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Webhook example

This module is a webhook example for Dialogflow. An agent created in Dialogflow is connected to this webhook that is running in Cloud Function. The webhook also connects to a Cloud Firestore to get the users information used in the example.

Recommended Reading

Dialogflow Fulfillment Overview.

Technology Stack

  1. Cloud Firestore
  2. Cloud Functions
  3. Dialogflow


  1. Pandas
  2. Google Cloud Firestore
  3. Dialogflow

Programming Language

Python 3

Project Structure

└── dialogflow_webhook_bank_example
 ├── # Implementation of the webhook
 ├── intents_config.yaml # Configuration of the intent from dialogflow
 ├── # Configuration of the agent for this example in dialogflow
 ├── requirements.txt # Required libraries for this example

Setup Instructions

Project Setup

How to setup your project for this example can be found here.

Dialogflow Agent Setup

  1. Build an agent by following the instructions here.
  2. Once the agent is built, go to settings ⚙ and under the Export and Import tab, choose the option RESTORE FROM ZIP.
  3. Follow the instructions to restore the agent from

Cloud Functions Setup

This implementation is deployed on GCP using Cloud Functions. More info here.

To run the Python scripts on GCP, the gcloud command-line tool from the Google Cloud SDK is needed. Refer to the installation page for the appropriate instructions depending on your platform.

Note that this project has been tested on a Unix-based environment.

After installing, make sure to initialize your Cloud project:

$ gcloud init

Cloud Firestore Setup

Quick start for Cloud Firestore can be found here.

How to add data

This example connects to a Cloud Firestore with a collection with the following specification:

Root collection
 users =>
         NXJn5wTqWXwiTuc5tdun => {
             'first_name': 'Pedro',
             'last_name': 'Perez',
             'accounts': {
                 'saving': {
                     'transactions': [
                         {'type': 'deposit', 'amount': 20},
                         {'type': 'deposit', 'amount': 90}
                     'balance': 110},
                 'checking': {
                     'transactions': [
                         {'type': 'deposit', 'amount': 50},
                         {'type': 'withdraw', 'amount': '-10'}
                     'balance': 150}
             'user_id': 123456

Examples how to add data to a collection can be found here.

from import firestore

user_dict= {
  u'user_id': u'123456',
  u'first_name': u'Pedro',
  u'last_name': u'Perez',
  u'accounts': {
      u'checking': {
        u'transactions': [
            {u'amount': 50, 'type': 'udeposit'},
            {u'type': u'withdraw', u'amount': u'-10'}
          u'balance': 150
       u'saving': {
          u'transactions': [
              {u'amount': 20, u'type': u'deposit'},
              {u'type': u'deposit', u'amount': 90}
           u'balance': 110
db = firestore.Client()


$ gcloud functions deploy dialogflow_webhook_bank --runtime python37 --trigger-http --allow-unauthenticated


Dialogflow Agent Example

  [User] Hi, Hello, I need assistance
  [Agent] Welcome to our bank! Can I have your user id?
  [User] <Give an invalid user_id number> user_id 12345
  ↳ [Agent] Sorry I could not find your user_id. Can you try again?
  [User] <Give a valid user_id number> user id 123456
  ↳ [Agent] What can I do for you?
  ↳ [User] Check my balance, Verify my balance, balance
       ↳ [Agent] Here are your account balances.
            <List of all account balances from firebase>
            [Agent]What else can I do for you? - Follow up
  ↳ [User] All my transactions, transactions,
       ↳ [Agent] Here are all the transactions that I found.
            <List of all the transactions from firebase>
            [Agent] What else can I do for you? - Follow up
  ↳ [User] Deposit transactions, credits, deposits,
       ↳ [Agent] Here are all the deposit transactions that I found.
           <List of deposit transactions in firebase>
           [Agent] What else can I do for you? - Follow up
  ↳[User] I am done, thanks, bye
      ↳ [Agent] Have a nice day!

Running the sample from Dialogflow console

In Dialogflow's console, in the simulator on the right, query your Dialogflow agent with I need assistance and respond to the questions your Dialogflow agent asks.

Running the sample using gcloud util


$ gcloud functions call dialogflow_webhook_bank --data
      "responseId": "ec0be141-e09a-4dca-b445-4e811ad4999b-ab1309b0",
      "queryResult": {
        "queryText": "123456 user id",
        "action": "welcome.welcome-custom",
        "parameters": {
          "user_id": 123456
        "allRequiredParamsPresent": true,
        "fulfillmentText": "What can I do for you?",
        "fulfillmentMessages": [
            "text": {
              "text": [
                "What can I do for you?"
        "outputContexts": [
            "name": "projects/<project-id>/agent/sessions/e7f62474-fd2c-3ca0-dfa6-73d3ed2ab17f/contexts/user_id_action-followup",
            "lifespanCount": 5,
            "parameters": {
              "user_id": 123456,
              "user_id.original": "123456"
            "name": "projects/<project-id>/agent/sessions/e7f62474-fd2c-3ca0-dfa6-73d3ed2ab17f/contexts/welcome-followup",
            "lifespanCount": 1,
            "parameters": {
              "user_id": 123456,
              "user_id.original": "123456"
            "name": "projects/<project-id>/agent/sessions/e7f62474-fd2c-3ca0-dfa6-73d3ed2ab17f/contexts/__system_counters__",
            "parameters": {
              "no-input": 0,
              "no-match": 0,
              "user_id": 1234567891,
              "user_id.original": "123456"
        "intent": {
          "name": "projects/<project-id>/agent/intents/e3cabac7-cfb8-4da1-96bb-f14687913bf6",
          "displayName": "user_id_action"
        "intentDetectionConfidence": 0.78590345,
        "languageCode": "en"
      "originalDetectIntentRequest": {
        "payload": {}
      "session": "projects/<project-id>/agent/sessions/e7f62474-fd2c-3ca0-dfa6-73d3ed2ab17f"


google-cloud-firestore.Documents API

google-cloud-firestore.Queries API

Example querying and filtering data from Cloud Firestore

Pandas Dataframe Libraries