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592 lines (405 loc) · 19.5 KB

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592 lines (405 loc) · 19.5 KB


  • FIX: fix to/from/limit options, being passed to new layers. This fixes duplicate tile requests being sent on animation init


  • FIX: Fix "blank" animation frames, when using google maps
  • FIX: Improve layer-loading performance in animations
  • FIX: Fix animation isAnimating return value during end delay
  • FIX: Fix zIndex behavior, when using google maps


  • MOD: Animation - do not use times.json to resolve valid times. Instead, allow the MapApi to resolve the validTime.
  • FIX: Use correct Aeris API url for storm cell markers


  • FIX: Used https for osm layers.


  • MOD: Use default forecast model for all map layers
  • FIX: Fix aeris.maps.layers.Winds tileType (was using fwinds)
  • FIX: Fix error when using a layers with google maps, when there is no name attribute defined


  • FIX: Animations were failing to load, if the client did not have permission to future tile layers.


  • MOD: Use new Maps API (AMP) at
  • MOD: Rename AerisTile tileTypes, to match official AMP names.
  • MOD: Use XHR in place of JSONP for tile /times.json requests
  • MOD: BREAKING remove support for setModisPeriod on Chlorophyll and SeaSurfaceTemps layers (no longer supported by AMP)


  • FIX: When calling stopClustering on a marker collection, markers which were not clustered would disappear.


Functional Changes

  • ADD: New aeris.api.collections.GeoJsonFeatureCollection
  • ADD: StormCellMarkers (available only via AMD)
  • ADD: New aeris.maps.layers.GeoJson layer, for geojson polygons
  • ADD: Legend images for SnowDepth, Snowall Accum, Advisories@2x
  • MOD: Tiles urls are not protocol specific (removed http: from url)
  • FIX: Map longitude bounds were not wrapping (could be more than +180/-180)
  • FIX: Fix Precip / QPF legend images
  • FIX: Fix MarkerClustering behavior on Collection#reset

Non-Functional Changes

  • ADD: GeoJson api models, to support GeoJson markers (eg StormCellMarkers)
  • MOD: ClassFactory inherits static methods from proxy class


  • ADD: SnowFallAccum Layer
  • MOD: Infer the default time tolerance for Animations. This fixes animations for layers with long intervals between tile times (eg. SnowDepth)
  • FIX: Model#set returns model instance. Fixes errors in Model#sync, and conforms to Backbone#set interface.


This release contains several minor modifications to the Aeris.js codebase, none of which effect the interface.

See git history for a full list fo changes.


  • ADD: Map#updateSize Fixes unloaded tile images caused by changing map container element dimensions.
  • FIX: Kml click data object 'snippet' property (typo)
  • FIX: Do not show not-yet-loaded-layers in animations.


  • FIX: Fix layer preloading with gmaps. Fixes broken animations with gmaps.


  • FIX: Update usage of _.template to work with to underscore v1.7.0


  • ADD: Promise.sequence method
  • ADD: method
  • ADD: Promise#proxy method
  • MOD: Remove duplication Aeris API keys from BatchModel requests.
  • FIX: Fix error thrown by TileAnimation, if a layer is removed from the map while preloading.
  • FIX: Fix possible error with L.mapbox, in build. AMD wrapper was not returning the correct global property.
  • FIX: Avoid overriding base aeris namespace in build.

See git history for a full list of changes.


  • ADD: New tile layer: aeris.maps.layers.RadarSat (combined radar and satellite)
  • ADD: aeris.maps.Map accepts a baseLayer option
  • ADD: New tile layer: aeris.maps.layers.MapBox, supporting custom MapBox tile layers.
  • ADD: Animations may be preloaded using the preload() method

See git history for a full list of changes.


  • ADD: New tile layer: aeris.maps.layers.QPF (Quantitative Precipitation Forecast)
  • ADD: New tile layer: aeris.maps.layers.LightningStrikeDensity
  • ADD: Add aeris.VERSION property to builds.
  • MOD: Use 4kname as the default Tile Layer forecast model, where available
  • FIX: When creating an aeris.maps.Map using an existing view (eg. google.maps.Map), the aeris map will update its own attributes using the attributes of the view.

See git history for a full list of changes.


  • FIX: Fix animation error related to uninitialized time layers.
  • FIX: Handle tile animations with no available times from API.


  • FIX: Fix bug where setting a future time on an animation with no future times would throw an error.
  • FIX: Fix various documentation errors

See git history for a full list of changes.


  • ADD: AerisGeocodeService
  • ADD: AerisGeolocateService
  • MOD: Lightning Markers change color by age of report
  • MOD: LightningCollection defaults: sorts by most recent, and has a higher limit (250)
  • FIX: Lightning Model id attribute generation -- prevents duplicate models in a Lightning Collection
  • FIX: MarkerCollection cluster: false option (to disable clustering)
  • FIX: MarkerCollection#start/stopClustering
  • FIX: Add missing aeris.api objects to the aeris.js build package
  • FIX: Fix multi-layers and animation sync demos.


  • ADD: Add a sandbox environment to the repo, to make it easier for contributing developers to get started playing around with the library. See docs/ for more.
  • MOD: Disable TileAnimation pre-loading. Automatically pre-loading all tile layers was causing significant performance issues when creating several TileAnimations at once. An interface for manually pre-loading animations is slated for a future release of Aeris.js. See code snippet below for a temporary pre-loading solution.
  • MOD: TileAnimation and AnimationSync no longer changes the from/to bounds of the animation when new times are loaded. See code snippet below to restore the previous behavior.
  • MOD: aeris.api.collections.Lightning sorts models by date/time. This results in a more geographically distributed collection (by default, Aeris API sorts Lightning by distance).
  • FIX: Fix parsing of collection data for models which dynamically generate ids.
  • FIX: Configure styles for all point data marker clusters.
  • FIX: Remove invalid BatchModel documentation.
  • FIX: When an animation is set to the current actual time, never display a forecast tile layer. (Previously, the animation would should either a past or a future layer, depending on whichever layer's time was closer to the current time).

See git history for a full list of changes.

Temporary Solution For Pre-loading Animations

var animation = new aeris.interactive.animations.TileAnimation(layer);

animation.on('load:times', function(times) {
  var currentTime = animation.getCurrentTime();

  // Calling goToTime will trigger the time layer to load.
  times.forEach(function(time) {

  // Revert back to the original time

Update animation from/to times when times are loaded

var animation = new aeris.interactive.animations.TileAnimation(layer);

animation.on('load:times', function(times) {
  var earliestTime = Math.min.apply(Math, times);
  var latestTime = Math.max.apply(Math, times);



  • ADD: Precip tile layer
  • ADD: Support future (forecast) tiles and animation for for Radar, Precip, Satellite, SatelliteGlobal, and Winds
  • ADD: Map scrollZoom attribute. Allows disabling scroll-to-zoom functionality (Google Maps, Leaflet)
  • ADD: Model for /places Aeris API endpoint (aeris.api.models.Place, aeris.api.collections.Places)
  • MOD: AerisApiModel/Collection: Promise returned by fetch() is now resolved with an ApiResponseError object.
  • MOD: Api object params: accept strings as from/to params (eg. 'today', 'tomorrow')
  • FIX: Correct cdn paths to Aeris.js in demo files. Fix missing dependencies.
  • FIX: Fix invalid reference to Lightning model constructor.
  • FIX: Prevent collections from creating duplicate models
  • FIX: Improve performance when handling large collections of PointDataMarkers

See git history for a full list of changes.


  • FIX: ClusterStyles were failing to load if Aeris.js was loaded before the document was ready.
  • FIX: Animation: ensure current time is within from/to bounds, when bounds are changed.
  • FIX: Fix default PointDataMarker offset (was mistakenly set to 50px, should be 12px)

See git history for a full list of changes.


  • FIX: Bug fix: MarkerCollection markers adding before setting the object to a map were not being rendered (Leaflet only)
  • FIX: Include marker cluster icon styles inline (Leaflet), or injected into the DOM (gmaps)
  • FIX: Fix PointDataMarker attribute lookups, in cases where the data object is not populated.


  • ADD: Animation method: setFrom, setTo, getFrom, getTo
  • ADD: New AutoUpdateAnimation object. Automatically updates an animation with new tile layers as they become available from the Aeris API tile server.
  • MOD: Improvements to animation performance
  • FIX: Remove unused dependencies from bower configuration and repo.
  • FIX: AnimationSync passes options to component animation objects
  • FIX: Fix incorrect unloading of tile objects, which was causing animation to stop playing, in some cases.

See git history for a full list of changes.


  • FIX: Prevent aeris.util from overriding underscore object. This fixes issues with clients' underscore templates not properly compiling, and prevents custom Aeris.js utlity functions from leaking into other users code.

See git history for a full list of changes.


  • MOD: Remove Handlebars and hbars! dependencies
  • MOD: Clean up unused dependencies from bower.json and amd config
  • MOD: Update AMD example to use Leaflet
  • MOD: Minor changes and clarifications to documentation


  • FIX: AerisBatchModel handles errors in indiviudal endpoint responses
  • FIX: AerisApiModel/Collection objects do not throw an ApiResponseError. Errors should be handled by either on onerror option for fetch, or by the promise returned by fetch.



  • MOD: Animation#getCurrentTime return a date object instead of a timestamp.
  • MOD: DateHelper methods return the DateHelper instance, instead of the underlying Date object.

*Other change

  • ADD: Animation#isAnimating method
  • MOD: Improve TileAnimation performance, and fix blocking behavior

See git history for a full list of changes.



  • MOD: Animations are bound to the layer with which they were created.
  • MOD: Remove MapExtensionObject#requestView.
  • MOD: Update animation examples

See git history for a full list of changes

Notes on upgrading to Aeris.js v0.6.0


You can now control an animation using the layer with which it was created. For example:

var map = new aeris.maps.Map('map-canvas');
var radar = new aeris.maps.layers.Radar();
var animation = new aeris.maps.animations.TileAnimation(radar);


// animation.setOpacity(0.5);     // this no longer works in v0.6.0

radar.setOpacity(0.5);            // use this instead
radar.setMap(null);               // Removes the animated layer from the map
radar.setMap(map);                // Adds the animated back to the map

The same works for AnimationSync objects

var map = new aeris.maps.Map('map-canvas');
var radar = new aeris.maps.layers.Radar();
var satellite = new aeris.maps.layers.Satellite();
var animation = new aeris.maps.animations.AnimationSync([radar, satellite]);


radar.setOpacity(0.5);    // Changes the opacity of the radar layer only
                          // (note that this was not possible in v0.5)

radar.setMap(null);       // Removes the radar layer from the map

The goal of this change is to better decouple the animation object from the layer objects. Previously, if a layer was being animated, you could not manipulate the base layer without messing up the animation. Now, you can use the base layer the same as before it was animated, and all animation frames will follow suit.


The requestView method has been removed from all mapObjects. It was previously recommended to use mapObject.requestView() (asynchronous, returns promise) in place of mapObject.getView() (synchronous, returns view) because some map objects loaded their view-rendering strategy asynchronously. In v0.6.0, the StrategyObject has been refactored to only load strategies synchronously.

When upgrading to v0.6.0, you will need to replace all calls to requestView with calls to getView. For example:

// In v0.5
  done(function(view) {
    var mapObjectView = view;

// In v0.6
var mapObjectView = mapObject.getView();


  • MOD: Update demos to use Leaflet, or use aeris-gmaps build when not a features are supported.
  • ADD: aeris.Model#bindAttributesTo method
  • FIX: Use noConflict on underscore
  • FIX: Strategy object remove rendered map object view on destroy
  • FIX: Leaflet strategies clean up view event listeners on destroy.

SEe git history for a full list of changes.



  • MOD: Renamed built library files, using an 'aeris-` prefix. eg. 'aeris-gmaps.js' instead of 'gmaps.js'
  • MOD: Default aeris.js not uses Leaflet, instead of gmaps.

To adapt to breaking changes, make sure you update your links to the Aeris.js library. If you currently using Google Maps along with the main 'aeris.js' or 'aeris.min.js' script, you will want to switch to use 'aeris-gmaps.js' or 'aeris-gmaps.min.js'.


  • ADD: Batch api requests with AerisBatchModel see docs for details
  • ADD: AerisApiModel/AerisApiCollection getAction and getEndpoint methods.
  • ADD: Params accept array for 'filter' option. (previously only accepted a FilterCollection)
  • ADD: AnimationSync accepts an array of layers for add and as constructor argument.
  • MOD: Params do not proxy change events for the nested ChainedQuery collection if the query instance is changed. (removed bloated code which provided little value, and no documented use)
  • MOD: TileAnimations default 'frame' limit set to 10 (instead of unlimited). Results in faster load time, by default. Note: you can set the TileAnimation 'limit' option to null to revert to unlimited animation frames.

See git history for a full list of changes.


  • MOD: Set default Radar zIndex to be above satellite
  • FIX: Reset Leaflet map dimensions when element size is set

See git history for a full list of changes.


  • FIX: Fix aeris.config.setApiSecret
  • MOD: aeris.util.template uses '{var}' style delimiters
  • FIX: Fix Google ImageMapType zIndex updating
  • MOD: Reconfigure layer zIndexes

See commit log for full change list.




  • FIX: Markers for google maps properly set clickable/draggable attributes
  • FIX: Marker clusters for google maps accept 'clusterOptions' object from aeris.maps.markercollections.MarkerCollection constructor.
  • MOD: Commit bower and node deps to repo



  • MOD: Remove Leaflet from bower dependencies. Leaflet bower package is not consumable. Use CDN instead.
  • FIX: Fix config.setApiSecret
  • FIX: Fix AMD demo
  • MOD: Add links to demo site and jsFiddle to docs. Create demo site /index.html page


  • FIX: Fix grunt 'gzip' task (was breaking CDN lib)


  • MOD: CDN library packages are gzip'd before deployment


  • ADD: Leaflet build package
  • FIX: Fix Leaflet library AMD path in build
  • MOD: Reorganize AMD package definitions

See git history for a full change list


  • FIX: Fix casing in AMD path (causing Travis build to break)


  • ADD: Leaflet support for MarkerCollections using the L.MarkerCluster plugin
  • MOD: Refactor and clean up utility library
  • MOD: Changes to AMD path aliases
  • MOD: Minor documentation changes


No breaking changes

  • MOD: Update aeris.maps.Map documentation, and fix param docs


No breaking changes

  • ADD: Marker and MarkerCollection added to publicApi
  • MOD: Update build documentation, and move to docs/
  • MOD: Move *.md docs to docs/ dir (from docs/markdown)
  • MOD: Update documentation
  • MOD: ViewModel/Collection accepts Backbone.Model/Collection as data source (instead of requiring more specific aeris.Model/Collection)

See git history for a full change list.


  • FIX: Set jQuery dependency version to v1.8.0+, so consumers do not need to resolver bower version conflict with Backbone.Marionette. Note that Aeris.js still supports v2.0+
  • MOD: Fixes to travis config


  • ADD: Partial for Leaflet maps: map, tile layers, markers Still no support for: markercollections, polylines, infoboxes
  • FIX: Add missing node packages to package.json
  • FIX: Add assets to build path
  • MOD: Allow attributeTransforms to be set directly on a ViewModel prototype
  • MOD: Expose aeris.maps.markerscollections.MarkerCollection
  • MOD: Update examples to use aeris.js from CDN
  • MOD: Fix travis to autodeploy on hamweather/master
  • MOD: Reconfigure and refactor grunt build tasks
  • MOD: Minor YUIDoc annotation changes


  • MOD: Grunt / Travis-CI build and deploy configuration


  • Fix docs to display correct Aeris.js CDN paths
  • Allow use https for accessing Aeris API
  • Create Grunt / Travis-CI environment with task runners for jasmine/phantomjs testing and the closure linter.
  • Fix CDN asset path


  • Create API models/collections for all weather-related Aeris API endpoints
  • Refactor Toggle objects, using ToggleBehvaior mixins
  • Waypoint 'selected...' attributes for styling selected waypoints
  • Clean and refactor MapApp controllers
  • Prefix MapApp CSS classes with 'aeris-'
  • Optimize Aeris API requests using the SubsetCollection class and client-side filters
  • Document mixed-in class members
  • Support https Aeris API reqeusts


  • FilteredCollection class, for creating bound subsets of aers.Collection objects.
  • MapApp: Fullscreen module
  • Marker#getUrl method
  • Minor fixes and improvements to YUIDoc annotations


Includes many breaking changes to v0.1.0, including major restructuring of the public API.

  • Major renaming and restructuring of namespaces and AMD paths
  • Fix and refactor Animation and AnimationSync
  • Fix up and uncomment-out specs
  • Create basic examples to serve as documentation-in-code
  • Major refactor of YUIDoc annotations, to play nice with YUIDoc generator
  • Generator scripts for non-YUIDoc themes, using Handlebars and raw parsed data
  • Documentation themes for public API, reference API, and a getting started guide (*.md files)
  • Update vendor lib versions
  • Numerous other small fixes and refactorings

Available from our CDN:

Documentation is available at


  • Initial commit of AerisJS library