diff --git a/back-end/README.md b/back-end/README.md
index 4b313f5..72778a8 100644
--- a/back-end/README.md
+++ b/back-end/README.md
@@ -43,6 +43,38 @@ Run the following command to start the Express.js server:
 npm start
+### Step 4: Unit Testing with Mocha, Chai, and c8
+Unit testing is crucial for maintaining the quality of our application. We use Mocha as our test framework, Chai for assertions, and c8 to track test coverage. 
+### Prerequisites for Testing
+Ensure you have the following testing tools installed:
+- [Mocha](https://mochajs.org/): A feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on Node.js, making asynchronous testing simple and fun.
+- [Chai](https://www.chaijs.com/): A BDD/TDD assertion library for node and the browser that can be paired with any JavaScript testing framework.
+- [c8](https://github.com/bcoe/c8): A tool for generating test coverage reports.
+These should already be included in your `package.json` dependencies. 
+### Running Unit Tests
+To run the unit tests, execute the following command:
+npm test
+This command will run all tests written in the `test` directory.
+### Generating Test Coverage Report
+To see how well our tests cover the code, we use c8 to generate coverage reports. Run the following command:
+npm run coverage
 The server will start, typically on `http://localhost:3001`. 
-Thank you for contributing to our project!
\ No newline at end of file
+Thank you for contributing to our project!