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99 lines (74 loc) · 2.47 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (74 loc) · 2.47 KB


Cmel (see-mel) is short for Caramel, the name of my cat. Caramel It's my implementation of Lox from Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystrom.


Here are the features which separate Cmel from Lox.

  • Support for 2^24 constant values in a script
  • Local const values
  • Has a break statement to exit from loops early
  • Built-ins
  • Primitive methods (e.g. "string".length())
  • Lists
  • Modulo operator

Primitive Types

  • Nil
  • Boolean
  • String
    • length() returns the number of characters in the string
    • split(delimiter) returns a list of elements in the given string as separated by the delimiter
  • Number
    • add(Number) returns the number plus the passed number
  • List
    • add(value) mutates the list by adding the given value and returns the same list
    • remove(index) mutates the list by removing the value at the given index and returns the same list
    • length() returns the length of the list

Built-in Functions

  • input() gets and returns a value from stdin
  • clock() returns the current time since the program started in seconds
  • readFile(path) returns the content of the given path as a String
  • number(val) returns a number representation of the given value. Only numbers, booleans and strings may be passed


Compile the project using


Then, you can either run cmel as a REPL


or execute a file by passing it the path

./cmel <filepath>


To test the code, first build the executable using the build script, then navigate to the test folder and run

node --test


Language Features

  • Widen const to work for global variables
  • Arrays/Lists
  • File Reading
  • Postfix Operators (e.g. ++ and --)
  • Ternary Operator
  • Modulo Operator
  • String Escape Characters
  • String interpolation
  • Implicit convert to string on all types for concatenation
  • Try/Catch
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Modules
  • User facing Hash Tables (Including non-string keys)
  • Continue Statement
  • Break Statement
  • Switch Statement
  • Typeof operator
  • toString method on instances


  • Syntax Highlighter
  • Language Server
  • Test Runner


  • In chapter 18 it's mentioned that a <= b should not be the same as !(a > b) but in cmel it is. Fix by introducing dedicated instructions for <=, >= and maybe != while you're at it