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Data Generator

This directory shows a series of pipelines used to generate data in GCS or BigQuery. The intention for these pipelines are to be a tool for partners, customers and SCEs who want to create a dummy dataset that looks like the schema of their actual data in order to run some queries in BigQuery. There are two different types of use cases for this kind of tool which we refer to throughout this documentation as Human Readable and Performance Testing Data Generators.

Human Readable Data Generation

These pipelines are a great place to get started when you only have a customer's schema and do not have a requirement for your generated dataset to have similar distribution to the source dataset (this is required for accurately capturing query performance).

  • Human readable / queryable data. This includes smart populating columns with data formatted based on the field name.
  • This can be used in scenarios where there are hurdles to get over in migrating actual data to BigQuery to unblock integration tests and downstream development.
  • Generate joinable schemas for < 1 Billion distinct keys
  • Generates data from just a schema
  • Numeric columns trend upwards based on a date field if it exists.

Alt text

  • Data Generator: This pipeline should can be used to generate a central fact table in snowflake schema.
  • Data Generator (Joinable Table): this pipeline should be used to generate data that joins to an existing BigQuery Table on a certain key.

Performance Testing Data Generation

The final pipeline supports the later use case where matching the distribution of the source dataset for replicating query performance is the goal.

  • Prioritizes speed and distribution matching over human readable data (ie. random strings rather than random sentences w/ english words)
  • Match the distribution of keys in a dataset to benchmark join performance
  • Generate joinable schemas on a larger scale.
  • Generates data based on a schema and a histogram table containing the desired distribution of data across the key columns

Alt text

  • Histogram Tool: This is an example script of what could be run on a customer's table to extract the distribution information per key without collecting meaningful data. This script would be run by the client and they would share the output table. If the customer is not already in BigQuery this histogram tool can serve as boilerplate for a histogram tool that reads from their source database and writes to BigQuery.
  • Distribution Matcher: This pipeline operates on a BigQuery table containing key hashes and counts and will replicate this distribution in the generated dataset..

General Performance Recommendations

A few recommendations when generating large datasets with any of these pipelines:

  • Write to AVRO on GCS then load to BigQuery.
  • Use machines with a lot of CPU. We recommend n1-highcpu-32.
  • Run on a private network to avoid using public ip addresses.
  • Request higher quotas for your project to support scaling to 300+ large workers, specifically, in the region you wish to run the pipeline:
    • 300+ In-use IP addresses
    • 10,000+ CPUs

Human Readable Data Generator Usage

This tool has several parameters to specify what kind of data you would like to generate.


The schema may be specified using the --schema_file parameter with a file containing a list of json objects with name, type, mode and optionally description fields. This form follows the output ofbq show --format=json --schema <table_reference>. This data generator now supports nested types like RECORD/STRUCT. Note, that the approach taken was to generate a REPEATED RECORD (aka ARRAY<STRUCT>) and each record generated will have between 0 and 3 elements in this array. ie.



    "fields": [
                {"name": "lo_order_key",
                 "type": "STRING",
                 "mode": "REQUIRED"
                {"name": "lo_linenumber",
                 "type": "INTEGER",
                 "mode": "NULLABLE"

Alternatively, the schema may be specified with a reference to an existing BigQuery table with the --input_bq_table parameter. We suggest using the BigQuery UI to create an empty BigQuery table to avoid typos when writing your own schema json.


Note, if you are generating data that is also being loaded into an RDBMS you can specify the RDMS type in the description field of the schema. The data generator will parse this to extract datasize. ie. The below field will have strings truncated to be within 36 bytes.

    {"name": "lo_order_key",
     "type": "STRING",
     "mode": "REQUIRED",
     "description": "VARCHAR(36)"

Number of records

To specify the number of records to generate use the --num_records parameter. Note we recommend only calling this pipeline for a maximum of 50 Million records at a time. For generating larger tables you can simply call the pipeline script several times.


Output Prefix

The output is specified as a GCS prefix. Note that multiple files will be written with <prefix>-<this-shard-number>-of-<total-shards>.<suffix>. The suffix will be the appropriate suffix for the file type based on if you pass the --csv_schema_order or --avro_schema_file parameters described later.


Will create files at:


Output format

Output format is specified by passing one of the --csv_schema_order, --avro_schema_file, or --write_to_parquet parameters.

--csv_schema_order should be a comma separated list specifying the order of the fieldnames for writing. Note that RECORD are not supported when writing to CSV, because it is a flat file format.


--avro_schema_file should be a file path to the avro schema to write.


--write_to_parquet is a flag that specifies the output should be parquet. In order for beam to write to parquet, a pyarrow schema is needed. Therefore, this tool translates the schema in the --schema_file to a pyarrow schema automatically if this flag is included, but pyarrow doesn't support all fields that are supported by BigQuery. STRING, NUMERIC, INTEGER, FLOAT, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN, TIMESTAMP, DATE, TIME, and DATETIME types are supported.

There is limited support for writing RECORD types to parquet. Due to this known pyarrow issue this tool does not support writing arrays nested within structs.

However BYTE, and GEOGRAPHY fields are not supported and cannot be included in the --schema_file when writing to parquet.


Alternatively, you can write directly to a BigQuery table by specifying an --output_bq_table. However, if you are generating more than 100K records, you may run into the limitation of the python SDK where WriteToBigQuery does not orchestrate multiple load jobs you hit one of the single load job limitations BEAM-2801. If you are not concerned with having many duplicates, you can generate an initial BigQuery table with --num_records=10000000 and then use to copy the table into itself until it reaches the desired size.


Sparsity (optional)

Data is seldom full for every record so you can specify the probability of a NULLABLE column being null with the --p_null parameter.


Keys and IDs (optional)

The data generator will parse your field names and generate keys/ids for fields whose name contains "_key" or "_id". The cardinality of such key columns can be controlled with the --n_keys parameter.

Additionally, you can parameterize the key-skew by passing --key_skew_distribution. By default this is None, meaning roughly equal distribution of rowcount across keys. This also supports "binomial" giving a maximum variance bell curve of keys over the range of the keyset or "zipf" giving a distribution across the keyset according to zipf's law.

Primary Key (optional)

The data generator can support a primary key columns by passing a comma separated list of field names to --primary_key_cols. Note this is done by a deduplication process at the end of the pipeline. This may be a bottleneck for large data volumes. Also, using this parameter might cause you to fall short of --num_records output records due to the deduplicaiton. To mitigate this you can set --n_keys to a number much larger than the number of records you are generating.

Date Parameters (optional)

To constrain the dates generated in date columns one can use the --min_date and --max_date parameters.

The minimum date will default to January 1, 2000 and the max_date will default to today.

If you are using these parameters be sure to use YYYY-MM-DD format.

--min_date=1970-01-01 \

Number Parameters (optional)

The range of integers and/or floats can be constrained with the --max_int and --max_float parameters. These default to 100 Million. The number of decimal places in a float can be controlled with the --float_precision parameter. The default float precision is 2. Both integers and floats can be constrained to strictly positive values using the --strictly_pos=True. True is the default.

Write Disposition (optional)

The BigQuery write disposition can be specified using the --write_disp parameter.

The default is WRITE_APPEND.

Dataflow Pipeline parameters

For basic usage we recommend the following parameters:

python \
--project=<PROJECT ID> \
--setup_file=./ \

--worker_machine_type=n1-highcpu-32 \ # This is a high cpu process so tuning the machine type will boost performance

--runner=DataflowRunner \ # run on Dataflow workers
--staging_location=gs://<BUCKET NAME>/test \
--temp_location=gs://<BUCKET NAME>/temp \
--save_main_session \ # serializes main session and sends to each worker

For isolating your Dataflow workers on a private network you can additionally specify:

--region=us-east1 \
--subnetwork=<FULL PATH TO SUBNET> \
--network=<NETWORK ID> \

Modifying FakeRowGen

You may want to change the FakeRowGen DoFn class to more accurately spoof your data. You can use special_map to map substrings in field names to Faker Providers. The only requirement for this DoFn is for it to return a list containing a single python dictionary mapping field names to values. So hack away if you need something more specific any python code is fair game. Keep in mind that if you use a non-standard module (available in PyPI) you will need to make sure it gets installed on each of the workers or you will get

namespace issues. This can be done most simply by adding the module to

Generating Joinable tables Snowflake schema

To generate multiple tables that join based on certain keys, start by generating the central fact table with the above described Then use with the above described parameters for the new table plus three additional parameters described below.

  • --fact_table The existing fact table in BigQuery that will be queried to obtain list of distinct key values.
  • --source_joining_key_col The field name of the foreign key col in the existing table.
  • --dest_joining_key_col The field name in the table we are generating with the pipeline for joining to the existing table.

Note, this method selects distinct keys from the --fact_table as a side input which are passed as a list to the to each worker which randomly selects a value to assign to this record. This means that this list must comfortably fit in memory. This makes this method only suitable for key columns with relatively low cardinality (< 1 Billion distinct keys). If you have more rigorous needs for generating joinable schemas, you should consider using the distribution matcher pipeline.

Performance Testing Data Generator Usage


  • Generate the posterior histogram table. For an example of how to do this on an existing BigQuery table look at the BigQuery Histogram Tool described later in this doc.
  • Use the pipeline.

You can specify --schema_file (or --input_table), --gcs_output_prefix and --output_format the same way as described above in the Human Readable Data Generator section. Additionally, you must specify an --histogram_table. This table will have a field for each key column (which will store a hash of each value) and a frequency with which these values occur.

Generating Joinable Schemas

Joinable tables can be created by running the distribution matcher on a histogram for all relevant tables in the dataset. Because each histogram table entry captures the hash of each key it refers to we can capture exact join scenarios without handing over any real data.

BigQuery Scripts

Included are three BigQuery utility scripts to help you with your data generating needs. The first helps with loading many gcs files to BigQuery while staying under the 15TB per load job limit, the next will help you profile the distribution of an existing dataset and the last will allow you to resize BigQuery tables to be a desired size.

BigQuery batch loads

This script is meant to orchestrate BigQuery load jobs of many json files on Google Cloud Storage. It ensures that each load stays under the 15 TB per load job limit. It operates on the

output of gsutil -l.

This script can be called with the following arguments:

--project: GCP project ID

--dataset: BigQuery dataset ID containing the table your wish to populate.

--table: BigQuery table ID of the table you wish to populate

--source_file: This is the output of gsutil -l with the URI of each file that you would like to load

--create_table: If passed this script will create the destination table.

--schema_file: Path to a json file defining the destination BigQuery table schema.

--partitioning_column: name of the field for date partitioning in the destination table.

--max_bad_records: Number of permissible bad records per load job.

Example Usage:

gsutil -l gs://<bucket>/path/to/json/<file prefix>-*.json >> ./files_to_load.txt

python --project=<project> \
--dataset=<dataset_id> \
--table=<table_id> \
--partitioning_column date \

BigQuery Histogram Tool

This script will create a BigQuery table containing the hashes of the key columns specified as a comma separated list to the --key_cols parameter and the frequency for which that group of key columns appears in the --input_table. This serves as a histogram of the original table and will be used as the source for

Example Usage:

python \
--input_table=<project>.<dataset>.<source_table> \
--output_table=<project>.<dataset>.<histogram_table> \

BigQuery table resizer

This script is to help increase the size of a table based on a generated or sample. If you are short on time and have a requirement to generate a 100TB table you can use this script to generate a few GB and copy table into itself until it it is the desired size or number of rows. While this would be inappropriate for accurate performance benchmarking it can be used to get a query specific cost estimate. This script can be used to copy a table in place or create a new table if you want to maintain the record of the original records. You can specify the target table size in either number of rows or GB.

Example Usage

python \
--project my-project-id \
--source_dataset my-dataset-id \
--source_table my-source-table-id \
--destination_dataset my-dataset-id \
--destination_table my-new-table-id \
--target_gb 15000 \
--location US

Running the tests

Note, that the tests for the BigQuery table resizer require that you have GOOGLE_APPLICATION_DEFAULT set to credentials with access to a BigQuery environment where you can create and destroy tables.

cd data-generator-pipeline
python -m unittest discover