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Agora Open Video Call for Web (Modified with background removal using TensorFlow)

This tutorial shows you how to quickly create an open video call using the Agora sample app and the Agora 2.0+ API.


  • Developer Account
  • Node.js 6.9.1+
  • A web server that supports SSL (https)

Quick Start

This section shows you how to prepare, build, and run the sample application.

Create an Account and Obtain an App ID

To build and run the sample application, get an App ID:

  1. Create a developer account at

  2. In the Dashboard that opens, click Projects > Project List in the left navigation.

  3. Copy the App ID from the Dashboard to a text file. You will use this when you launch the app.

  4. Open the src/utils/Settings.js file. At the bottom of the file, replace <#YOUR APP ID#> with the App ID from the dashboard.

    Note: Place the App ID within single or double quotes.

export const APP_ID = <#YOUR APP ID#>;

Update and Run the Sample Application

  1. Using the Terminal app, enter the install command in your project directory. This command installs libraries that are required to run the sample application.

    # install dependencies
    npm install
  2. Start the application by entering the run dev or run build command.

    The run dev command is for development purposes.

    # serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
    npm run dev

    The run build command is for production purposes and minifies code.

    # build for production with minification
    npm run build
  3. Your default browser should open and display the sample application.

    Note: In some cases, you may need to open a browser and enter http://localhost:8080 as the URL.

  4. Additional commands are available for the sample application.

    Use the run lint command to use ESLint and run format command to improve code quality.

    # use eslint and prettier to improve code quality
    npm run lint
    npm run format

    Use the run test command to run unit tests.

    # unit testing
    npm run test

Steps to Create the Sample

The key code for the sample application is in the src folder:

Folder name Description
assets Contains stylesheets, fonts, and visual assets
pages Contains layout UI code and JS code
utils Contains helper JS classes and styles

Create Visual Assets

Add the following icon assets for the user interface to the src/assets/images folder:

Asset Description
ag-audience-active.png and ag-audience.png Images of a person to indicate if a user is active
ag-browser.png Image used as an icon for browser testing
ag-index-background.png Background image for the index page of the sample application
ag-login.png Image of a monitor used to represent the channel
ag-logo.png Agora logo
ag-mic-active-s.png and ag-mic-s.png Images of a microphone to mute/unmute audio
ag-oval-active.png and ag-oval.png Oval image used for radio dial selection
ag-video-active-s.png and ag-video-s.png Images of a video camera to turn video on/off
avatar.png Default avatar for a user

Create the Index Page UI

The index page UI is contained in the src/pages/index/index.html file.

The index page serves as the landing and login page for the sample application.

Create the Page Architecture

The main section of this page is within a <section> element whose class is login-wrapper.

Create the page footer

Create the Login Header and Footer

The main section of the login is within a <div> element whose class is login-body.

Create the header of the login area by adding:

  • A reference to the Agora Logo, ../../assets/images/ag-logo.png
  • The application title, AgoraWeb v2.2
  • The application subtitle application, Powering Real-Time Communications

Create a page footer that contains a Join button that has joinBtn as its id. This button logs the user into a room using details from by the login-body area.

        <div class="login-header">
          <img src="../../assets/images/ag-logo.png" alt="">
          <p class="login-title">AgoraWeb v2.2</p>
          <p class="login-subtitle">Powering Real-Time Communications</p>
        <div class="login-body">
        <div class="login-footer">
          <a id="joinBtn" class="ag-rounded button is-info">Join</a>

Create the Channel Room Text Input

Create the first part of the login section:

  • Add a text <input> element with the id channel for the room name of the channel.
  • Add an image reference to ag-login.png, within the input box. This image is for stylistic purposes only.
  • Add a <span> element whose class is validate-icon. This element displays an icon if the room name validation has issues.
  • Add a <span> element whose class is validate-msg. This element displays a message if the room name validation has issues.
          <div class="columns">
            <div class="column is-12">
              <div id="channel-wrapper" class="control has-icons-left">
                <input id="channel" class="ag-rounded input" type="text" placeholder="Input a room name here">
                <span class="icon is-small is-left">
                  <img src="../../assets/images/ag-login.png" alt="">
                <span class="validate-icon">

                <div class="validate-msg"></div>

Create the Login Type Menu

The Login type menu is comprised of two main sections:

  • A basic login type menu within a <div> element whose ID is baseModeDropdown.
  • An advanced login type menu within a <div> element whose ID is advanceProfileDropdown.


          <div id="dropdown-container">
            <div class="dropdown" id="baseModeDropdown">
            <div class="dropdown" id="advanceProfileDropdown">
Create the Basic Login Type Menu

The basic login type dropdown menu is comprised of:

  • A menu selector within a div element whose class is dropdown-trigger.
  • Menu options within a div element whose class is dropdown-menu and whose ID is baseModeOptions.
              <div class="dropdown-trigger">

              <div class="dropdown-menu" id="baseModeOptions" role="menu">
Login Type Menu Selector

Create a menu selector using an <a> link element whose ID is basemode and set the following properties.

Link Properties Value Description
data-value avc Determines the login type when logging in.
class ag-rounded button Styles the menu.
aria-haspopup true Indicates the menu selector has a popup menu to display.
aria-controls baseModeOptions Indicates the ID of the popup menu to display.
  • Add the default selection option, Agora Video Call, using a <span> element whose ID is baseModeLabel. This element updates when the selection option changes.
  • Add an arrow down icon using a <span> element whose class is icon is-small. The <i> element defines the icon within this <span> element.
                <a id="baseMode" data-value="avc" class="ag-rounded button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="baseModeOptions">
                  <span id="baseModeLabel">Agora Video Call</span>
                  <span class="icon is-small">
                    <i class="ag-icon icon-arrow-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>
Login Type Menu Options

Create the menu options by placing the items within a set of nested <div> elements. In the <div> element whose class is dropdown-item, add the available selection options within <p> elements:

  • Agora Video Call
  • One to one and group calls

The <div> element whose class is dropdown-item has the following properties:

Property Value Description
data-value avc Determines the login type when logging in.
data-msg Agora Video Call Replaces the text in the base menu selector.
                <div class="dropdown-content">
                  <div class="dropdown-item" data-value="avc" data-msg="Agora Video Call">
                    <p>Agora Video Call</p>
                    <p>One to one and group calls</p>
Create the Advanced Login Type Menu

The advanced login type dropdown menu is comprised of:

  • The menu selector defined within the div element whose class is dropdown-trigger.
  • The menu options defined within the div element whose class is dropdown-menu and whose ID is advancedOptions.
              <div class="dropdown-trigger">

              <div class="dropdown-menu" id="advancedOptions" role="menu">
Advanced Login Type Menu Selector

Create a menu selector using an <a> link element whose ID is advancedProfile, and set the following properties.

Link Properties Value Description
class ag-rounded button Styles the menu.
aria-haspopup true Indicates the menu selector has a popup menu to display.
aria-controls advancedOptions Indicates the ID of the popup menu to display.

Add the default selection option, Advanced, within a <span> element.

                <a id="advancedProfile" class="ag-rounded button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="advancedOptions">
Advanced Login Type Menu Options

Create the menu options by placing the items within a <div> element whose class is dropdown-content. Each of the three rows of the advanced menu is contained within a <div> element whose class is dropdown-item.

                <div class="dropdown-content">
                  <div class="dropdown-item">
                  <div class="dropdown-item">
                  <div class="dropdown-item">

Create the Radio Options

Add a <div> element whose class is control. For each available selection option, add a <label> element whose class is radio. The <label> element of each menu option contains:

  • A radio <input> element named transcode which is used as the selector.
  • A <span> element that describes the selection.

The available options are:

Input Value Option Name Description
interop VP8 &amp; H264 Encoding with VP8 and decoding with H264
h264_interop H264-only Encoding and decoding with H264
                    <div class="control">
                      <label class="radio">
                        <input value="interop" type="radio" checked name="transcode">
                        <span>VP8 &amp; H264</span>
                      <label class="radio">
                        <input value="h264_interop" type="radio" name="transcode">

Create the High Stream Menu

Add a <span> element with the text High Stream for the dropdown menu label.

Wrap the <select> menu element within a <div> element whose class is select is-rounded. The <select> element has the classes ag-rounded and is-clipped and an ID of videoProfile. The ID is used to populate the available high stream video profiles for the sample application.

                    <span>High Stream</span>
                    <div class="select is-rounded">
                      <select id="videoProfile" class="ag-rounded is-clipped">


Create the Low Stream Menu

Add a <span> element with the text Low Stream for the dropdown menu label.

Wrap the <select> menu element within a <div> element whose class is select is-rounded. The <select> element has the classes ag-rounded and is-clipped and an ID of videoProfileLow. The ID is used to populate the available low stream video profiles for the sample application.

                    <span>Low Stream</span>
                    <div class="select is-rounded">
                      <select id="videoProfileLow" class="ag-rounded is-clipped">


Create the Login Mode Selectors

Add a set of nested <div> elements for the login mode selectors.

In the <div> element whose ID is attendeeMode and whose class is control, add a <label> element for each available selection option. The class of each <label> element is radio.

Each menu option <label> element contains a radio <input> element whose name is attendee. Each <label> element contains:

  • A <span> element whose class is radio-btn that styles the radio button.
  • A <span> element whose class is radio-img that displays an icon for the radio option.
  • A <span> element whose class is radio-msg that displays the radio option name.

The available radio options are:

Option Value Option Name Description
video Video Call : join with video call Joins the user with video capabilities.
audio-only Audio-only : join with audio call Joins the user with only audio capabilities.
audience Audience : join as an audience Joins the user as an audience member with no audio or video capabilities.
          <div class="columns">
            <div class="column">
              <div id="attendeeMode" class="control">
                <label class="radio video">
                  <input value="video" type="radio" name="attendee" checked>
                  <span class="radio-btn">
                  <span class="radio-img video">
                  <span class="radio-msg">Video Call : join with video call</span>
                <label class="radio audio-only">
                  <input value="audio-only" type="radio" name="attendee">
                  <span class="radio-btn">
                  <span class="radio-img audio">
                  <span class="radio-msg">Audio-only : join with audio call</span>
                <label class="radio audience">
                  <input value="audience" type="radio" name="attendee">
                  <span class="radio-btn">
                  <span class="radio-img audience">
                  <span class="radio-msg">Audience : join as an audience</span>

Create the Index JS Code

The index functionality code is contained in the src/pages/index/index.js file.

Define the getParameterByName Constant

The getParameterByName constant processes the parameters name and url and returns a string from the helper method decodeURIComponent().

  1. Check if the url is valid. If not, set window.location.href as the value.
  2. Modify name using name.replace().
  3. Use name to create a new regular expression regex using new RegExp().
  4. Create a new local variable from url with regex.exec().

Return the result:

  • If results is not valid, return null.
  • If results[2] is not valid, return an empty string.
  • Otherwise, modify results[2] using results[2].replace() and apply the resulting value to the decodeURIComponent() helper method return its result.
const getParameterByName = (name, url) => {
  if (!url) {
    url = window.location.href;
  name = name.replace(/[[\]]/g, '\\$&');
  let regex = new RegExp('[?&]' + name + '(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)');
  let results = regex.exec(url);
  if (!results) return null;
  if (!results[2]) return '';
  return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' '));

Define the uiInit Constant

The uiInit constant initializes the sample application.

Set the profileContainer, profileLowContainer, and lowResolutionArr local variables.

Variable Value Description
profileContainer $('#videoProfile') Reference to the high stream video profile UI element.
profileLowContainer $('#videoProfileLow') Reference to the low stream video profile UI element.
lowResolutionArr Object.entries(RESOLUTION_ARR).slice(0,7) Array of available low resolution options.
const uiInit = () => {
  let profileContainer = $('#videoProfile');
  let profileLowContainer = $('#videoProfileLow');
  let lowResolutionArr = Object.entries(RESOLUTION_ARR).slice(0, 7);

Build the high stream video profile <options> elements by mapping the items in Object.entries(RESOLUTION_ARR). The <option> element properties are:

Property|Value|Description selected|selected or empty|If item[0] is equal to 480p_4 set the selected property to set 480p as the default resolution. value|item[0]|Sets the value property to the Agora resolution code. Text label|item[1][0] + 'x' + item[1][1] + ', ' + item[1][2] + 'fps, ' + item[1][3] + 'kbps</option>'|Sets the text label to display the aspect ratio and frame rate.

Append html to profileContainer using profileContainer.append() and return its result.

  Object.entries(RESOLUTION_ARR).map(item => {
    let html =
      '<option ' +
      (item[0] === '480p_4' ? 'selected' : '') +
      ' value="' +
      item[0] +
      '">' +
      item[1][0] +
      'x' +
      item[1][1] +
      ', ' +
      item[1][2] +
      'fps, ' +
      item[1][3] +
    return profileContainer.append(html);

Build the low stream video profile <options> elements by mapping the items in lowResolutionArr. The <option> element properties are:

Property Value Description
selected selected or empty If item[0] is equal to 180p_4, set the selected property to 180p as the default resolution.
value item[0] Sets the value property to the Agora resolution code.
Text label item[1][0] + 'x' + item[1][1] + ', ' + item[1][2] + 'fps, ' + item[1][3] + 'kbps</option>' Sets the text label to display the aspect ratio and frame rate.

Append html to profileContainer using profileContainer.append() and return its result. => {
    let html =
      '<option ' +
      (item[0] === '180p_4' ? 'selected' : '') +
      ' value="' +
      item[0] +
      '">' +
      item[1][0] +
      'x' +
      item[1][1] +
      ', ' +
      item[1][2] +
      'fps, ' +
      item[1][3] +
    return profileLowContainer.append(html);

Declare a new local variable, audienceOnly. Set the value to true if getParameterByName('audienceOnly') is true. Otherwise, set the value to false.

If audienceOnly is true:

  • Hide the other attendance radio button options using $('#attendeeMode label.audience').siblings().hide().
  • Select the audience radio button using $('#attendeeMode label.audience input').prop('checked', true).
  let audienceOnly = getParameterByName('audienceOnly') === 'true';
  if (audienceOnly) {
    $('#attendeeMode label.audience')
    $('#attendeeMode label.audience input').prop('checked', true);

Define the validate Constant

The validate constant processes the parameter channelName and returns a string.

Use the helper class Validator to determine what string value to return.

  • Use Validator.isNonEmpty() to check if channelName is empty. If true, return the string Cannot be empty!.
  • Use Validator.minLength() to check if channelName is less than 1 character. If true, return the string No shorter than 1!.
  • Use Validator.maxLength() to check if channelName is longer than 16 characters. If true, return the string No longer than 16!.
  • Use Validator.validChar() to check if channelName contains valid characters. If true, return the string Only capital or lower-case letter, number and "_" are permitted!.
const validate = channelName => {
  if (Validator.isNonEmpty(channelName)) {
    return 'Cannot be empty!';
  if (Validator.minLength(channelName, 1)) {
    return 'No shorter than 1!';
  if (Validator.maxLength(channelName, 16)) {
    return 'No longer than 16!';
  if (Validator.validChar(channelName)) {
    return 'Only capital or lower-case letter, number and "_" are permitted!';

  return '';

Define the subscribeMouseEvent Constant

The subscribeMouseEvent constant adds event listeners to the UI elements.

const subscribeMouseEvent = () => {
Add the Join Button Event Listener and Callback

Add a click event listener to the Join UI button.

  // Click Join and go to the meeting room
  $('#joinBtn').on('click', () => {
  1. Validate the text in the channel name text input using validate().
  2. Retrieve the validate-icon UI element and clear out all its child nodes using validateIcon.empty().
    let validateRst = validate(
    let validateIcon = $('.validate-icon');

If validateRst is valid:

  1. Create a string msg for the error.
  2. Apply the class is-danger to the channel text input box.
  3. Append a validation icon <i> element whose class is icon-wrong using validateIcon.append().
  4. Display the validation message in the validation message area using $('.validate-msg').html(msg).show().
  5. Return 0.

Otherwise, continue processing the remaining code.

    if (validateRst) {
      let msg = `Input Error: ${validateRst}`;
      validateIcon.append(`<i class="ag-icon icon-wrong"></i>`);
      return 0;

Apply the class is-success to the channel text input box and use validateIcon.append() to append a validation icon <i> element whose class is icon-correct.

    validateIcon.append(`<i class="ag-icon icon-correct"></i>`);

Create a postData object with the following values:

Name Value Description
baseMode document.querySelector('#baseMode').dataset.value Base mode value.
transcode $('input[name="transcode"]:checked').val() Transcoding value.
attendeeMode $('input[name="attendee"]:checked').val() Attendee mode value.
videoProfile $('#videoProfile').val() High stream video profile value.
channel $('#channel').val().trim() Channel name value.
videoProfileLow $('#videoProfileLow').val() Low stream video profile value.

Loop through the items in postData using Object.entries(postData).map() and set cookies for each item using Cookies.set().

    let postData = {
      baseMode: document.querySelector('#baseMode').dataset.value,
      transcode: $('input[name="transcode"]:checked').val(),
      attendeeMode: $('input[name="attendee"]:checked').val(),
      videoProfile: $('#videoProfile').val(),
      channel: $('#channel')
      videoProfileLow: $('#videoProfileLow').val()
    Object.entries(postData).map(item => {
      return Cookies.set(item[0], item[1]);

Complete the callback by redirecting the user to the Pre-call page using window.location.href.

    window.location.href = 'precall.html';
Add the Window Keypress Event Listener and Callback

Add an event listener for when the user presses Enter on their keyboard. The keyCode for the Enter key is 13. If the Enter key is pressed, trigger the Join button click event listener using $('#joinBtn').trigger().

  // Press Enter to trigger Join
  window.addEventListener('keypress', e => {
    e.keyCode === 13 && $('#joinBtn').trigger('click');
Add the Channel Text Input Event Listener and Callback

Add an event listener to validate the name for the channel text input box while the user types.

  // Add input check for room name
  $('#channel').on('input', () => {
  1. Remove the classes is-danger and is-success from the channel text input box.
  2. Hide the validation UI message using $('.validate-msg').hide().
  3. Validate the text in the channel name text input using validate().
  4. Retrieve the validate-icon UI element and clear out all its child nodes using validateIcon.empty().
    let validateRst = validate(
    let validateIcon = $('.validate-icon');

If validateRst is valid:

  1. Create a string msg for the error.
  2. Apply the class is-danger to the channel text input box.
  3. Append a validation icon <i> element whose class is icon-wrong using validateIcon.append().
  4. Display the validation message in the validation message area using $('.validate-msg').html(msg).show().
  5. Return 0.

Otherwise, continue processing the remaining code.

    if (validateRst) {
      let msg = `Input Error: ${validateRst}`;
      validateIcon.append(`<i class="ag-icon icon-wrong"></i>`);
      return 0;

Apply the class is-success to the channel text input box and use validateIcon.append() to append a validation icon <i> element whose class is icon-correct.

    validateIcon.append(`<i class="ag-icon icon-correct"></i>`);
Add the Base Login Mode Dropdown Event Listeners and Callbacks

Add a click event listener to the baseMode UI element.

  1. Stop the bubbling of the click event to parent elements using e.stopPropagation().
  2. Remove the is-active class from all elements with the dropdown class and toggle the baseModeDropdown element to the is-active class.
  // BaseMode dropdown control
  $('#baseMode').click(e => {

Add a click event listener to the baseModeOptions UI element.

  1. Stop the bubbling of the click event to parent elements using e.stopPropagation().
  2. Remove the is-active class from all elements with the dropdown class and toggle the baseModeDropdown element to the is-active class.
  3. Apply the value for the selected option to the baseMode UI element using $('#baseMode').data().
  4. Apply the text for the selected option to the baseModeLabel UI element using $('#baseModeLabel').html().
  $('#baseModeOptions .dropdown-item').click(e => {
    let [val, label] = [e.currentTarget.dataset.value, e.currentTarget.dataset.msg];
    $('#baseMode').data('value', val);
Add the Advanced Options Event Listeners and Callbacks

Add a click event listener to the advancedProfile UI element.

  1. Stop the bubbling of the click event to parent elements using e.stopPropagation().
  2. Remove the is-active class from all elements with the dropdown class and toggle the advanceProfileDropdown element to the is-active class.
  // AdvancedProfile dropdown control
  $('#advancedProfile').click(e => {

Add a click event listener to the advancedOptions UI element.

Stop the bubbling of the click event to parent elements using e.stopPropagation().

  $('#advancedOptions').click(e => {
Add Dropdown Close Event Listener

Add a click event listener to the window using $(window).click().

Close any open dropdown menus by removing the is-active class using $('.dropdown').removeClass().

  // global click will close dropdown
  $(window).click(_ => {

Initialize the page

To initialize the page, use uiInit() to initialize the UI elements and use subscribeMouseEvent() to add event listeners and callbacks to the UI elements.


Create the Pre-call Login Page UI

The pre-call login page UI is contained in the src/pages/precall/precall.html file.

Logging in displays a pre-call page where the user can test their audio and video before joining the call.

Create the Page Architecture

The main section of this page is within the <section> element whose class is login-wrapper.

Create the page footer:

The main section of this page is within the <div> element whose class is ag-container.

Create the page header by adding a reference to the Agora Logo, ../../assets/images/ag-logo.png, and the application title, AgoraWeb v2.2.

Create the page footer:

  • Add the text Powered By Agora linking to the Agora website.
  • Add a reference to Agora's support phone number 400 632 6626.

Include the Agora SDK file from the source

Create the Room Details Column

The left column displays the setting details for the room. Create the following <p> elements for each setting. These UI elements are used to display the settings from the index page.

Label <span> ID Description
Room Name: channel Room name for the channel
Base Mode: baseMode Base mode
Attendee Mode: attendeeMode Attendee mode
Video Profile: videoProfile Video profile (resolution and frame rate)
Transcode: transcode Transcoding method

At the bottom of the left column, add a Quick Join UI button with the ID quickJoinBtn. This button will log the user into the channel room, and load the meeting area.

        <div class="column">
          <div class="ag-info">
            <p>Room Name:
              <span id="channel"></span>
            <p>Base Mode:
              <span id="baseMode"></span>
            <p>Attendee Mode:
              <span id="attendeeMode"></span>
            <p>Video Profile:
              <span id="videoProfile"></span>
              <span id="transcode"></span>
            <div class="ag-info-footer">
              <a id="quickJoinBtn" class="ag-rounded button">
                <span>Quick Join</span>


Create the Device Testing Column

The right column allows for device testing before entering the channel room.

Create the Device Testing Architecture

Create the step header in a <div> element whose class is ag-steps.

Add two steps as <div> elements whose class is step and the IDs stepOne and stepTwo. Highlight step 1 by including the class active on its <div> element.

The video, audio, and loss measurement testing sections are contained within <section> elements whose class is ag-card and IDs videoCard, audioCard, and connectCard.

        <div class="column">
          <div class="ag-cards">
            <section class="ag-cards-title">
              <div class="ag-steps">
                <div id="stepOne" class="step active">1</div>
                <div id="stepTwo" class="step">2</div>
            <section class="ag-card" id="videoCard">
            <section class="ag-card" id="audioCard">

            <section class="ag-card" id="connectCard">

Create the Video Testing Section

Create the header by adding <span> elements to the <div> element whose class is ag-card-header:

  1. In the first <span> element, add an <i> element whose classes are ag-icon and ag-icon-video-24>. This element displays the video icon.
  2. In the second <span> element, add the text Video to label the section.

Add a <div> element whose class is ag-card-tip to provide instructions on how to conduct the video camera test.

              <div class="ag-card-header">
                  <i class="ag-icon ag-icon-video-24"></i>
              <div class="ag-card-tip">
                Move in front of the camera to check if it works.

Create the main video device testing area by adding two <div> classes to the <div> element whose class is ag-card-body.

  • The <div> whose class is initial contains the UI elements for the video device testing controls.
  • The <div> whose class is result contains the UI element that will display the testing video results.

In the <div> whose class is initial, add a select dropdown menu whose classes are is-clipped and ag-rounded and whose ID is videoDevice. This element is nested in another <div> element whose classes are select and ag-select and whose ID is videoDevice. This <select> element will populate with the available video devices.

In the <div> whose class is ag-video-test, add a <div> element whose class is ag-video-test that contains the <div> elements with IDs videoItem and enableVideoSwitch.

  • The videoItem element will display the video preview for testing.

  • The enableVideoSwitch contains a checkbox <input> element with the ID and name enableVideo and a <label> element.

    Note: The checkbox element applies the classes switch and is-rounded to display the control as a switch rather than a checkbox. It is initialized as "on" with the class is-success.

              <div class="ag-card-body">
                <div class="initial">
                  <div class="select ag-select">
                    <select class="is-clipped ag-rounded" id="videoDevice">

                  <div class="ag-video-test">
                    <div id="videoItem">
                    <div class="field" id="enableVideoSwitch">
                      <input id="enableVideo" type="checkbox" name="enableVideo" class="switch is-rounded is-success">
                      <label for="enableVideo"></label>
                <div class="result"></div>

Create the Audio Testing Section

Create the header by adding <span> classes to the <div> element whose class is ag-card-header:

  1. In the first <span> element, add an <i> element whose classes are ag-icon and ag-icon-audio-24>. This element displays the audio icon.
  2. In the second <span> element, add the text Audio to label the section.

Add a <div> element whose class is ag-card-tip to provide instructions on how to conduct the video camera test.

              <div class="ag-card-header">
                  <i class="ag-icon ag-icon-audio-24"></i>
              <div class="ag-card-tip">
                Produce sounds to check if the mic works.

Create the main audio device testing area by adding two <div> classes to the <div> element whose class is ag-card-body.

  • The <div> whose class is initial contains the UI elements for the video device testing controls.
  • The <div> whose class is result contains the UI element that will display the testing video results.

In the <div> whose class is initial, add a select dropdown menu whose classes are is-clipped and ag-rounded and whose ID is audioDevice. This element is nested in another <div> element whose classes are select and ag-select and whose ID is audioDevice. This <select> element will populate with the available audio devices.

In the <div> whose class is ag-audio-test:

  1. Add an <i> element whose classes are ag-icon and ag-icon-audio-24, nested within a <span> element. This displays an audio icon.
  2. Add a <progress> element with the ID volume and classes progress, is-small, and is-info. This serves as the volume indicator for the audio device and is initialized to a value of 0 and a max value limit of 100.
              <div class="ag-card-body">
                <div class="initial">
                  <div class="select ag-select">
                    <select class="is-clipped ag-rounded" id="audioDevice">

                  <div class="ag-audio-test">
                      <i class="ag-icon ag-icon-audio-24"></i>
                    <progress id="volume" class="progress is-small is-info" value="0" max="100"></progress>
                <div class="result"></div>

Create the Loss Measurement Section

Create the header by adding <span> classes to the <div> element whose class is ag-card-header:

  1. In the first <span> element, add an <i> element whose classes are ag-icon and ag-icon-connect-24> which is used to display the connection icon.
  2. In the second <span> element, add the text Loss Measurement to label the section.
              <div class="ag-card-header">
                  <i class="ag-icon ag-icon-connect-24"></i>
                <span>Loss Measurement</span>

Create the main lost measurement testing area by adding a <div> whose class is ag-browser-test to the <div> element whose classes are ag-card-body and ag-connect-test.

In the <div> whose class is ag-browser-test:

  1. Add an <img> element that displays the ag-browser.png image asset.
  2. Add a <p> element with the ID compatibility. This element will display the compatibility with the Agora SDK.
              <div class="ag-card-body ag-connect-test">
                <div class="ag-browser-test">
                  <img src="../../assets/images/ag-browser.png" alt="">
                  <p>Browser Compatibility:
                    <span id="compatibility"></span>

Create the Pre-call Login JS Code

The settings functionality code is contained in the src/pages/precall/precall.js file.

Define Global Variables

Define the global variables for the pre-call page.

Variable Description
stream The channel stream
recvStream The received channel stream
client The Agora client
receiver The receiver for the client
key The Agora App ID key
_testChannel The channel name for testing. The value is set to a random number so users can test without conflicting with live channel rooms.
let stream;
let recvStream;
let client;
let receiver;
let key;
let _testChannel = String(
  Number.parseInt(new Date().getTime(), 10) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)

Define the uiInit Constant

The uiInit constant is used to initialize the pre-call page of the sample application.

Set the profile and transcodeValue local variables based on the browser cookies using Cookies.get().

  • profile is the retrieved cookie index of RESOLUTION_ARR.
  • If the transcode cookie is not valid, the transcodeValue is interop.

The remaining code for this section is contained within the Promise return.

// Init ui
const uiInit = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Init info card
    let profile = RESOLUTION_ARR[Cookies.get('videoProfile')];
    let transcodeValue = Cookies.get('transcode') || 'interop';

Create a transcode variable which returns a string based on transcodeValue.

transcodeValue Value transcode Value Description
Empty string VP8-only Encoding and decoding with VP8
interop VP8 &amp; H264 Encoding with VP8 and decoding with H264
h264_interop H264-only Encoding and decoding with H264 options
    let transcode = (() => {
      switch (transcodeValue) {
        case '':
          return 'VP8-only';
        case 'interop':
          return 'VP8 &amp; H264';
        case 'h264_interop':
          return 'H264-only';

Create an info object with the following information.

Name Value Description
videoProfile ${profile[0]}x${profile[1]} ${profile[2]}fps ${profile[3]}kbps High stream video profile value.
channel `Cookies.get('channel')
transcode Empty value Transcoding value.
attendeeMode `Cookies.get('attendeeMode')
baseMode `Cookies.get('baseMode')
    let info = {
      videoProfile: `${profile[0]}x${profile[1]} ${profile[2]}fps ${profile[3]}kbps`,
      channel: Cookies.get('channel') || 'test',
      attendeeMode: Cookies.get('attendeeMode') || 'video',
      baseMode: Cookies.get('baseMode') || 'avc'

If the base mode is avc, set key to APP_ID.

    // Init key
    if (info.baseMode === 'avc') {
      key = APP_ID;

Loop through the info object and update its associated UI element using $('#' + item[0]).html().

If info.attendeeMode is equal to video, check the enableVideo UI element using $('#enableVideo').prop().

    Object.entries(info).map(item => {
      // Find dom and insert info
      return $('#' + item[0]).html(item[1]);

    // Video-attendee's switch
    if (info.attendeeMode === 'video') {
      $('#enableVideo').prop('checked', true);

Check the system requirements for the Agora SDK.

If the system requirements are valid, set the compatibility element text to AgoraRTC supported. using $('#compatibility').html(). Otherwise, set the text to AgoraRTC not fully supported and some functions may be lost.

    // Init compatibility result
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    if (AgoraRTC.checkSystemRequirements()) {
      $('#compatibility').html('AgoraRTC supported.');
    } else {
        'AgoraRTC not fully supported and some functions may be lost.'

Initialize the device options based on the browser used using isSafari().

  • If the browser is Safari, remove the default audio devices using $('#audioDevice').parent().remove(), remove any video devices using $('#videoDevice').parent().remove(), and invoke the resolve() method.

  • If another browser is used, populate the videoDevice and audioDevice UI elements using $('#videoDevice').html() and $('#audioDevice').html(), and invoke the resolve() method.

    Note: Retrieve the HTML for the video and audio options by looping through the item object and appending <option> elements whose values are composed of item.deviceId and item.label. Audio devices are defined by the item.kind value audioinput. Video devices are defined by the item.kind value videoinput.

    // Init device options
    if (isSafari()) {
      // If safari, disable set device since deviceId changes all the time
    } else {
      // eslint-disable-next-line
      AgoraRTC.getDevices(function(devices) {
        let videoHtml = '';
        let audioHtml = '';
        devices.forEach(function(item) {
          if (item.kind === 'audioinput') {
            audioHtml += '<option value=' + item.deviceId + '>' + item.label + '</option>';
          if (item.kind === 'videoinput') {
            videoHtml += '<option value=' + item.deviceId + '>' + item.label + '</option>';

Define the Schedule Constant

The Schedule constant is used to check for changes in the device testing results.

Set the following object parameters:

Parameter Value Description
DURATION 10 Number of seconds for refresh
volume 0 Volume
volumeBar $('#volume') Volume UI element
targetStream Empty object Target stream object
getVolume(stream) See getVolume() Method
scheduleVolumeDetect Empty object Volume detection schedule information
scheduleEnd Empty object End schedule information
start() See start() Method
reset() See reset() Method
init(stream, duration) See init() Method
const Schedule = {
  volume: 0,
  volumeBar: $('#volume'),
  targetStream: {},
  getVolume(stream) {
  scheduleVolumeDetect: {},
  scheduleEnd: {},
  start() {
  reset() {
  init(stream, duration) {
Add the getVolume() Method

The getVolume() method retrieves the stream's audio level using stream.getAudioLevel() and returns its value times 100. If vol is not valid, return 0.

Note: The volume value is rounded to the nearest integer using Math.round for easier UI display.

    let vol = Math.round(stream.getAudioLevel() * 100);
    if (isNaN(vol)) {
      return 0;
    return vol;
Add the start() Method

The start() checks if the target stream is valid before executing the remaining code. If this.targetStream is not valid, log an error in the console using console.error().

    let that = this;
    if (!this.targetStream) {
      console.error('Please init Schedule with a targetStream!');

Prepend a <div> element with the ID testDuration to ag-connect-test UI elements.

Initialize the volume detector with a time interval of 100 milliseconds. The volume detector retrieves the volume of that.targetStream using that.getVolume() and updates the volume bar UI value using that.volumeBar.val().

    $('.ag-connect-test').prepend('<div id="testDuration"></div>');
    // Init volume detector
    this.scheduleVolumeDetect = setInterval(function() {
      that.volume = that.getVolume(that.targetStream);
    }, 100);

Initialize the schedule end detector with a time interval of this.DURATION seconds. The duration is multiplied by 1000 because the method requires time to be set in milliseconds.

The schedule end detector:

  1. Sets the style attribute of the testDuration UI element to animation-play-state:paused;background-color:#7ED321 using $('#testDuration').attr().
  2. Clears the schedule volume detector using clearInterval().
  3. Invokes that.targetStream.getStats().
  4. Updates the step selection to step 2 using $('#stepTwo').addClass() and $('#stepOne').removeClass().

The remaining code in this section pertains to the callback for that.targetStream.getStats().

    // Init timer for detect
    this.scheduleEnd = setTimeout(function() {
      that.targetStream.getStats(function(e) {

      // Update to step 2
    }, this.DURATION * 1000);

Create an array with the following testing information:

Variable Value Description
videoBytes e.videoReceiveBytes Number of video bytes received
audioBytes e.audioReceiveBytes Number of audio bytes received
videoPackets e.videoReceivePackets Number of video packets received
audioPackets e.audioReceivePackets Number of audio packets received
videoPacketsLost e.videoReceivePacketsLost Number of video packets lost
audioPacketsLost e.audioReceivePacketsLost Number of audio packets lost
        let [
        ] = [

Define the following local variables:

Variable Value Description
videoBitrate (videoBytes / 1000 / that.DURATION).toFixed(2) + 'KB/s' Video bit rate calculation
audioBitrate (audioBytes / 1000 / that.DURATION).toFixed(2) + 'KB/s' Audio bit rate calculation
vPacketLoss (videoPacketsLost / videoPackets * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' Video packet loss percentage calculation
aPacketLoss (audioPacketsLost / audioPackets * 100).toFixed(2) + '%' Audio packet loss percentage calculation
sumPacketLoss (videoPacketsLost / videoPackets * 100 + audioPacketsLost / audioPackets * 100).toFixed(2) Total packet loss percentage calculation
        // Do calculate
        let videoBitrate = (videoBytes / 1000 / that.DURATION).toFixed(2) + 'KB/s';
        let audioBitrate = (audioBytes / 1000 / that.DURATION).toFixed(2) + 'KB/s';
        let vPacketLoss = (videoPacketsLost / videoPackets * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
        let aPacketLoss = (audioPacketsLost / audioPackets * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';
        let sumPacketLoss = (
          videoPacketsLost / videoPackets * 100 +
          audioPacketsLost / audioPackets * 100

Render the result of the bitrate and loss to the UI.

Set the videoCard and audioCard variables to reference those UI elements quickly.

Create videoCardHtml and audioCardHtml local variables, applying a <div> element whose class is ag-test-result. In the <div> element, add two <p> elements for the bit rate values ${videoBitrate} and ${audioBitrate} and the packet loss values ${vPacketLoss} and ${aPacketLoss}.

        // Render result
        let videoCard = $('#videoCard .ag-card-body');
        let audioCard = $('#audioCard .ag-card-body');

        let videoCardHtml = `
          <div class="ag-test-result">
            <p>Video Bitrate: ${videoBitrate}</p>
            <p>Packet Loss: ${vPacketLoss}</p>
        let audioCardHtml = `
          <div class="ag-test-result">
            <p>Audio Bitrate: ${audioBitrate}</p>
            <p>Packet Loss: ${aPacketLoss}</p>

Set qualityHtml based on the value of sumPacketLoss:

sumPacketLoss Value qualityHtml Value
< 1 Excellent
< 5 Good
< 10 Poor
< 100 Bad
Any other value Get media failed.
        let qualityHtml;
        if (sumPacketLoss < 1) {
          qualityHtml = 'Excellent';
        } else if (sumPacketLoss < 5) {
          qualityHtml = 'Good';
        } else if (sumPacketLoss < 10) {
          qualityHtml = 'Poor';
        } else if (sumPacketLoss < 100) {
          qualityHtml = 'Bad';
        } else {
          qualityHtml = 'Get media failed.';

Update the child elements for videoCard and audioCard:

  • Hide all elements whose class is initial using hide().
  • Update the inner HTML for all elements with the class result using html() with videoCardHtml and audioCardHtml.

Use empty() to remove the child nodes of the testDuration element. Use after() to append the qualityHtml value within a <span> element.

          .after(`<span style="">${qualityHtml}</span>`);
Add the reset() Method

The reset() method resets the test settings and UI.

  • Remove the testDuration UI element using remove().
  • Set volume to 0.
  • Set the value of the volume bar to 0 using this.volumeBar.val().
  • If this.scheduleVolumeDetect exists, clear the interval using clearInterval().
  • If this.scheduleEnd exists, clear the timeout using clearTimeout().
  • Set this.targetStream to null.
    this.volume = 0;
    if (this.scheduleVolumeDetect) {
    if (this.scheduleEnd) {
    this.targetStream = null;
Add the init() Method

The init() method initializes the object parameters.

  • Set this.targetStream to stream.
  • Set this.DURATION to duration.
    this.targetStream = stream;
    this.DURATION = duration;

Define the clientInit Constant

The clientInit() constant is used to initialize the Agora client for the sample application.

Create the Agora client using AgoraRTC.createClient(). The transcode mode is retrieved from the browser cookies using Cookies.get(). If the transcode is not valid, use interop.

Initialize the Agora client using client.init() and invoke client.join(). The remaining code in this section pertains to the client.join() callback.

// Init client
const clientInit = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    client = AgoraRTC.createClient({
      mode: Cookies.get('transcode') || 'interop'

    client.init(key, () => {
      client.join(key, _testChannel, undefined, uid => {    	

Create a defaultConfig object with the following information:

Config Name Value Description
streamID uid Stream ID. Uses the User ID as default.
audio true Enable audio indicator.
video true Enable video indicator.
screen false Share screen indicator.
cameraId $('#videoDevice').val() Device ID for video.
microphoneId $('#audioDevice').val() Device ID for audio.
        // Init stream
        let defaultConfig = {
          streamID: uid,
          audio: true,
          video: true,
          screen: false,
          cameraId: $('#videoDevice').val(),
          microphoneId: $('#audioDevice').val()
        // eslint-disable-next-line
        stream = AgoraRTC.createStream(defaultConfig);

Set the video profile from the videoProfile browser cookie using Cookies.get(). If the videoProfile is invalid, use 480p_4.

Initialize the stream using stream.init().

If successful:

  1. Use client.publish() to publish the stream.
  2. If the enableVideo UI element is not checked, disable the video using stream.disableVideo().
  3. Invoke the resolve method.

If the stream initialization has an error, log it into the console using console.log() and invoke reject().

stream.setVideoProfile(Cookies.get('videoProfile').split(',')[0] || '480p_4');
          () => {
            if (!$('#enableVideo').prop('checked')) {
          err => {
            console.log('getUserMedia failed', err);

Define the receiverInit Constant

The receiverInit() constant is used to initialize the Agora client.

To create the receiver, create an Agora client object using AgoraRTC.createClient(). For the mode value, use Cookies.get() to retrieve the transcode value from the browser cookies. If the transcode cookie is invalid, use interop.

The remaining code for this section is contained within the Promise callback, which initializes the and adds stream event listeners.

// Init receiver
const receiverInit = () => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    receiver = AgoraRTC.createClient({
      mode: Cookies.get('transcode') || 'interop'

Add the stream-added event listener.

This event is triggered when a stream is added and subscribes the stream to the client using receiver.subscribe(). If subscribing the stream fails, log the error to the console using console.log().

    receiver.on('stream-added', function(evt) {
      let stream =;
      receiver.subscribe(stream, function(err) {
        console.log('Subscribe stream failed', err);

Add the stream-subscribed event listener. This event is triggered when a stream is subscribed to the client.

  1. If recvStream exists, invoke recvStream.stop().
  2. Reset the Schedule helper class using Schedule.reset().
  3. Set recvStream to
  4. Use Schedule.init() to initialize the Schedule helper class with recvStream and an interval of 10.
  5. Play the stream in the videoItem UI element using
  6. Start the Schedule helper class using Schedule.start().
    receiver.on('stream-subscribed', function(evt) {
      if (recvStream) {
      recvStream =;
      Schedule.init(recvStream, 10);'videoItem');

Add the peer-leave event listener. This event is triggered when a peer leaves and empties the child nodes of the videoItem UI element using empty().

    receiver.on('peer-leave', function(_) {

Add the stream-removed event listener. This event is triggered when a stream is removed and uses empty() to remove the child nodes of the videoItem UI element.

    receiver.on('stream-removed', function(_) {

Initialize the client using receiver.init(), which invokes receiver.join(). The parameters for the join() method are:

Parameter Description
key Agora App ID
_testChannel Channel name for the device tests
undefined Unique channel name for the session (not needed)
uid User ID callback invokes resolve()
err Error callback invokes reject()
    receiver.init(key, () => {
        uid => {
        err => {

Define the setDevice Constant

The setDevice constant is used to initialize the devices for the sample app.

Ensure stream is valid or throw an Error.

The remaining code in this section is contained within the Promise() callback.

// Set Device
const setDevice = () => {
  if (!stream) {
    throw Error('Stream not existed!');
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  1. Set the stream id using the value stream.getId().
  2. Unpublish the stream from the client using client.unpublish().
  3. Stop the stream using stop().
  4. Close the stream using close().
    let id = stream.getId();

Create the defaultConfig object and apply it to create the stream using AgoraRTC.createStream(). The configuration properties are:

Config Name Value Description
streamID id Stream ID
audio true Enable audio indicator
video true Enable video indicator
screen false Share screen indicator
cameraId $('#videoDevice').val() Device ID for video
microphoneId $('#audioDevice').val() Device ID for audio
    // Reinit stream
    let defaultConfig = {
      streamID: id,
      audio: true,
      video: true,
      screen: false,
      cameraId: $('#videoDevice').val(),
      microphoneId: $('#audioDevice').val()
    // eslint-disable-next-line
    stream = AgoraRTC.createStream(defaultConfig);

Use stream.setVideoProfile() to set the video profile with the videoProfile saved in the browser cookies. If the videoProfile browser cookie is invalid, use 480p_4.

Initialize the stream using stream.init().

If successful:

  1. If the enableVideo UI element is not checked, disable video using stream.disableVideo() .
  2. Publish the stream using client.publish().
  3. Invoke the resolve method.

If the stream initialization has an error, log it into the console using console.log() and invoke reject().

    stream.setVideoProfile(Cookies.get('videoProfile').split(',')[0] || '480p_4');
      () => {
        if (!$('#enableVideo').prop('checked')) {
      err => {
        console.log('getUserMedia failed', err);

Define the subscribeEvents Constant

The subscribeEvents constant is used to add event listeners to the UI elements.

// Subscribe events
const subscribeEvents = () => {
Add the Join Click Event Listener and Callback

Add a click event listener to the quickJoinBtn UI element.

Set the cameraId and microphoneId browser cookie values using Cookies.set() with $('#videoDevice').val() and $('#audioDevice').val().

Execute the following before redirecting to the meeting page using window.location.href:

  • If client exists and unpublishing the stream using client.unpublish(stream) is successful.
  • If stream exists and closing the stream using stream.close() is successful.
  • If client exists and leaving the client using client.leave() is successful.
  $('#quickJoinBtn').on('click', function() {
    Cookies.set('cameraId', $('#videoDevice').val());
    Cookies.set('microphoneId', $('#audioDevice').val());
    try {
      client && client.unpublish(stream);
      stream && stream.close();
      client &&
          () => {
            console.log('Client succeed to leave.');
          () => {
            console.log('Client failed to leave.');
    } finally {
      // Redirect to index
      window.location.href = 'meeting.html';
Add the Video Device Change Event Listener and Callback

Add a change event listener to the videoDevice UI element. The listener uses Schedule.reset() to reset the Schedule helper class and uses setDevice() to set the device list.

  $('#videoDevice').change(function(_) {
Add the Audio Device Change Event Listener and Callback

Add a change event listener to the audioDevice UI element. The listener uses Schedule.reset() to reset the Schedule helper class and uses setDevice() to set the device list.

  $('#audioDevice').change(function(_) {
Add the Enable Video Change Event Listener and Callback

Add a change event listener to the enableVideo UI element.

  • If the enableVideo UI element is checked, stream.enableVideo() enables the stream's video.
  • If the enableVideo UI element is not checked, stream.disableVideo() disables the stream's video.
  $('#enableVideo').change(function(_) {
    if ($('#enableVideo').prop('checked')) {
    } else {

Initialize the Page

Initialize the UI using uiInit(). When initialization completes:

  • Subscribe the event listeners using subscribeEvents(),
  • Initialize the client using clientInit(),
  • Initialize the receiver using receiverInit(),
// ---------------  start ----------------
uiInit().then(() => {

Create the Meeting Page UI

The meeting page UI is contained in the src/pages/meeting/meeting.html file.

The user enters the meeting page after logging in from the pre-call login page. This page serves as the audio/video call page for the sample application.

Create the Page Architecture

The <div> element with the ID ag-canvas is where the video will display and contains a list of button controls for the sample application. The controls for this page is within the <div> element whose class is ag-btn-group.

Create the page header:

  • Add a reference to the Agora Logo, ../../assets/images/ag-logo.png, and the application title, AgoraWeb v2.2.
  • Add a placeholder for the room name text within a <span> element of id room-name. This element will be used to display the actual room name after the user logs in from the pre-call page.

Create the page footer page:

  • Add the text Powered By Agora linking to the Agora website.
  • Add a reference to Agora's support phone number.

Add a JavaScript reference to the Agora SDK

  <div class="wrapper" id="page-meeting">
    <div class="ag-header">
      <div class="ag-header-lead">
        <img class="ag-header-logo" src="../../assets/images/ag-logo.png" alt="">
        <span>AgoraWeb v2.2</span>
      <div class="ag-header-msg">
        <span id="room-name">--</span>
    <div class="ag-main">
      <div class="ag-container" id="ag-canvas">
        <!-- btn group -->
        <div class="ag-btn-group">
    <div class="ag-footer">
      <a class="ag-href" target="_blank" href="">
        <span>Powered By Agora</span>
      <span>Talk to Support: 400 632 6626</span>

    <!-- modal/messages/notifications -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- inject -->    

Create the Video Display and Control Area

Add a set of controls for the meeting page, specified by <i> elements wrapped within a <span> element:

Button <span> Class Title <i> Class Description
exitBtn Exit icon-call-ends Exit button
videoControlBtn Enable/Disable Video icon-camera and icon-camera-off Enable/Disable Video button.
audioControlBtn Enable/Disable Audio icon-mic and icon-mic-off Enable/Disable Audio button.
shareScreenBtn Share Screen icon-screen-share Share screen button.
displayModeBtn Switch Display Mode icon-switch-layout Switch display mode button.
          <span class="ag-btn exitBtn" title="Exit">
            <i class="ag-icon icon-call-ends"></i>
          <span class="ag-btn videoControlBtn" title="Enable/Disable Video">
            <i class="ag-icon icon-camera"></i>
            <i class="ag-icon icon-camera-off"></i>
          <span class="ag-btn audioControlBtn" title="Enable/Disable Audio">
            <i class="ag-icon icon-mic"></i>
            <i class="ag-icon icon-mic-off"></i>
          <span class="ag-btn shareScreenBtn" title="Share Screen">
            <i class="ag-icon icon-screen-share"></i>
          <span class="ag-btn displayModeBtn" title="Switch Display Mode">
            <i class="ag-icon icon-switch-layout"></i>

Create the Meeting JS Code

The meeting functionality code is contained the src/pages/meeting/meeting.js file.

Define Global Variables

Define the following local variables:

Variable Value Description
DUAL_STREAM_DEBUG false Enables/disables dual stream debugging
options Empty object Agora client settings
client Empty object Agora client
localStream Empty object Local stream
streamList Empty array List of streams
shareClient null Agora client for sharing
shareStream null Stream for sharing
mainId N/A ID for the main stream
mainStream N/A The main stream
globalLog logger.init('global', 'blue') Global logging object
shareLog logger.init('share', 'yellow') Share logging object
localLog logger.init('local', 'green') Local logging object
// If display a window to show video info
const DUAL_STREAM_DEBUG = false;
let options = {};
let client = {};
let localStream = {};
let streamList = [];
let shareClient = null;
let shareStream = null;
let mainId;
let mainStream;

const globalLog = logger.init('global', 'blue');
const shareLog = logger.init('share', 'yellow');
const localLog = logger.init('local', 'green');

Define the optionsInit Constant

The optionsInit constant defines the settings for the Agora client and returns options.

const optionsInit = () => {

  return options;

Create an options object with the following information.

Name Value Description
videoProfile `Cookies.get('videoProfile').split(',')[0]
videoProfileLow Cookies.get('videoProfileLow') Low stream video profile value from browser cookie data.
cameraId Cookies.get('cameraId') Video device ID from browser cookie data.
microphoneId Cookies.get('microphoneId') Audio device ID from browser cookie data.
channel `Cookies.get('channel')
transcode `Cookies.get('transcode')
attendeeMode `Cookies.get('attendeeMode')
baseMode `Cookies.get('baseMode')
displayMode 1 Display mode of the meeting. 0 to tile the video, 1 to display as PIP, 2 to screen share.
uid undefined User ID set to undefined because it is dynamically generated.
  let options = {
    videoProfile: Cookies.get('videoProfile').split(',')[0] || '480p_4',
    videoProfileLow: Cookies.get('videoProfileLow'),
    cameraId: Cookies.get('cameraId'),
    microphoneId: Cookies.get('microphoneId'),
    channel: Cookies.get('channel') || 'test',
    transcode: Cookies.get('transcode') || 'interop',
    attendeeMode: Cookies.get('attendeeMode') || 'video',
    baseMode: Cookies.get('baseMode') || 'avc',
    displayMode: 1, // 0 Tile, 1 PIP, 2 screen share
    uid: undefined, // In default it is dynamically generated
    resolution: undefined

Retrieve the temporary profile by using the videoProfile browser cookie as the index for the RESOLUTION_ARR array.

Calculate and set options.resolution using tempProfile.

If options.baseMode is equal to avc, set options.key to the App ID.

  let tempProfile = RESOLUTION_ARR[Cookies.get('videoProfile')];
  options.resolution = tempProfile[0] / tempProfile[1] || 4 / 3;

  if (options.baseMode === 'avc') {
    options.key = APP_ID;

Define the uiInit Constant

The uiInit constant is used to initialize the meeting page of the sample application.

  1. Initialize the renderer with ag-canvas using Renderer.init()
  2. If the browser is mobile sized, invoke Renderer.enterFullScreen()
  3. If the browser is not Firefox or Chrome, disable the share screen button using ButtonControl.disable()
  4. Set the room name in the room-name UI element with the value using $('#room-name').html()
  5. Hide the UI button controls depending on the value of options.attendeeMode using ButtonControl.hide()
attendeeMode Value Button classes to hide
audio-only videoControlBtn and shareScreenBtn
audience videoControlBtn, audioControlBtn, and shareScreenBtn
video (default) N/A
const uiInit = options => {
  Renderer.init('ag-canvas', 9 / 16, 8 / 5);
  // Mobile page should remove title and footer
  if (isMobileSize()) {
  // Only firefox and chrome support screen sharing
  if (!isFirefox() && !isChrome()) {

  switch (options.attendeeMode) {
    case 'audio-only':
      ButtonControl.hide(['.videoControlBtn', '.shareScreenBtn']);
    case 'audience':
      ButtonControl.hide(['.videoControlBtn', '.audioControlBtn', '.shareScreenBtn']);
    case 'video':

Define the clientInit Constant

The clientInit() constant is used to initialize the Agora client for the meeting page.

Initialize the Agora client using client.init() and execute the following:

  1. Add a global log using globalLog()
  2. Set a local variable lowStreamParam applying options.videoProfileLow as the index of the RESOLUTION_ARR array
  3. Invoke client.join()

The remaining code in this section pertains to the client.join() callback.

const clientInit = (client, options) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    client.init(options.key, () => {
      globalLog('AgoraRTC client initialized');
      let lowStreamParam = RESOLUTION_ARR[options.videoProfileLow];

The client.join() method passes in the following parameters:

Parameter|Description ---|---|--- options.key|Agora App ID|Channel name for the device tests options.uid|Unique channel name for the session, uses uid as a default uid|User ID callback logs the uid, sets the low stream parameter using client.setLowStreamParameter(), and invokes resolve() err|Error callback invokes reject()

        uid => {
          log(uid, 'brown', `User ${uid} join channel successfully`);
          log(uid, 'brown', new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
            width: lowStreamParam[0],
            height: lowStreamParam[1],
            framerate: lowStreamParam[2],
            bitrate: lowStreamParam[3]
          // Create localstream
        err => {

Define the streamInit Constant

The streamInit() constant initializes the stream.

 * @param {*} uid
 * @param {*} options global option
 * @param {*} config stream config
const streamInit = (uid, options, config) => {

Create a defaultConfig object with the following information:

Config Name Value Description
streamID uid Stream ID. Uses the User ID as default.
audio true Enable audio indicator.
video true Enable video indicator.
screen false Share screen indicator.
  let defaultConfig = {
    streamID: uid,
    audio: true,
    video: true,
    screen: false

Set the video and audio properties for defaultConfig to false depending on the value of options.attendeeMode

attendeeMode Properties set to false
audio-only video
audience video and audio
video (default) N/A
  switch (options.attendeeMode) {
    case 'audio-only': = false;
    case 'audience': = false; = false;
    case 'video':

Create the stream using AgoraRTC.createStream() with the merged defaultConfig and config and return the resulting stream.

  // eslint-disable-next-line
  let stream = AgoraRTC.createStream(merge(defaultConfig, config));
  return stream;

Define the shareEnd Constant

The shareEnd() constant ends sharing for the stream.

Execute the following before setting shareClient and shareStream to null:

  • If shareClient exists and unpublishing the shared stream using client.unpublish(shareStream) is successful.
  • If shareStream exists and closing the stream using shareStream.close() is successful.
  • If shareClient exists and leaving the client using shareClient.leave() is successful.
const shareEnd = () => {
  try {
    shareClient && shareClient.unpublish(shareStream);
    shareStream && shareStream.close();
    shareClient &&
        () => {
          shareLog('Share client succeed to leave.');
        () => {
          shareLog('Share client failed to leave.');
  } finally {
    shareClient = null;
    shareStream = null;

Define the shareStart Constant

The shareStart() constant starts sharing for the stream.

  1. Disable the shareScreenBtn elements using ButtonControl.disable().
  2. Create the share client using AgoraRTC.createClient() with the options.transcode mode.
  3. Create a local variable shareOptions with the merged value of options and {uid: SHARE_ID} using merge().

Initialize the client using clientInit(). The remaining code in this section are contained within the completion of clientInit() using then().

const shareStart = () => {
  // eslint-disable-next-line
  shareClient = AgoraRTC.createClient({
    mode: options.transcode
  let shareOptions = merge(options, {
    uid: SHARE_ID
  clientInit(shareClient, shareOptions).then(uid => {

Create a config object and apply it to the stream creation using streamInit(). The config properties contain the following information:

Config Name Value Description
screen true Enable share screen indicator.
audio true Enable audio indicator.
video true Enable video indicator.
extensionId minllpmhdgpndnkomcoccfekfegnlikg The extension ID for the sample application.
mediaSource application The media source for the sample application.
    let config = {
      screen: true,
      video: false,
      audio: false,
      extensionId: 'minllpmhdgpndnkomcoccfekfegnlikg',
      mediaSource: 'application'
    shareStream = streamInit(uid, shareOptions, config);

Initialize the stream creation using shareStream.init().

If successful:

  1. Enable the shareScreenBtn UI element using ButtonControl.enable().
  2. Add a stopScreenSharing event listener to shareStream. The listener invokes shareEnd() and sets a share log using shareLog().
  3. Publish the stream using shareClient.publish() and add any errors to the share log using shareLog().

If unsuccessful:

  1. Enable the shareScreenBtn UI element using ButtonControl.enable().
  2. Add a share log for the error using shareLog().
  3. Invoke shareEnd().
  4. If the browser is a Chrome browser, notify the user to install the required Chrome extension.
      () => {
        shareStream.on('stopScreenSharing', () => {
          shareLog('Stop Screen Sharing at' + new Date());
        shareClient.publish(shareStream, err => {
          shareLog('Publish share stream error: ' + err);
          shareLog('getUserMedia failed', err);
      err => {
        shareLog('getUserMedia failed', err);
        if (isChrome()) {
          let msg = `Please install chrome extension before using sharing screen. 
            <hr />
            <a id="addExtensionBtn" class="button is-link" onclick="chrome.webstore.install('', installSuccess, installError)">Add chrome extension</a>
          Notify.danger(msg, 5000);

Add Window Event Listeners and Callbacks

Add event listeners to the browser window.

If the extension install is successful, set a global log using globalLog().

window.installSuccess = (...args) => {

If the extension install is not successful, set a global log using globalLog() and notify the user of the failed installation using Notify.danger().

window.installError = (...args) => {
    'Failed to install the extension, please check the network and console.',

Define the removeStream Constant

The removeStream() constant removes the stream.

Iterate through the streamList array and update the UI. If the stream is the current stream:

  1. Close the stream using streamList[index].close().
  2. Remove the video item using $('#video-item-' + id).remove().
  3. Remove the stream from the streamList array using streamList.splice().
  4. Return 1.

If the length of streamList is less than or equal to 4 and options.displayMode is not equal to 2, enable the displayModeBtn UI elements.

Render the streamList using Renderer.customRender().

const removeStream = id => {, index) => {
    if (item.getId() === id) {
      $('#video-item-' + id).remove();
      streamList.splice(index, 1);
      return 1;
    return 0;
  if (streamList.length <= 4 && options.displayMode !== 2) {
  Renderer.customRender(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId);

Define the addStream Constant

The addStream() constant adds the stream.

  1. Set the stream id using the value stream.getId().
  2. Check for redundant streams using streamList.some().
  3. If a redundant stream is found invoke return.
  4. Push the stream to streamList using streamList.push() and resort the list using streamList.unshift().
  5. If the length of streamList is greater than or equal to 4 and options.displayMode is equal to 1, set options.displayMode to 0.
  6. Render the streamList using Renderer.customRender().
const addStream = (stream, push = false) => {
  let id = stream.getId();
  // Check for redundant
  let redundant = streamList.some(item => {
    return item.getId() === id;
  if (redundant) {
  // Do push for localStream and unshift for other streams
  push ? streamList.push(stream) : streamList.unshift(stream);
  if (streamList.length > 4) {
    options.displayMode = options.displayMode === 1 ? 0 : options.displayMode;
    ButtonControl.disable(['.displayModeBtn', '.disableRemoteBtn']);
  Renderer.customRender(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId);

Define the getStreamById Constant

The getStreamById() constant retrieves the stream based on its stream id by returning the result of streamList.filter().

const getStreamById = id => {
  return streamList.filter(item => {
    return item.getId() === id;

Define the enableDualStream Constant

The enableDualStream() constant enables dual stream mode using client.enableDualStream() and sets a local log using localLog() upon success or failure.

const enableDualStream = () => {
    function() {
      localLog('Enable dual stream success!');
    function(e) {

Define the setHighStream Constant

The setHighStream() constant sets updates the previous and next stream resolution settings.

If the previous stream is the same as the next stream, invoke return.

Iterate through streamList:

  • If the current stream's id is equal to prev, set prevStream to stream
  • If the current stream's id is equal to next, set nextStream to stream

If prevStream is valid, set the remote video stream type to 1 using client.setRemoteVideoStreamType().

If nextStream is valid, set the remote video stream type to 0 using client.setRemoteVideoStreamType().

const setHighStream = (prev, next) => {
  if (prev === next) {
  let prevStream;
  let nextStream;
  // Get stream by id
  for (let stream of streamList) {
    let id = stream.getId();
    if (id === prev) {
      prevStream = stream;
    } else if (id === next) {
      nextStream = stream;
    } else {
      // Do nothing
  // Set prev stream to low
  prevStream && client.setRemoteVideoStreamType(prevStream, 1);
  // Set next stream to high
  nextStream && client.setRemoteVideoStreamType(nextStream, 0);

Define the subscribeStreamEvents Constant

The subscribeStreamEvents constant adds event listeners to the stream.

 * Add callback for client event to control streams
 * @param {*} client
 * @param {*} streamList
const subscribeStreamEvents = () => {
Add a Stream Add Event Listener and Callback

Add a stream-added event listener to the client.

  1. Set a local stream variable with the value
  2. Set a local id variable with the value stream.getId()
  3. Add a local log for the id using localLog()
  4. Add a local log for the date/time using localLog()
  5. Add a local log for the stream using localLog()
  6. If id is equal to SHARE_ID
    • Set options.displayMode to 2
    • Set mainId to id
    • Set mainStream to stream
    • Disable the shareScreenBtn UI elements if shareClient is invalid using ButtonControl.disable()
    • Disable the UI elements whose classes are displayModeBtn and disableRemoteBtn using ButtonControl.disable()
  7. If id is equal to mainId
    • If options.displayMode is equal to 2, set the remote video stream type for stream using client.setRemoteVideoStreamType()
    • Otherwise, ensure mainStream is valid and set the remote video stream type for mainStream using client.setRemoteVideoStreamType() and update mainStream to stream and mainId to id
  8. Subscribe the stream to the client using client.subscribe()
  client.on('stream-added', function(evt) {
    let stream =;
    let id = stream.getId();
    localLog('New stream added: ' + id);
    localLog(new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
    localLog('Subscribe ', stream);
    if (id === SHARE_ID) {
      options.displayMode = 2;
      mainId = id;
      mainStream = stream;
      if (!shareClient) {
      ButtonControl.disable(['.displayModeBtn', '.disableRemoteBtn']);
    if (id !== mainId) {
      if (options.displayMode === 2) {
        client.setRemoteVideoStreamType(stream, 1);
      } else {  
        mainStream && client.setRemoteVideoStreamType(mainStream, 1);
        mainStream = stream;
        mainId = id;
    client.subscribe(stream, function(err) {
      localLog('Subscribe stream failed', err);
Add a Peer Leave Event Listener and Callback

Add a peer-leave event listener to the client.

  1. Set a local id variable with the value evt.uid
  2. Set a local log for the id using localLog()
  3. Set a local log for the date/time using localLog()
  4. If id is equal to SHARE_ID
    • Set options.displayMode to 0
    • Set mainId to id
    • Enable the shareScreenBtn UI elements if options.attendeeMode is equal to video using ButtonControl.enable()
    • Enable the UI elements whose classes are displayModeBtn and disableRemoteBtn using ButtonControl.enable()
  5. If id is equal to mainId
    • If options.displayMode is equal to 2, set next to SHARE_ID
    • Otherwise, set the value to localStream.getId()
    • Set mainId to next
    • Set mainStream the with value of getStreamById()
  6. Remove the stream using removeStream()
  client.on('peer-leave', function(evt) {
    let id = evt.uid;
    localLog('Peer has left: ' + id);
    localLog(new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
    if (id === SHARE_ID) {
      options.displayMode = 0;
      if (options.attendeeMode === 'video') {
      ButtonControl.enable(['.displayModeBtn', '.disableRemoteBtn']);
    if (id === mainId) {
      let next = options.displayMode === 2 ? SHARE_ID : localStream.getId();
      setHighStream(mainId, next);
      mainId = next;
      mainStream = getStreamById(mainId);
Add a Stream Subscribed Event Listener and Callback

Add a stream-subscribed event listener to the client.

  1. Set the a local variable stream to
  2. Set local logs for the event listener and date/time using localLog()
  3. Add the stream using addStream()
  client.on('stream-subscribed', function(evt) {
    let stream =;
    localLog('Got stream-subscribed event');
    localLog(new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
    localLog('Subscribe remote stream successfully: ' + stream.getId());
Add a Stream Removed Event Listener and Callback

Add a stream-removed event listener to the client.

  1. Set the a local variable stream to
  2. Set the a local variable id to stream.getId().
  3. Set local logs for the id and date/time using localLog().
  4. If id is equal to SHARE_ID, do the following:
    • Set options.displayMode to 0.
    • If options.attendeeMode is equal to video, enable the shareScreenBtn UI elements using ButtonControl.enable().
    • Use ButtonControl.enable() to enable UI elements whose classes are displayModeBtn and disableRemoteBtn.
    • Invoke shareEnd().
  5. If id is equal to mainId, do the following:
    • If options.displayMode is equal to 2, set next to SHARE_ID. Otherwise, set the value to localStream.getId().
    • Invoke setHighStream() with mainId and next.
    • Set mainId to next.
    • Set mainStream the with value of getStreamById().
  6. Remove the stream using removeStream().
  client.on('stream-removed', function(evt) {
    let stream =;
    let id = stream.getId();
    localLog('Stream removed: ' + id);
    localLog(new Date().toLocaleTimeString());
    if (id === SHARE_ID) {
      options.displayMode = 0;
      if (options.attendeeMode === 'video') {
      ButtonControl.enable(['.displayModeBtn', '.disableRemoteBtn']);
    if (id === mainId) {
      let next = options.displayMode === 2 ? SHARE_ID : localStream.getId();
      setHighStream(mainId, next);
      mainId = next;
      mainStream = getStreamById(mainId);

Define the subscribeMouseEvents Constant

The subscribeMouseEvents constant adds event listeners to the UI elements.

const subscribeMouseEvents = () => {
Add a displayModeBtn Click Event Listener and Callback

Add a click event listener to the displayModeBtn element.

  1. If the currentTarget contains the disabled class or the length of streamList is 1, invoke return.
  2. If options.displayMode is equal to 1, set options.displayMode to 0 and disable the disableRemoteBtn elements using ButtonControl.disable().
  3. If options.displayMode is equal to 0, set options.displayMode to 1 and enable the disableRemoteBtn elements using ButtonControl.enable().
  4. Invoke Renderer.customRender() with streamList, options.displayMode, and mainId.
  $('.displayModeBtn').on('click', function(e) {
    if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled') || streamList.length <= 1) {
    // 1 refer to pip mode
    if (options.displayMode === 1) {
      options.displayMode = 0;
    } else if (options.displayMode === 0) {
      options.displayMode = 1;
    } else {
      // Do nothing when in screen share mode
    Renderer.customRender(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId);
Add an exitBtn Click Event Listener and Callback

Add a click event listener to the exitBtn element. Execute the following before redirecting to the index.html page.

  1. If the shareClient is valid invoke shareEnd().
  2. If client is valid, unpublish localStream client.unpublish().
  3. If client is valid, leave the channel using client.leave().
  $('.exitBtn').on('click', function() {
    try {
      shareClient && shareEnd();
      client && client.unpublish(localStream);
      localStream && localStream.close();
      client &&
          () => {
            localLog('Client succeed to leave.');
          () => {
            localLog('Client failed to leave.');
    } finally {
      // Redirect to index
      window.location.href = 'index.html';
Add an ag-videoControlBtn Click Event Listener and Callback

Add a click event listener to the videoControlBtn and audioControlBtn elements.

  1. Toggle the button class to off using toggleClass().
  2. If video or audio is on, disable/enable video or audio using localStream.disableVideo() and localStream.enableVideo() or localStream.disableAudio() and localStream.enableAudio().
  $('.videoControlBtn').on('click', function() {
    localStream.isVideoOn() ? localStream.disableVideo() : localStream.enableVideo();

  $('.audioControlBtn').on('click', function() {
    localStream.isAudioOn() ? localStream.disableAudio() : localStream.enableAudio();
Add an ag-shareScreenBtn Click Event Listener and Callback

Add a click event listener to the shareScreenBtn element.

  1. If the currentTarget contains the disabled class, invoke return.
  2. If shareClient is valid, invoke shareEnd(). Otherwise, invoke shareStart().
  $('.shareScreenBtn').on('click', function(e) {
    if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled')) {
    if (shareClient) {
    } else {
Add an ag-disableRemoteBtn Click Event Listener and Callback

Add a click event listener to the disableRemoteBtn element.

  1. If the currentTarget contains the disabled class or the length of streamList is 1, invoke return.
  2. Toggle the disableRemoteBtn UI element class to off using $('.disableRemoteBtn').toggleClass().
  3. Set a local id variable to localStream.getId().
  4. Retrieve the list of video-item elements.
  5. Iterate through the list.
    • If is equal to none, set the display style to block and return 1.
    • Set to none.
    • Return 0.
  $('.disableRemoteBtn').on('click', function(e) {
    if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled') || streamList.length <= 1) {
    let list;
    let id = localStream.getId();
    list = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`.video-item:not(#video-item-${id})`)); => {
      if ( === 'none') { = 'block';
        return 1;
      } = 'none';
      return 0;
Add a Resize Window Event Listener and Callback

Add a resize event listener to the window.

If the browser is mobile sized, invoke Renderer.enterFullScreen(). Otherwise, invoke Renderer.exitFullScreen().

Render the streamList with the options.displayMode configuration for mainId using Renderer.customRender().

  $(window).resize(function(_) {
    if (isMobileSize()) {
    } else {
    Renderer.customRender(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId);
Add an ag-container Double Click Event Listener and Callback

Add a dblclick event listener to the container element.

  1. Set a dom local variable to
  2. Iterate through the dom class list and search for the class video-item. If found, set dom to dom.parentNode. If the dom class list has the class ag-main, invoke return.
  3. Calculate and set id using dom.
  4. If id is equal to mainId, do the following:
    • If options.displayMode is equal to 2, set next to SHARE_ID. Otherwise, set the value to id.
    • Invoke setHighStream() for mainId.
    • Set mainId to next.
    • Set mainStream to the result of getStreamById().
  5. Invoke Renderer.customRender() for streamList with the configuration options.displayMode for mainId.
  // Dbl click to switch high/low stream
  $('.ag-container').dblclick(function(e) {
    let dom =;
    while (!dom.classList.contains('video-item')) {
      dom = dom.parentNode;
      if (dom.classList.contains('ag-main')) {
    let id = parseInt('-')[2], 10);
    if (id !== mainId) {
      let next = options.displayMode === 2 ? SHARE_ID : id;
      // Force to swtich
      setHighStream(mainId, next);
      mainId = next;
      mainStream = getStreamById(mainId);
    Renderer.customRender(streamList, options.displayMode, mainId);
Add a Document Mouse Move Event Listener and Callback

Add a mousemove event listener to the document.

  1. If global._toolbarToggle is true, clear the global._toolbarToggle using clearTimeout().
  2. Add the active class to the ag-btn-group UI element.
  3. Set global._toolbarToggle with setTimeout() applying the active class to the ag-btn-group UI element and a timeout of 2500 milliseconds.
  $(document).mousemove(function(_) {
    if (global._toolbarToggle) {
    global._toolbarToggle = setTimeout(function() {
    }, 2500);

Define the infoDetectSchedule Constant

The infoDetectSchedule updates the statistics for the sample application.

Set a local no variable to streamList.length.

Iterate through the stream list. The remaining code in this section is contained within the for loop.

const infoDetectSchedule = () => {
  let no = streamList.length;
  for (let i = 0; i < no; i++) {

Set the following local variables:

Variable Value Description
item streamList[i] Stream list item
id item.getId() Item ID
box $('#video-item-${id} .video-item-box') Video item UI element
width N/A Width of the video resolution
height N/A Height of the video resolution
frameRate N/A Frame rate of the video
HighOrLow N/A Indicates high or low stream
    let item = streamList[i];
    let id = item.getId();
    let box = $('#video-item-${id} .video-item-box');
    let width;
    let height;
    let frameRate;
    let HighOrLow;
  • If the id is equal to mainId, set HighOrLow to High. Otherwise, set HighOrLow to Low.
  • If i is equal to no - 1, set HighOrLow to local.
    // Whether high or low stream
    if (id === mainId) {
      HighOrLow = 'High';
    } else {
      HighOrLow = 'Low';
    if (i === no - 1) {
      HighOrLow = 'local';

Invoke item.getStats(). After the callback, execute the following:

  • If i is equal to no-1, use the sent video resolution:
    • Set width to e.videoSendResolutionWidth.
    • Set height to e.videoSendResolutionHeight.
    • Set frameRate to e.videoSendFrameRate.
  • Otherwise, use the received video resolution:
    • Set width to e.videoReceivedResolutionWidth.
    • Set height to e.videoReceivedResolutionHeight .
    • Set frameRate to e.videoReceiveFrameRate.
  • Set a local str variable with the id, width, height, frameRate, and HighOrLow information using <p> UI elements.
  • Set the inner HTML of box to str.
    item.getStats(function(e) {
      if (i === no - 1) {
        width = e.videoSendResolutionWidth;
        height = e.videoSendResolutionHeight;
        frameRate = e.videoSendFrameRate;
      } else {
        width = e.videoReceivedResolutionWidth;
        height = e.videoReceivedResolutionHeight;
        frameRate = e.videoReceiveFrameRate;
      let str = `
        <p>uid: ${id}</p>
        <p>${width}*${height} ${frameRate}fps</p>

Initialize the Page

Initialize the meeting page.

  1. Set options to the result of optionsInit().
  2. Invoke uiInit() to apply the options to the UI.
  3. Create the Agora client using AgoraRTC.createClient() with the options.transcode mode.
  4. Invoke subscribeMouseEvents()to register mouse event listeners.
  5. Invoke subscribeStreamEvents()to register stream event listeners.
  6. Invoke clientInit() with client and options.
  7. If DUAL_STREAM_DEBUG is true, set an interval schedule for infoDetectSchedule using setInterval every 1000 milliseconds.

The remaining code in this section is contained within the clientInit() callback method then().

// ------------- start --------------
// ----------------------------------
options = optionsInit();
// eslint-disable-next-line
client = AgoraRTC.createClient({
  mode: options.transcode

clientInit(client, options).then(uid => {

  setInterval(infoDetectSchedule, 1000);

Set a local config variable.

  • If the browser is Safari, use an empty object.
  • If the browser is not Safari, set config to an object with cameraId of value options.cameraId and microphoneId of value options.microphoneId.

Set the localStream using streamInit() with uid, options, and config.

  // Use selected device
  let config = isSafari()
    ? {}
    : {
        cameraId: options.cameraId,
        microphoneId: options.microphoneId
  localStream = streamInit(uid, options, config);

If options.attendeeMode is not equal to audience, set mainId to uid and mainStream to localStream.

Invoke enableDualStream() to enable dual stream mode.

  // Enable dual stream
  if (options.attendeeMode !== 'audience') { 
      // MainId default to be localStream's ID
      mainId = uid;
      mainStream = localStream;

Initialize the local stream using localStream.init().

If successful, check that options.attendeeMode does not equal audience.

  • Add the stream using addStream().
  • Publish it to the client using client.publish().
    () => {
      if (options.attendeeMode !== 'audience') {
        addStream(localStream, true);
        client.publish(localStream, err => {
          localLog('Publish local stream error: ' + err);
    err => {
      localLog('getUserMedia failed', err);


  • Complete API documentation is available at the Document Center.
  • You can file bugs about this sample here.


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