diff --git a/Categories.Diagram.Coend.Properties.html b/Categories.Diagram.Coend.Properties.html
index 91a9c5bd..c0974fc1 100644
--- a/Categories.Diagram.Coend.Properties.html
+++ b/Categories.Diagram.Coend.Properties.html
@@ -7,154 +7,160 @@
open import Categories.Category.Product
import Categories.Category.Construction.Cowedges as Cowedges
open import Categories.Category.Construction.Functors
-open import Categories.Category.Equivalence
-open import Categories.Category.Equivalence.Preserves
-open import Categories.Diagram.Coend
-open import Categories.Diagram.Colimit
-open import Categories.Diagram.Cowedge
-open import Categories.Diagram.Cowedge.Properties
-open import Categories.Functor using (Functor)
-open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor using (Bifunctor)
-open import Categories.Functor.Instance.Twisted
-import Categories.Morphism as M
-open import Categories.NaturalTransformation hiding (id)
-open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Dinatural
-open import Categories.Object.Initial as Initial
-import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
-open import Level
-open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_)
-open import Function using (_$_)
-module _ {o ℓ e o′ ℓ′ e′} {C : Category o ℓ e} {D : Category o′ ℓ′ e′}
- (F : Bifunctor (Category.op C) C D) where
- open Cowedges F
- Coend⇒Initial : Coend F → Initial Cowedges
- Coend⇒Initial c = record
- { ⊥ = cowedge
- ; ⊥-is-initial = record
- { ! = λ {A} → record { u = factor A ; commute = universal }
- ; !-unique = λ {A} f → unique {A} (Cowedge-Morphism.commute f)
- }
- }
- where
- open Coend c
- Initial⇒Coend : Initial Cowedges → Coend F
- Initial⇒Coend i = record
- { cowedge = ⊥
- ; factor = λ W → u {W₂ = W} !
- ; universal = commute !
- ; unique = λ {_} {g} x → !-unique (record { u = g ; commute = x })
- }
- where
- open Initial.Initial i
- open Cowedge-Morphism
- variable
- o ℓ e : Level
- C D E : Category o ℓ e
-module _ (F : Functor E (Functors (Product (Category.op C) C) D)) where
- private
- module C = Category C
- module D = Category D
- module E = Category E
- module NT = NaturalTransformation
- open D
- open HomReasoning
- open MR D
- open Functor F
- open Coend hiding (E)
- open NT using (η)
- CoendF : (∀ X → Coend (F₀ X)) → Functor E D
- CoendF coend = record
- { F₀ = λ X → Coend.E (coend X)
- ; F₁ = F₁′
- ; identity = λ {A} → unique (coend A) (id-comm-sym ○ ∘-resp-≈ʳ (⟺ identity))
- ; homomorphism = λ {A B C} {f g} → unique (coend A) $ λ {Z} → begin
- (F₁′ g ∘ F₁′ f) ∘ dinatural.α (coend A) Z ≈⟨ pullʳ (universal (coend A)) ⟩
- (F₁′ g ∘ (dinatural.α (coend B) Z ∘ η (F₁ f) (Z , Z) ) ) ≈⟨ pullˡ (universal (coend B)) ⟩
- ((dinatural.α (coend C) Z ∘ η (F₁ g) (Z , Z)) ∘ η (F₁ f) (Z , Z)) ≈˘⟨ pushʳ homomorphism ⟩
- dinatural.α (coend C) Z ∘ η (F₁ (g E.∘ f)) (Z , Z) ∎
- ; F-resp-≈ = λ {A B f g} eq → unique (coend A) $ λ {Z} → begin
- F₁′ g ∘ dinatural.α (coend A) Z ≈⟨ universal (coend A) ⟩
- dinatural.α (coend B) Z ∘ η (F₁ g) (Z , Z) ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ F-resp-≈ eq ⟩
- dinatural.α (coend B) Z ∘ η (F₁ f) (Z , Z) ∎
- }
- where F₁′ : ∀ {X Y} → X E.⇒ Y → Coend.E (coend X) ⇒ Coend.E (coend Y)
- F₁′ {X} {Y} f = factor (coend X) $ record
- { E = Coend.E (coend Y)
- ; dinatural = dinatural (coend Y) ∘> F₁ f
- }
-module _ {P Q : Functor (Product (Category.op C) C) D} (P⇒Q : NaturalTransformation P Q) where
- open Coend renaming (E to coend)
- open Category D
- coend-η : {cp : Coend P} {cq : Coend Q} → coend cp ⇒ coend cq
- coend-η {cp} {cq} = factor cp ((record
- { E = Coend.E cq
- ; dinatural = dtHelper record
- { α = λ c → dinatural.α cq c ∘ η (c , c)
- ; commute = λ {C} {C′} f → begin
- id ∘ (αq C ∘ η (C , C)) ∘ P.₁ (f , C.id) ≈⟨ pushʳ assoc ⟩
- (id ∘ αq C) ∘ (η (C , C) ∘ P.₁ (f , C.id)) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ nt.commute (f , C.id) ⟩
- (id ∘ αq C) ∘ (Q.₁ (f , C.id) ∘ η (C′ , C)) ≈⟨ pullˡ assoc ⟩
- (id ∘ αq C ∘ Q.₁ (f , C.id)) ∘ η (C′ , C) ≈⟨ αq-comm f ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
- (id ∘ αq C′ ∘ Q.₁ (C.id , f)) ∘ η (C′ , C) ≈⟨ pushˡ sym-assoc ⟩
- (id ∘ αq C′) ∘ Q.₁ (C.id , f) ∘ η (C′ , C) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ nt.sym-commute (C.id , f) ⟩
- (id ∘ αq C′) ∘ η (C′ , C′) ∘ P.₁ (C.id , f) ≈⟨ pullʳ sym-assoc ⟩
- id ∘ (αq C′ ∘ η (C′ , C′)) ∘ P.₁ (C.id , f) ∎
- }
- }))
- where
- module nt = NaturalTransformation P⇒Q
- open nt using (η)
- open HomReasoning
- module C = Category C
- module P = Functor P
- module Q = Functor Q
- open DinaturalTransformation (dinatural cp) renaming (α to αp; commute to αp-comm)
- open DinaturalTransformation (dinatural cq) renaming (α to αq; commute to αq-comm)
- open Cowedge
- open MR D
-module _ {o ℓ e o′ ℓ′ e′} {C : Category o ℓ e} {D : Category o′ ℓ′ e′}
- (F : Bifunctor (Category.op C) C D) where
- private
- Eq = CoconesTwist≅Cowedges F
- module O = M D
- open M (Cowedges.Cowedges F)
- open Functor
- open StrongEquivalence Eq renaming (F to F⇒)
- Coend-as-Colimit : (coend : Coend F) → (cl : Colimit (Twist′ C D F)) → Coend.cowedge coend ≅ F₀ F⇒ (Colimit.initial.⊥ cl)
- Coend-as-Colimit coend cl = Initial.up-to-iso (Cowedges.Cowedges F) (Coend⇒Initial F coend) (pres-Initial Eq initial)
- where
- open Colimit cl
- Coend-as-Colimit-on-Obj : (coend : Coend F) → (cl : Colimit (Twist′ C D F)) → Coend.E coend O.≅ Colimit.coapex cl
- Coend-as-Colimit-on-Obj coend cl = record
- { from = Cowedge-Morphism.u (M._≅_.from X≅Y)
- ; to = Cowedge-Morphism.u (M._≅_.to X≅Y)
- ; iso = record
- { isoˡ = M._≅_.isoˡ X≅Y
- ; isoʳ = M._≅_.isoʳ X≅Y
- }
- }
- where
- X≅Y = Coend-as-Colimit coend cl
- open Category D
+open import Categories.Category.Equivalence as SE
+open import Categories.Category.Equivalence.Preserves
+open import Categories.Diagram.Coend
+open import Categories.Diagram.Colimit
+open import Categories.Diagram.Cowedge
+open import Categories.Diagram.Cowedge.Properties
+open import Categories.Functor using (Functor)
+open import Categories.Functor.Bifunctor using (Bifunctor)
+open import Categories.Functor.Instance.Twisted
+import Categories.Morphism as M
+open import Categories.NaturalTransformation hiding (id)
+open import Categories.NaturalTransformation.Dinatural
+open import Categories.Object.Initial as Initial
+import Categories.Morphism.Reasoning as MR
+open import Level
+open import Data.Product using (Σ; _,_)
+open import Function using (_$_)
+module _ {o ℓ e o′ ℓ′ e′} {C : Category o ℓ e} {D : Category o′ ℓ′ e′}
+ (F : Bifunctor (Category.op C) C D) where
+ open Cowedges F
+ Coend⇒Initial : Coend F → Initial Cowedges
+ Coend⇒Initial c = record
+ { ⊥ = cowedge
+ ; ⊥-is-initial = record
+ { ! = λ {A} → record { u = factor A ; commute = universal }
+ ; !-unique = λ {A} f → unique {A} (Cowedge-Morphism.commute f)
+ }
+ }
+ where
+ open Coend c
+ Initial⇒Coend : Initial Cowedges → Coend F
+ Initial⇒Coend i = record
+ { cowedge = ⊥
+ ; factor = λ W → u {W₂ = W} !
+ ; universal = commute !
+ ; unique = λ {_} {g} x → !-unique (record { u = g ; commute = x })
+ }
+ where
+ open Initial.Initial i
+ open Cowedge-Morphism
+ variable
+ o ℓ e : Level
+ C D E : Category o ℓ e
+module _ (F : Functor E (Functors (Product (Category.op C) C) D)) where
+ private
+ module C = Category C
+ module D = Category D
+ module E = Category E
+ module NT = NaturalTransformation
+ open D
+ open HomReasoning
+ open MR D
+ open Functor F
+ open Coend hiding (E)
+ open NT using (η)
+ CoendF : (∀ X → Coend (F₀ X)) → Functor E D
+ CoendF coend = record
+ { F₀ = λ X → Coend.E (coend X)
+ ; F₁ = F₁′
+ ; identity = λ {A} → unique (coend A) (id-comm-sym ○ ∘-resp-≈ʳ (⟺ identity))
+ ; homomorphism = λ {A B C} {f g} → unique (coend A) $ λ {Z} → begin
+ (F₁′ g ∘ F₁′ f) ∘ dinatural.α (coend A) Z ≈⟨ pullʳ (universal (coend A)) ⟩
+ (F₁′ g ∘ (dinatural.α (coend B) Z ∘ η (F₁ f) (Z , Z) ) ) ≈⟨ pullˡ (universal (coend B)) ⟩
+ ((dinatural.α (coend C) Z ∘ η (F₁ g) (Z , Z)) ∘ η (F₁ f) (Z , Z)) ≈˘⟨ pushʳ homomorphism ⟩
+ dinatural.α (coend C) Z ∘ η (F₁ (g E.∘ f)) (Z , Z) ∎
+ ; F-resp-≈ = λ {A B f g} eq → unique (coend A) $ λ {Z} → begin
+ F₁′ g ∘ dinatural.α (coend A) Z ≈⟨ universal (coend A) ⟩
+ dinatural.α (coend B) Z ∘ η (F₁ g) (Z , Z) ≈˘⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ F-resp-≈ eq ⟩
+ dinatural.α (coend B) Z ∘ η (F₁ f) (Z , Z) ∎
+ }
+ where F₁′ : ∀ {X Y} → X E.⇒ Y → Coend.E (coend X) ⇒ Coend.E (coend Y)
+ F₁′ {X} {Y} f = factor (coend X) $ record
+ { E = Coend.E (coend Y)
+ ; dinatural = dinatural (coend Y) ∘> F₁ f
+ }
+module _ {P Q : Functor (Product (Category.op C) C) D} (P⇒Q : NaturalTransformation P Q) where
+ open Coend renaming (E to coend)
+ open Category D
+ coend-η : {cp : Coend P} {cq : Coend Q} → coend cp ⇒ coend cq
+ coend-η {cp} {cq} = factor cp ((record
+ { E = Coend.E cq
+ ; dinatural = dtHelper record
+ { α = λ c → dinatural.α cq c ∘ η (c , c)
+ ; commute = λ {C} {C′} f → begin
+ id ∘ (αq C ∘ η (C , C)) ∘ P.₁ (f , C.id) ≈⟨ pushʳ assoc ⟩
+ (id ∘ αq C) ∘ (η (C , C) ∘ P.₁ (f , C.id)) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ nt.commute (f , C.id) ⟩
+ (id ∘ αq C) ∘ (Q.₁ (f , C.id) ∘ η (C′ , C)) ≈⟨ pullˡ assoc ⟩
+ (id ∘ αq C ∘ Q.₁ (f , C.id)) ∘ η (C′ , C) ≈⟨ αq-comm f ⟩∘⟨refl ⟩
+ (id ∘ αq C′ ∘ Q.₁ (C.id , f)) ∘ η (C′ , C) ≈⟨ pushˡ sym-assoc ⟩
+ (id ∘ αq C′) ∘ Q.₁ (C.id , f) ∘ η (C′ , C) ≈⟨ refl⟩∘⟨ nt.sym-commute (C.id , f) ⟩
+ (id ∘ αq C′) ∘ η (C′ , C′) ∘ P.₁ (C.id , f) ≈⟨ pullʳ sym-assoc ⟩
+ id ∘ (αq C′ ∘ η (C′ , C′)) ∘ P.₁ (C.id , f) ∎
+ }
+ }))
+ where
+ module nt = NaturalTransformation P⇒Q
+ open nt using (η)
+ open HomReasoning
+ module C = Category C
+ module P = Functor P
+ module Q = Functor Q
+ open DinaturalTransformation (dinatural cp) renaming (α to αp; commute to αp-comm)
+ open DinaturalTransformation (dinatural cq) renaming (α to αq; commute to αq-comm)
+ open Cowedge
+ open MR D
+module _ {o ℓ e o′ ℓ′ e′} {C : Category o ℓ e} {D : Category o′ ℓ′ e′}
+ (F : Bifunctor (Category.op C) C D) where
+ private
+ Eq = CoconesTwist≅Cowedges F
+ module O = M D
+ open M (Cowedges.Cowedges F)
+ open Functor
+ open StrongEquivalence Eq renaming (F to F⇒)
+ Coend-yields-colimit : Coend F → Colimit (Twist′ C D F)
+ Coend-yields-colimit ef = record { initial = pres-Initial (SE.sym Eq) (Coend⇒Initial F ef) }
+ colimit-yields-Coend : Colimit (Twist′ C D F) → Coend F
+ colimit-yields-Coend l = Initial⇒Coend F (pres-Initial Eq (Colimit.initial l))
+ Coend-as-Colimit : (coend : Coend F) → (cl : Colimit (Twist′ C D F)) → Coend.cowedge coend ≅ F₀ F⇒ (Colimit.initial.⊥ cl)
+ Coend-as-Colimit coend cl = Initial.up-to-iso (Cowedges.Cowedges F) (Coend⇒Initial F coend) (pres-Initial Eq initial)
+ where
+ open Colimit cl
+ Coend-as-Colimit-on-Obj : (coend : Coend F) → (cl : Colimit (Twist′ C D F)) → Coend.E coend O.≅ Colimit.coapex cl
+ Coend-as-Colimit-on-Obj coend cl = record
+ { from = Cowedge-Morphism.u (M._≅_.from X≅Y)
+ ; to = Cowedge-Morphism.u (M._≅_.to X≅Y)
+ ; iso = record
+ { isoˡ = M._≅_.isoˡ X≅Y
+ ; isoʳ = M._≅_.isoʳ X≅Y
+ }
+ }
+ where
+ X≅Y = Coend-as-Colimit coend cl
+ open Category D