass it to your commands constructor like so. Take note that there is another possibility to use objects in your command class with dependency injections.

manager.registerCommand(new MyCommand(myPlugin));

See Wiki Home for links to the other guides, but here is some important ones: