diff --git a/CHANGELOG_UNRELEASED.md b/CHANGELOG_UNRELEASED.md index b47a04335a..8cdc9526ef 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG_UNRELEASED.md +++ b/CHANGELOG_UNRELEASED.md @@ -13,10 +13,44 @@ - in `lebesgue_integral.v`: + `sigma_finite_measure` instance on product measure `\x` +- in `topology.v`: + + lemma `filter_bigI_within` + + lemma `near_powerset_map` + + lemma `near_powerset_map_monoE` + + lemma `fst_open` + + lemma `snd_open` + + definition `near_covering_within` + + lemma `near_covering_withinP` + + lemma `compact_setM` + + lemma `compact_regular` + + lemma `fam_compact_nbhs` + + definition `compact_open`, notation `{compact-open, U -> V}` + + notation `{compact-open, F --> f}` + + definition `compact_openK` + + definition `compact_openK_nbhs` + + instance `compact_openK_nbhs_filter` + + definition `compact_openK_topological_mixin` + + canonicals `compact_openK_filter`, `compact_openK_topological`, + `compact_open_pointedType` + + definition `compact_open_topologicalType` + + canonicals `compact_open_filtered`, `compact_open_topological` + + lemma `compact_open_cvgP` + + lemma `compact_open_open` + + lemma `compact_closedI` + + lemma `compact_open_fam_compactP` + + lemma `compact_equicontinuous` + + lemma `uniform_regular` + + lemma `continuous_curry` + + lemma `continuous_uncurry_regular` + + lemma `continuous_uncurry` + + lemma `curry_continuous` + + lemma `uncurry_continuous` + ### Changed - in `topology.v`: + lemmas `nbhsx_ballx` and `near_ball` take a parameter of type `R` instead of `{posnum R}` + + lemma `pointwise_compact_cvg` ### Renamed diff --git a/theories/topology.v b/theories/topology.v index e34adb1298..4677dae6e3 100644 --- a/theories/topology.v +++ b/theories/topology.v @@ -304,6 +304,7 @@ Require Import reals signed. (* cover-based definition of compactness *) (* near_covering == a reformulation of covering compact *) (* better suited for use with `near` *) +(* near_covering_within == equivalent definition of near_covering *) (* kolmogorov_space T <-> T is a Kolmogorov space (T0) *) (* accessible_space T <-> T is an accessible space (T1) *) (* close x y <-> x and y are arbitrarily close w.r.t. *) @@ -452,26 +453,29 @@ Require Import reals signed. (* *) (* ### Function space topologies *) (* ``` *) -(* {uniform` A -> V} == the space U -> V, equipped with the topology of *) -(* uniform convergence from a set A to V, where *) -(* V is a uniformType *) -(* {uniform U -> V} := {uniform` [set: U] -> V} *) -(* {uniform A, F --> f} == F converges to f in {uniform A -> V} *) -(* {uniform, F --> f} := {uniform setT, F --> f} *) -(* {ptws U -> V} == the space U -> V, equipped with the topology of *) -(* pointwise convergence from U to V, where V is a *) -(* topologicalType *) -(* This is a notation for @fct_Pointwise U V. *) -(* {ptws, F --> f} == F converges to f in {ptws U -> V} *) -(* {family fam, U -> V} == The space U -> V, equipped with the supremum *) -(* topology of {uniform A -> f} for each A in 'fam' *) -(* In particular {family compact, U -> V} is the *) -(* topology of compact convergence. *) -(* {family fam, F --> f} == F converges to f in {family fam, U -> V} *) +(* {uniform` A -> V} == the space U -> V, equipped with the topology *) +(* of uniform convergence from a set A to V, where *) +(* V is a uniformType *) +(* {uniform U -> V} := {uniform` [set: U] -> V} *) +(* {uniform A, F --> f} == F converges to f in {uniform A -> V} *) +(* {uniform, F --> f} := {uniform setT, F --> f} *) +(* {ptws U -> V} == the space U -> V, equipped with the topology of *) +(* pointwise convergence from U to V, where V is *) +(* a topologicalType *) +(* This is a notation for @fct_Pointwise U V. *) +(* {ptws, F --> f} == F converges to f in {ptws U -> V} *) +(* {family fam, U -> V} == the space U -> V, equipped with the supremum *) +(* topology of {uniform A -> f} for each A in *) +(* 'fam' *) +(* In particular {family compact, U -> V} is the *) +(* topology of compact convergence. *) +(* {family fam, F --> f} == F converges to f in {family fam, U -> V} *) +(* {compact_open, U -> V} == compact-open topology *) +(* {compact_open, F --> f} == F converges to f in {compact_open, U -> V} *) (* *) -(* dense S == the set (S : set T) is dense in T, with T of *) -(* type topologicalType *) -(* weak_pseudoMetricType == the metric space for weak topologies *) +(* dense S == the set (S : set T) is dense in T, with T of *) +(* type topologicalType *) +(* weak_pseudoMetricType == the metric space for weak topologies *) (* ``` *) (* *) (* ### Subspaces of topological spaces *) @@ -558,6 +562,10 @@ Reserved Notation "{ 'family' fam , U -> V }" (at level 0, U at level 69, format "{ 'family' fam , U -> V }"). Reserved Notation "{ 'family' fam , F --> f }" (at level 0, F at level 69, format "{ 'family' fam , F --> f }"). +Reserved Notation "{ 'compact-open' , U -> V }" + (at level 0, U at level 69, format "{ 'compact-open' , U -> V }"). +Reserved Notation "{ 'compact-open' , F --> f }" + (at level 0, F at level 69, format "{ 'compact-open' , F --> f }"). Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. @@ -1208,7 +1216,7 @@ Qed. Lemma filter_bigI T (I : choiceType) (D : {fset I}) (f : I -> set T) (F : set_system T) : Filter F -> (forall i, i \in D -> F (f i)) -> - F (\bigcap_(i in [set i | i \in D]) f i). + F (\bigcap_(i in [set` D]) f i). Proof. move=> FF FfD. suff: F [set p | forall i, i \in enum_fset D -> f i p] by []. @@ -1621,6 +1629,12 @@ Qed. Canonical within_filter_on T D (F : filter_on T) := FilterType (within D F) (within_filter _ _). +Lemma filter_bigI_within T (I : choiceType) (D : {fset I}) (f : I -> set T) + (F : set (set T)) (P : set T) : + Filter F -> (forall i, i \in D -> F [set j | P j -> f i j]) -> + F ([set j | P j -> (\bigcap_(i in [set` D]) f i) j]). +Proof. move=> FF FfD; exact: (@filter_bigI T I D f _ (within_filter P FF)). Qed. + Definition subset_filter {T} (F : set_system T) (D : set T) := [set P : set {x | D x} | F [set x | forall Dx : D x, P (exist _ x Dx)]]. Arguments subset_filter {T} F D _. @@ -1645,8 +1659,7 @@ Qed. (* For using near on sets in a filter *) Section NearSet. - -Context {T : choiceType} {Y : filteredType T}. +Context {Y : Type}. Context (F : set_system Y) (PF : ProperFilter F). Definition powerset_filter_from : set_system (set Y) := filter_from @@ -1706,6 +1719,41 @@ Qed. End NearSet. +Lemma near_powerset_map {T U : Type} (f : T -> U) (F : set_system T) + (P : set U -> Prop) : + ProperFilter F -> + (\forall y \near powerset_filter_from (f x @[x --> F]), P y) -> + (\forall y \near powerset_filter_from F, P (f @` y)). +Proof. +move=> FF [] G /= [Gf Gs [D GD GP]]. +have PpF : ProperFilter (powerset_filter_from F). + exact: powerset_filter_from_filter. +have /= := Gf _ GD; rewrite nbhs_simpl => FfD. +near=> M; apply: GP; apply: (Gs D) => //. + apply: filterS; first exact: preimage_image. + exact: (near (near_small_set _) M). +have : M `<=` f @^-1` D by exact: (near (small_set_sub FfD) M). +by move/image_subset/subset_trans; apply; exact: image_preimage_subset. +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. + +Lemma near_powerset_map_monoE {T U : Type} (f : T -> U) (F : set_system T) + (P : set U -> Prop) : + (forall X Y, X `<=` Y -> P Y -> P X) -> + ProperFilter F -> + (\forall y \near powerset_filter_from F, P (f @` y)) = + (\forall y \near powerset_filter_from (f x @[x --> F]), P y). +Proof. +move=> Pmono FF; rewrite propeqE; split; last exact: near_powerset_map. +case=> G /= [Gf Gs [D GD GP]]. +have PpF : ProperFilter (powerset_filter_from (f x @[x-->F])). + exact: powerset_filter_from_filter. +have /= := Gf _ GD; rewrite nbhs_simpl => FfD; have ffiD : fmap f F (f@` D). + by rewrite /fmap /=; apply: filterS; first exact: preimage_image. +near=> M; have FfM : fmap f F M by exact: (near (near_small_set _) M). +apply: (@Pmono _ (f @` D)); first exact: (near (small_set_sub ffiD) M). +exact: GP. +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. + Section PrincipalFilters. Definition principal_filter {X : Type} (x : X) : set_system X := @@ -2468,6 +2516,22 @@ End Prod_Topology. (** Topology on matrices *) +Lemma fst_open {U V : topologicalType} (A : set (U * V)) : + open A -> open (fst @` A). +Proof. +rewrite !openE => oA z [[a b/=] Aab <-]; rewrite /interior. +have [[P Q] [Pa Qb] pqA] := oA _ Aab; apply: (@filterS _ _ _ P) => // p Pp. +by exists (p, b) => //=; apply: pqA; split=> //=; exact: nbhs_singleton. +Qed. + +Lemma snd_open {U V : topologicalType} (A : set (U * V)) : + open A -> open (snd @` A). +Proof. +rewrite !openE => oA z [[a b/=] Aab <-]; rewrite /interior. +have [[P Q] [Pa Qb] pqA] := oA _ Aab; apply: (@filterS _ _ _ Q) => // q Qq. +by exists (a, q) => //=; apply: pqA; split => //; exact: nbhs_singleton. +Qed. + Section matrix_Topology. Variables (m n : nat) (T : topologicalType). @@ -2978,6 +3042,7 @@ by apply: filter_ex; [exact: PF| exact: filterI]. Qed. End Compact. + Arguments hausdorff_space : clear implicits. Section ClopenSets. @@ -3060,8 +3125,38 @@ Proof. by split; [exact: compact_near_covering| exact: near_covering_compact]. Qed. +Definition near_covering_within (K : set X) := + forall (I : Type) (F : set_system I) (P : I -> X -> Prop), + Filter F -> + (forall x, K x -> \forall x' \near x & i \near F, K x' -> P i x') -> + \near F, K `<=` P F. + +Lemma near_covering_withinP (K : set X) : + near_covering_within K <-> near_covering K. +Proof. +split => cvrW I F P FF cvr; near=> i; + (suff: K `<=` fun q : X => K q -> P i q by move=> + k Kk; exact); near: i. + by apply: cvrW => x /cvr; apply: filter_app; near=> j. +have := cvrW _ _ (fun i q => K q -> P i q) FF. +by apply => x /cvr; apply: filter_app; near=> j => + ?; apply. +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. + End near_covering. +Lemma compact_setM {U V : topologicalType} (P : set U) (Q : set V) : + compact P -> compact Q -> compact (P `*` Q). +Proof. +rewrite !compact_near_coveringP => cptP cptQ I F Pr Ff cvfPQ. +have := cptP I F (fun i u => forall q, Q q -> Pr i (u, q)) Ff. +set R := (R in (R -> _) -> _); suff R' : R. + by move/(_ R'); apply:filter_app; near=> i => + [a b] [Pa Qb]; apply. +rewrite /R => x Px; apply: (@cptQ _ (filter_prod _ _)) => v Qv. +case: (cvfPQ (x, v)) => // [[N G]] /= [[[N1 N2 /= [N1x N2v]]]] N1N2N FG ngPr. +exists (N2, N1`*`G); first by split => //; exists (N1, G). +case=> a [b i] /= [N2a [N1b]] Gi. +by apply: (ngPr (b, a, i)); split => //; exact: N1N2N. +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. + Section Tychonoff. Class UltraFilter T (F : set_system T) := { @@ -3250,7 +3345,6 @@ move=> M [MF ME2 [W] MW /(_ _ MW) VUW]. apply: (@filterS _ _ _ (V `&` W)); last by apply: filterI => //; exact: MF. by move=> t [Vt Wt]; apply: contrapT => Ut; exact: (VUW t). Qed. - Section Precompact. Context {X : topologicalType}. @@ -3291,7 +3385,7 @@ Proof. by move=> AsubB [B' B'subB cptB']; exists B' => // ? ?; exact/B'subB/AsubB. Qed. -Lemma compact_precompact (A B : set X) : +Lemma compact_precompact (A : set X) : hausdorff_space X -> compact A -> precompact A. Proof. move=> h c; rewrite precompactE ( _ : closure A = A)//. @@ -3537,8 +3631,43 @@ move=> /DsubC /= [y /= yfs hyz]; exists (h' y) => //. by rewrite set_imfset /=; exists y. Qed. +Section set_nbhs. +Context {T : topologicalType} (A : set T). + +Definition set_nbhs := \bigcap_(x in A) nbhs x. + +Global Instance set_nbhs_filter : Filter set_nbhs. +Proof. +split => P Q; first by exact: filterT. + by move=> Px Qx x Ax; apply: filterI; [exact: Px | exact: Qx]. +by move=> PQ + x Ax => /(_ _ Ax)/filterS; exact. +Qed. + +Global Instance set_nbhs_pfilter : A!=set0 -> ProperFilter set_nbhs. +Proof. +case=> x Ax; split; last exact: set_nbhs_filter. +by move/(_ x Ax)/nbhs_singleton. +Qed. + +Lemma set_nbhsP (B : set T) : + set_nbhs B <-> (exists C, [/\ open C, A `<=` C & C `<=` B]). +Proof. +split; first last. + by case=> V [? AV /filterS +] x /AV ?; apply; apply: open_nbhs_nbhs. +move=> snB; have Ux x : exists U, A x -> [/\ U x, open U & U `<=` B]. + have [/snB|?] := pselect (A x); last by exists point. + by rewrite nbhsE => -[V [? ? ?]]; exists V. +exists (\bigcup_(x in A) (projT1 (cid (Ux x)))); split. +- by apply: bigcup_open => x Ax; have [] := projT2 (cid (Ux x)). +- by move=> x Ax; exists x => //; have [] := projT2 (cid (Ux x)). +- by move=> x [y Ay]; have [//| _ _] := projT2 (cid (Ux y)); exact. +Qed. + +End set_nbhs. + + Section separated_topologicalType. -Variable (T : topologicalType). +Variable T : topologicalType. Implicit Types x y : T. Local Open Scope classical_set_scope. @@ -3652,6 +3781,13 @@ rewrite setIC => /disjoints_subset VUc; exists U; repeat split => //. by rewrite inE; apply: VUc; rewrite -inE. Qed. +Definition normal_space := + forall A : set T, closed A -> + filter_from (set_nbhs A) closure `=>` set_nbhs A. + +Definition regular_space := + forall a : T, filter_from (nbhs a) closure --> a. + Hypothesis sep : hausdorff_space T. Lemma closeE x y : close x y = (x = y). @@ -3696,6 +3832,27 @@ Proof. move=> f_prop fl; apply: get_unique => // l' fl'; exact: cvgi_unique _ fl' fl. Qed. +Lemma compact_regular (x : T) V : compact V -> nbhs x V -> {for x, regular_space}. +Proof. +move=> cptv Vx; apply: (@compact_cluster_set1 T x _ V) => //. +- apply: filter_from_proper => //; first last. + by move=> ? /nbhs_singleton/subset_closure ?; exists x. + apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists setT; exact: filterT. + move=> P Q Px Qx; exists (P `&` Q); [exact: filterI | exact: closureI]. +- by exists V => //; have /closure_id <- : closed V by exact: compact_closed. +rewrite eqEsubset; split; first last. + move=> _ -> A B [C Cx CA /nbhs_singleton Bx]; exists x; split => //. + by apply/CA/subset_closure; exact: nbhs_singleton. +move=> y /=; apply: contraPeq; move: sep; rewrite open_hausdorff => /[apply]. +move=> [[B A]]/=; rewrite ?inE; case=> By Ax [oB oA BA0]. +apply/existsNP; exists (closure A); apply/existsNP; exists B; apply/not_implyP. +split; first by exists A => //; exact: open_nbhs_nbhs. +apply/not_implyP; split; first exact: open_nbhs_nbhs. +apply/set0P/negP; rewrite negbK; apply/eqP/disjoints_subset. +have /closure_id -> : closed (~` B); first by exact: open_closedC. +by apply/closure_subset/disjoints_subset; rewrite setIC. +Qed. + End separated_topologicalType. #[deprecated(since="mathcomp-analysis 0.6.0", note="renamed to `cvg_lim`")] @@ -4096,40 +4253,6 @@ Qed. End totally_disconnected. -Section set_nbhs. -Context {T : topologicalType} (A : set T). - -Definition set_nbhs := \bigcap_(x in A) nbhs x. - -Global Instance set_nbhs_filter : Filter set_nbhs. -Proof. -split => P Q; first by exact: filterT. - by move=> Px Qx x Ax; apply: filterI; [exact: Px | exact: Qx]. -by move=> PQ + x Ax => /(_ _ Ax)/filterS; exact. -Qed. - -Global Instance set_nbhs_pfilter : A!=set0 -> ProperFilter set_nbhs. -Proof. -case=> x Ax; split; last exact: set_nbhs_filter. -by move/(_ x Ax)/nbhs_singleton. -Qed. - -Lemma set_nbhsP (B : set T) : - set_nbhs B <-> (exists C, [/\ open C, A `<=` C & C `<=` B]). -Proof. -split; first last. - by case=> V [? AV /filterS +] x /AV ?; apply; apply: open_nbhs_nbhs. -move=> snB; have Ux x : exists U, A x -> [/\ U x, open U & U `<=` B]. - have [/snB|?] := pselect (A x); last by exists point. - by rewrite nbhsE => -[V [? ? ?]]; exists V. -exists (\bigcup_(x in A) (projT1 (cid (Ux x)))); split. -- by apply: bigcup_open => x Ax; have [] := projT2 (cid (Ux x)). -- by move=> x Ax; exists x => //; have [] := projT2 (cid (Ux x)). -- by move=> x [y Ay]; have [//| _ _] := projT2 (cid (Ux y)); exact. -Qed. - -End set_nbhs. - (** Uniform spaces *) Local Notation "A ^-1" := ([set xy | A (xy.2, xy.1)]) : classical_set_scope. @@ -5776,7 +5899,6 @@ Lemma pointwise_cvgE {U : Type} {V : topologicalType} {ptws, F --> f} = (F --> (f : {ptws U -> V})). Proof. by []. Qed. - Definition uniform_fun_family {U} V (fam : set U -> Prop) := U -> V. Notation "{ 'family' fam , U -> V }" := (@uniform_fun_family U V fam). @@ -5975,6 +6097,197 @@ move=> entE famA; have /fam_cvgP /(_ A) : (nbhs f --> f) by []; apply => //. by apply uniform_nbhs; exists E; split. Qed. +Lemma fam_compact_nbhs {U : topologicalType} {V : uniformType} + (A : set U) (O : set V) (f : {family compact, U -> V}) : + open O -> f @` A `<=` O -> compact A -> continuous f -> + nbhs (f : {family compact, U -> V}) [set g | forall y, A y -> O (g y)]. +Proof. +move=> oO fAO /[dup] cA /compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP cfA ctsf. +near=> z => /=; (suff: A `<=` [set y | O (z y)] by exact); near: z. +apply: cfA => x Ax; have : O (f x) by exact: fAO. +move: (oO); rewrite openE /= => /[apply] /[dup] /ctsf Ofx /=. +rewrite /interior -nbhs_entourageE => -[E entE EfO]. +exists (f @^-1` to_set (split_ent E) (f x), + [set g | forall w, A w -> split_ent E (f w, g w)]). + split => //=; last exact: fam_nbhs. + by apply: ctsf; rewrite /= -nbhs_entourageE; exists (split_ent E). +case=> y g [/= Efxy] AEg Ay; apply: EfO; apply: subset_split_ent => //. +by exists (f y) => //=; exact: AEg. +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. + +(**md It turns out `{family compact, U -> V}` can be generalized to only assume + `topologicalType` on `V`. This topology is called the compact-open topology. + This topology is special because it is the _only_ topology that will allow + `curry`/`uncurry` to be continuous. *) + +Section compact_open. +Context {T U : topologicalType}. + +Definition compact_open : Type := T -> U. + +Section compact_open_setwise. +Context {K : set T}. + +Definition compact_openK := let _ := K in compact_open. + +Definition compact_openK_nbhs (f : compact_openK) := + filter_from + [set O | f @` K `<=` O /\ open O] + (fun O => [set g | g @` K `<=` O]). + +Global Instance compact_openK_nbhs_filter (f : compact_openK) : + ProperFilter (compact_openK_nbhs f). +Proof. +split; first by case=> g [gKO oO] /(_ f); apply. +apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists setT; split => //; exact: openT. +move=> P Q [fKP oP] [fKQ oQ]; exists (P `&` Q); first split. +- by move=> ? [z Kz M-]; split; [apply: fKP | apply: fKQ]; exists z. +- exact: openI. +by move=> g /= gPQ; split; exact: (subset_trans gPQ). +Qed. + +HB.instance Definition _ := Pointed.on compact_openK. + +HB.instance Definition _ := hasNbhs.Build compact_openK compact_openK_nbhs. + +Definition compact_open_of_nbhs := [set A : set compact_openK | A `<=` nbhs^~ A]. + +Lemma compact_openK_nbhsE_subproof (p : compact_openK) : + compact_openK_nbhs p = + [set A | exists B : set compact_openK, + [/\ compact_open_of_nbhs B, B p & B `<=` A]]. +Proof. +rewrite eqEsubset; split => A /=. + case=> B /= [fKB oB gKBA]; exists [set g | g @` K `<=` B]; split => //. + by move=> h /= hKB; exists B. +by case=> B [oB Bf /filterS]; apply; exact: oB. +Qed. + +Lemma compact_openK_openE_subproof : + compact_open_of_nbhs = [set A | A `<=` compact_openK_nbhs^~ A]. +Proof. by []. Qed. + +(* was +compact_openK_topological_mixin +*) +HB.instance Definition _ := + Nbhs_isTopological.Build compact_openK compact_openK_nbhs_filter + compact_openK_nbhsE_subproof compact_openK_openE_subproof. + +(*Canonical compact_openK_filter := FilteredType + compact_openK compact_openK compact_openK_nbhs. +Canonical compact_openK_topological := TopologicalType + compact_openK compact_openK_topological_mixin.*) + +End compact_open_setwise. + +HB.instance Definition _ := Pointed.on compact_open. +(*Canonical compact_open_pointedType : pointedType := + PointedType compact_open point.*) + +Definition compact_open_def := + sup_topology (fun i => Topological.class (@compact_openK i)). + +HB.instance Definition _ := + Topological.copy compact_open compact_open_def. + +(*HB.instance Definition _ := + Topological.copy compact_open compact_open_def.*) + +(*Definition compact_open_topologicalType : topologicalType := + @sup_topologicalType _ (sigT (@compact T)) + (fun K => Topological.class (@compact_openK_topological (projT1 K))). + +Canonical compact_open_filtered := + [filteredType compact_open of compact_open for compact_open_topologicalType]. + +Canonical compact_open_topological := + [topologicalType of compact_open for compact_open_topologicalType].*) + +Lemma compact_open_cvgP (F : set_system compact_open) + (f : compact_open) : + Filter F -> + F --> f <-> forall K O, @compact T K -> @open U O -> f @` K `<=` O -> + F [set g | g @` K `<=` O]. +Proof. +move=> FF; split. + by move/cvg_sup => + K O cptK ? ? => /(_ (existT _ _ cptK)); apply; exists O. +move=> fko; apply/cvg_sup => -[A cptK] O /= [C /= [fAC oC]]. +by move/filterS; apply; exact: fko. +Qed. + +Lemma compact_open_open (K : set T) (O : set U) : + compact K -> open O -> open ([set g | g @` K `<=` O] : set compact_open). +Proof. +pose C := [set g | g @` K `<=` O]; move=> cptK oO. +exists [set C]; last by rewrite bigcup_set1. +move=> _ ->; exists (fset1 C) => //; last by rewrite set_fset1 bigcap_set1. +by move=> _ /[!inE] ->; exists (existT _ _ cptK) => // z Cz; exists O. +Qed. + +End compact_open. + +Lemma compact_closedI {T : topologicalType} (A B : set T) : + compact A -> closed B -> compact (A `&` B). +Proof. +move=> cptA clB F PF FAB; have FA : F A by move: FAB; exact: filterS. +(have FB : F B by move: FAB; apply: filterS); have [x [Ax]] := cptA F PF FA. +move=> /[dup] clx; rewrite {1}clusterE => /(_ (closure B)); move: clB. +by rewrite closure_id => /[dup] + <- => <- /(_ FB) Bx; exists x. +Qed. + +Notation "{ 'compact-open' , U -> V }" := (@compact_open U V). +Notation "{ 'compact-open' , F --> f }" := + (F --> (f : @compact_open_topological _ _)). + +Section compact_open_uniform. +Context {U : topologicalType} {V : uniformType}. + +Let small_ent_sub := @small_set_sub _ (@entourage V). + +Lemma compact_open_fam_compactP (f : U -> V) (F : set (set (U -> V))) : + continuous f -> Filter F -> + {compact-open, F --> f} <-> {family compact, F --> f}. +Proof. +move=> ctsf FF; split; first last. + move=> cptF; apply/compact_open_cvgP => K O cptK oO fKO. + apply: cptF; have := fam_compact_nbhs oO fKO cptK ctsf; apply: filter_app. + by near=> g => /= gKO ? [z Kx <-]; exact: gKO. +move/compact_open_cvgP=> cptOF; apply/cvg_sup => -[K cptK R]. +case=> D [[E oE <-] Ekf] /filterS; apply. +move: oE; rewrite openE => /(_ _ Ekf); case => A [J entJ] EKR KfE. +near=> z; apply/KfE/EKR => -[u Kp]; rewrite /= /set_val /= /eqincl /incl. +(have Ku : K u by rewrite inE in Kp); move: u Ku {D Kp}; near: z. +move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP : (cptK); apply. +move=> u Ku; near (powerset_filter_from (@entourage V)) => E'. +have entE' : entourage E' by exact: (near (near_small_set _)). +pose C := f @^-1` to_set E' (f u). +pose B := \bigcup_(z in K `&` closure C) interior (to_set E' (f z)). +have oB : open B by apply: bigcup_open => ? ?; exact: open_interior. +have fKB : f @` (K `&` closure C) `<=` B. + move=> _ [z KCz <-]; exists z => //; rewrite /interior. + by rewrite -nbhs_entourageE; exists E'. +have cptKC : compact (K `&` closure C). + by apply: compact_closedI => //; exact: closed_closure. +have := cptOF (K `&` closure C) B cptKC oB fKB. +exists (C, [set g | [set g x | x in K `&` closure C] `<=` B]). + split; last exact: cptOF. + by apply: (ctsf) => //; rewrite /filter_of -nbhs_entourageE; exists E'. +case=> z h /= [Cz KB Kz]. +case: (KB (h z)); first by exists z; split => //; exact: subset_closure. +move=> w [Kw Cw /interior_subset Jfwhz]; apply: subset_split_ent => //. +exists (f w); last apply: (near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //. +apply: subset_split_ent => //; exists (f u). + by apply/entourage_sym; apply: (near (small_ent_sub _) E'). +have [] := Cw (f@^-1` (to_set E' (f w))). + by apply: ctsf; rewrite /= -nbhs_entourageE; exists E'. +move=> r [Cr /= Ewr]; apply: subset_split_ent => //; exists (f r). + exact: (near (small_ent_sub _) E'). +by apply/entourage_sym; apply: (near (small_ent_sub _) E'). +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. + +End compact_open_uniform. + Definition compactly_in {U : topologicalType} (A : set U) := [set B | B `<=` A /\ compact B]. @@ -7057,7 +7370,7 @@ move/filterS; apply; have [//|i nclfix] := @sepf _ x (open_closedC oB). apply: (wiFx i); have /= -> := @nbhsE (weak_topology (f_ i)) x. exists (f_ i @^-1` (~` closure [set f_ i x | x in ~` B])); [split=>//|]. apply: open_comp; last by rewrite ?openC; last apply: closed_closure. - by move=> + _; exact: weak_continuous. + by move=> + _; exact: (@weak_continuous _ _ (f_ i)). rewrite closureC preimage_bigcup => z [V [oV]] VnB => /VnB. by move/forall2NP => /(_ z) [] // /contrapT. Qed. @@ -7385,13 +7698,6 @@ move=> entD G /[dup] /asboolP [n _ + _ _] => /filterS; apply. exact: gauge.iter_split_ent. Qed. -Definition normal_space (T : topologicalType) := - forall A : set T, closed A -> - set_nbhs A `<=` filter_from (set_nbhs A) closure. - -Definition regular_space (T : topologicalType) := - forall a : T, nbhs a `<=` filter_from (nbhs a) closure. - Section ArzelaAscoli. Context {X : topologicalType}. Context {Y : uniformType}. @@ -7403,7 +7709,7 @@ Implicit Types (I : Type). Definition equicontinuous {I} (W : set I) (d : I -> (X -> Y)) := forall x (E : set (Y * Y)), entourage E -> - \forall y \near x, forall i, W i -> E(d i x, d i y). + \forall y \near x, forall i, W i -> E (d i x, d i y). Lemma equicontinuous_subset {I J} (W : set I) (V : set J) {fW : I -> X -> Y} {fV : J -> X -> Y} : @@ -7507,7 +7813,7 @@ apply: (@entourage_split _ (g y)) => //; first exact: (near (@ectsW x _ _)). by apply/entourage_sym; exact: (near (pointwise_cvg_entourage _ _ _)). Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. -Definition small_ent_sub := @small_set_sub _ _ (@entourage Y). +Definition small_ent_sub := @small_set_sub _ (@entourage Y). Lemma pointwise_compact_cvg (F : set_system {ptws X -> Y}) (f : {ptws X -> Y}) : ProperFilter F -> @@ -7517,13 +7823,15 @@ Proof. move=> PF /near_powerset_filter_fromP; case. exact: equicontinuous_subset_id. move=> W; wlog Wf : f W / W f. - move=> + FW /equicontinuous_closure => /(_ f (closure W)) Q. + move=> + FW /equicontinuous_closure => /(_ f (closure (W : set {ptws X -> Y}))) Q. split => Ff; last by apply: pointwise_cvg_compact_family. - apply Q => //; last by (apply: (filterS _ FW); exact: subset_closure). - by rewrite closureEcvg; exists F; [|split] => // ? /filterS; apply. + apply/Q => //. + by rewrite closureEcvg; exists F; [|split] => // ? /= /filterS; apply. + by apply: (filterS _ FW) => z Wz; apply: subset_closure. move=> FW ectsW; split=> [ptwsF|]; last exact: pointwise_cvg_compact_family. apply/fam_cvgP => K ? U /=; rewrite uniform_nbhs => [[E [eE EsubU]]]. -suff : \forall g \near within W (nbhs f), forall y, K y -> E (f y, g y). +suff : \forall g \near within W (nbhs (f : {ptws X -> Y})), + forall y, K y -> E (f y, g y). rewrite near_withinE; near_simpl => N; apply: (filter_app _ _ FW). by apply: ptwsF; near=> g => ?; apply: EsubU; apply: (near N g). near (powerset_filter_from (@entourage Y)) => E'. @@ -7536,11 +7844,11 @@ apply: (entourage_split (f x) eE). exact: (near (ectsW x E' entE') y). apply: (@entourage_split _ (g x)) => //. apply: (near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //. - near: g; near_simpl; apply: (@cvg_within _ (nbhs f)). + near: g; near_simpl; apply: (@cvg_within _ (nbhs (f : {ptws X -> Y}))). exact: pointwise_cvg_entourage. apply: (near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //. apply: (near (ectsW x E' entE')) => //. -exact: (near (withinT _ (nbhs_filter f))). +exact: (near (withinT _ (nbhs_filter (f : {ptws X -> Y})))). Unshelve. all: end_near. Qed. Lemma pointwise_compact_closure (W : set (X -> Y)) : @@ -7565,16 +7873,17 @@ Lemma pointwise_precompact_equicontinuous (W : set (X -> Y)) : Proof. move=> /pointwise_precompact_precompact + ectsW. rewrite ?precompactE compact_ultra compact_ultra pointwise_compact_closure //. -move=> /= + F UF FcW => /(_ F UF); rewrite image_id; case => // p [cWp Fp]. -exists p; split => //; apply/(pointwise_compact_cvg) => //. +move=> /= + F UF FcW => /(_ F UF); rewrite image_id => /(_ FcW)[p [cWp Fp]]. +exists p; split => //; apply/pointwise_compact_cvg => //. apply/near_powerset_filter_fromP; first exact: equicontinuous_subset_id. -exists (closure (W : set {ptws X -> Y })) => //; exact: equicontinuous_closure. +exists (closure (W : set {ptws X -> Y })) => //. +exact: equicontinuous_closure. Qed. Section precompact_equicontinuous. Hypothesis lcptX : locally_compact [set: X]. -Let compact_equicontinuous (W : set {family compact, X -> Y}) : +Lemma compact_equicontinuous (W : set {family compact, X -> Y}) : (forall f, W f -> continuous f) -> compact (W : set {family compact, X -> Y}) -> equicontinuous W id. @@ -7629,3 +7938,170 @@ exact: precompact_pointwise_precompact. Qed. End ArzelaAscoli. + +Lemma uniform_regular {T : uniformType} : @regular_space T. +Proof. +move=> x R /=; rewrite -{1}nbhs_entourageE => -[E entE ER]. +pose E' := split_ent E; have eE' : entourage E' by exact: entourage_split_ent. +exists (to_set (E' `&` E'^-1%classic) x). + rewrite -nbhs_entourageE; exists (E' `&` E'^-1%classic) => //. + exact: filterI. +move=> z /= clEz; apply: ER; apply: subset_split_ent => //. +have [] := clEz (to_set (E' `&` E'^-1%classic) z). + rewrite -nbhs_entourageE; exists (E' `&` E'^-1%classic) => //. + exact: filterI. +by move=> y /= [[? ?]] [? ?]; exists y. +Qed. + +#[global] Hint Resolve uniform_regular : core. + +Section currying. +Local Notation "U '~>' V" := + ({compact-open, [topologicalType of U] -> [topologicalType of V]}) + (at level 99, right associativity). + +Section cartesian_closed. +Context {U V W : topologicalType}. + +(**md In this section, we consider under what conditions \ + `[f in U ~> V ~> W | continuous f /\ forall u, continuous (f u)]` \ + and \ + `[f in U * V ~> W | continuous f]` \ + are homeomorphic. + - Always: \ + `curry` sends continuous functions to continuous functions. + - `V` locally_compact + regular or Hausdorff: \ + `uncurry` sends continuous functions to continuous functions. + - `U` regular or Hausdorff: \ + `curry` itself is a continuous map. + - `U` regular or Hausdorff AND `V` locally_compact + regular or Hausdorff \ + `uncurry` itself is a continuous map. \ + Therefore `curry`/`uncurry` are homeomorphisms. + + So the category of locally compact regular spaces is cartesian closed. +*) + +Lemma continuous_curry (f : U * V ~> W) : + continuous f -> + continuous (curry f : U ~> V ~> W) /\ forall u, continuous (curry f u). +Proof. +move=> ctsf; split; first last. + move=> u z; apply: continuous_comp; last exact: ctsf. + by apply: cvg_pair => //=; exact: cvg_cst. +move=> x; apply/compact_open_cvgP => K O /= cptK oO fKO. +near=> z => w /= [+ + <-]; near: z. +move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP : cptK; apply. +move=> v Kv; have [[P Q] [Px Qv] PQfO] : nbhs (x, v) (f @^-1` O). + by apply: ctsf; move: oO; rewrite openE; apply; apply: fKO; exists v. +by exists (Q, P) => // -[b a] /= [Qb Pa] Kb; exact: PQfO. +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. + +Lemma continuous_uncurry_regular (f : U ~> V ~> W) : + locally_compact [set: V] -> @regular_space V -> continuous f -> + (forall u, continuous (f u)) -> continuous (uncurry f : U * V ~> W). +Proof. +move=> lcV reg cf cfp /= [u v] D; rewrite /= nbhsE => -[O [oO Ofuv]] /filterS. +apply; have [B] := @lcV v I; rewrite withinET => Bv [cptB clB]. +have [R Rv RO] : exists2 R, nbhs v R & forall z, closure R z -> O (f u z). + have [] := reg v (f u @^-1` O); first by apply: cfp; exact: open_nbhs_nbhs. + by move=> R ? ?; exists R. +exists (f @^-1` [set g | g @` (B `&` closure R) `<=` O], B `&` closure R). + split; [apply/cf/open_nbhs_nbhs; split | apply: filterI] => //. + - apply: compact_open_open => //; apply: compact_closedI => //. + exact: closed_closure. + - by move=> ? [x [? + <-]]; apply: RO. + - by apply: filterS; first exact: subset_closure. +by case=> a r /= [fBMO [Br] cmR]; apply: fBMO; exists r. +Qed. + +Lemma continuous_uncurry (f : U ~> V ~> W) : + locally_compact [set: V] -> hausdorff_space V -> continuous f -> + (forall u, continuous (f u)) -> + continuous ((uncurry : (U ~> V ~> W) -> (U * V ~> W)) f). +Proof. +move=> lcV hsdf ctsf cf; apply: continuous_uncurry_regular => //. +move=> v; have [B] := @lcV v I; rewrite withinET => Bv [cptB clB]. +by move=> z; exact: (@compact_regular V hsdf v B). +Qed. + +Lemma curry_continuous (f : U * V ~> W) : continuous f -> @regular_space U -> + {for f, continuous (curry : (U * V ~> W) -> (U ~> V ~> W))}. +Proof. +move=> ctsf regU; apply/compact_open_cvgP. + by apply: fmap_filter; exact: nbhs_filter. +move=> K ? cptK [D OfinIo <-] fKD /=; near=> z => w [+ + <-]; near: z. +move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP : (cptK); apply => u Ku. +have [] := fKD (curry f u); first by exists u. +move=> E /[dup] /[swap] /OfinIo [N Asub <- DIN INf]. +suff : \forall x' \near u & i \near nbhs f, K x' -> + (\bigcap_(i in [set` N]) i) (curry i x'). + apply: filter_app; near=> a b => /[apply] ?. + by exists (\bigcap_(i in [set` N]) i). +apply: filter_bigI_within => R RN; have /set_mem [[M cptM _]] := Asub _ RN. +have Rfu : R (curry f u) by exact: INf. +move/(_ _ Rfu) => [O [fMO oO] MOR]; near=> p => /= Ki; apply: MOR => + [+ + <-]. +move=> _ v Mv; move: v Mv Ki; near: p. +have umb : \forall y \near u, (forall b, M b -> nbhs (y, b) (f @^-1` O)). + move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP : (cptM); apply => v Mv. + have [[P Q] [Pu Qv] PQO] : nbhs (u, v) (f @^-1` O). + by apply: ctsf; apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split => //; apply: fMO; exists v. + exists (Q, P); [by []| move=> [b a [/= Qb Pa Mb]]]. + by apply: ctsf; apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split => //; exact: PQO. +move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP : (cptM); apply => v Mv. +have [P' P'u cPO] := regU u _ umb. +pose L := [set h | h @` ((K `&` closure P') `*` M) `<=` O]. +exists (setT, P' `*` L). + split => //; [exact: filterT|]; exists (P', L) => //; split => //. + apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split; first apply: compact_open_open => //. + apply: compact_setM => //; apply: compact_closedI => //. + exact: closed_closure. + by move=> ? [[a b] [[Ka /cPO +] Mb <-]] => /(_ _ Mb)/nbhs_singleton. +move=> [b [a h]] [/= _ [Pa] +] Ma Ka; apply. +by exists (a, b); split => //; split => //; exact/subset_closure. +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. + +Lemma uncurry_continuous (f : U ~> V ~> W) : + locally_compact [set: V] -> @regular_space V -> @regular_space U -> + continuous f -> (forall u, continuous (f u)) -> + {for f, continuous (uncurry : (U ~> V ~> W) -> (U * V ~> W))}. +Proof. +move=> lcV regV regU ctsf ctsfp; apply/compact_open_cvgP. + by apply: fmap_filter; exact:nbhs_filter. +move=> /= K O cptK oO fKO; near=> h => ? [+ + <-]; near: h. +move/compact_near_coveringP/near_covering_withinP: (cptK); apply. +case=> u v Kuv. +have : exists P Q, [/\ closed P, compact Q, nbhs u P, + nbhs v Q & P `*` Q `<=` uncurry f @^-1` O]. + have : continuous (uncurry f) by exact: continuous_uncurry_regular. + move/continuousP/(_ _ oO); rewrite openE => /(_ (u, v))[]. + by apply: fKO; exists (u, v). + case=> /= P' Q' [P'u Q'v] PQO. + have [B] := @lcV v I; rewrite withinET; move=> Bv [cptB clB]. + have [P Pu cPP'] := regU u P' P'u; have [Q Qv cQQ'] := regV v Q' Q'v. + exists (closure P), (B `&` closure Q); split. + - exact: closed_closure. + - by apply: compact_closedI => //; exact: closed_closure. + - by apply: filterS; first exact: subset_closure. + - by apply: filterI=> //; apply: filterS; first exact: subset_closure. + - by case => a b [/cPP' ?] [_ /cQQ' ?]; exact: PQO. +case=> P [Q [clP cptQ Pu Qv PQfO]]; pose R := [set g : V ~> W | g @` Q `<=` O]. +(have oR : open R by exact: compact_open_open); pose P' := f @^-1` R. +pose L := [set h : U ~> V ~> W | h @` (fst @` K `&` P) `<=` R]. +exists ((P `&` P') `*` Q, L); first split => /=. +- exists (P `&` P', Q) => //; split => //=; apply: filterI => //. + apply: ctsf; apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split => // _ [b Qb <-]. + by apply: (PQfO (u, b)); split => //; exact: nbhs_singleton. +- rewrite nbhs_simpl /=; apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split. + apply: compact_open_open => //; apply: compact_closedI => //. + apply: continuous_compact => //; apply: continuous_subspaceT => x. + exact: cvg_fst. + move=> /= _ [a [Kxa Pa] <-] _ [b Qb <-]. + by apply: (PQfO (a, b)); split => //; exact: nbhs_singleton. +move=> [[a b h]] [/= [[Pa P'a] Qb Lh] Kab]. +apply: (Lh (h a)); first by exists a => //; split => //; exists (a, b). +by exists b. +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. + +End cartesian_closed. + +End currying.