- #557 - Update action cache from @v2 to @v4 in Github Action workflows - @norberttech
- b62acd - Move automatin CI/CD to 8.2 - @norberttech
- a00150 - Improved finding autoload file - @norberttech
- 2fc21d - dependencies - @norberttech
- 23b7a2 - dependecies - @norberttech
- a650f2 - dependencies - @norberttech
- #429 - contributors section to the release/releases footer - @norberttech
- eafc30 - failing tests - @norberttech
- 535b59 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 82566d - tests.yml - @norberttech
- 3f719e - tools dependencies - @norberttech
- 6a50f5 - project dependencies - @norberttech
- c5ccf3 - dependabot-auto-merge.yaml - @norberttech
- b11ac8 - dependencies - @norberttech
- #170 - skipping updated type in changelog formatter - @norberttech
- #167 - new change type: Changed - @norberttech
- #84 - workflow:timing:list - to display project workflows billable minutes usage - @norberttech
- #61 - docker usages examples to README.md - @norberttech
- #60 - missing test for unchanged changelog in changeloge:generate - @norberttech
- #60 - missing test for pull request template show and cache clear commands - @norberttech
- a3fd3e - integration request section to the documentation - @norberttech
- #42 - --tag-only-stable option to changelog:generate and changelog:generate:all commands - @norberttech
- #41 - changelog:get command with possibility to display --sha1-hash of the file - @norberttech
- #40 - cache directory and config file path into logs - @norberttech
- #39 - keep automation cache between changelog update workflows execution - @norberttech
- #38 - GitHub objects cache without expiration date to speed up fetching pull requests - @norberttech
- #38 - Possibility to clear both caches independently - @norberttech
- #38 - AEON_AUTOMATION_CACHE_DIR env variable - @norberttech
- 773da7 - GitHub Actions integration - @norberttech
- #33 - Unreleased to changelog:generate:all command - @norberttech
- #31 - Added changelog:release:unreleased command - @norberttech
- #30 - --github-file-update-path and --github-file-update-ref options to changelog:generate:all - @norberttech
- #30 - --github-file-update-path and --github-file-update-ref options to changelog:generate - @norberttech
- #28 - Possibility to setup github enterprise url - @norberttech
- #26 - Added --github-release-update option - @norberttech
- #25 - changelog:generate:all command that can generate changelog for all/multiple/selected tags - @norberttech
- #22 - ReleaseService that is independent from the IO - @norberttech
- #22 - Extracting project name from configuration if not provided as argument - @norberttech
- 82b961 - pull request description content check - @norberttech
- #20 - --release-name option to changelog:generate command that will be used when --tag option is not provided to customize release name - @norberttech
- 96d189 - Completed At column to workflow job list - @norberttech
- #18 - workflow:job:list to display current status of all jobs from all workflows - @norberttech
- #17 - --compare-reverse option that will reverse start with end commit before comparison - @norberttech
- #17 - --tag-next option that will overwrite guessing End Commit SHA when detecting scope changes - @norberttech
- #16 - --skip-from option to changelog:generate command that makes possible to skip bots when generating changelogs - @norberttech
- #13 - pull-request:description:check command - @norberttech
- #15 - Added documentation linter github action - @norberttech
- #10 - Command to display Pull Request template that follows keepachangelog convention - @norberttech
- #9 - support for classic theme in both, markdown and HTML formats - @norberttech
- #8 - HTML formatter to changelog generator - @norberttech
- #6 - --changed-before option to changelog:generate command - @norberttech
- #6 - --with-commit to tag:list command - @norberttech
- #6 - twig template for changelog generation - @norberttech
- #6 - support for generating changelogs from tags that are diverged - @norberttech
- #5 - PrefixParser to detect change type from change title prefix - @norberttech
- #5 -
Change::name() : string
andChange::all() : array
methods - @norberttech - #4 - Make first character of change title uppercase - @norberttech
- #3 - support for conventional commit format - @norberttech
- #3 - Change object that holds Type and description - @norberttech
- #2 - static analyze github workflow - @norberttech
- #1 -
change-log:get --commit-end
flag that takes sha of a commit that should be the last in changelog - @norberttech - #1 - Github tests workflow - @norberttech
- #1 - Dependabot configuration - @norberttech
- b3a906 - basic README - @norberttech
- e5849d - initial changelog - @norberttech
- #157 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #83 - Moved tools to additional composer.json file - @norberttech
- #60 - updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #52 - drop all options shortcuts - @norberttech
- #44 - updated coduo/php-matcher dependency to latest stable version - @norberttech
- #38 - current cache name into HTTP Cache - @norberttech
- #38 - moved default cache directory to $HOME/.automation - @norberttech
- #35 - fetch tags instead of releases when checking if the release exists in changelog:release:unreleased command - @norberttech
- #28 - Default user-agent header to aeon-php/automation - @norberttech
- #23 - Detached GitHub client from Data model - @norberttech
- #22 - Project structure, core things are now organized under GitHub, Release and Changes namespaces - @norberttech
- #22 - Decoupled changelog generation logic from IO - @norberttech
- #19 - ChangelogGenerate command refactoring - @norberttech
- #10 - Increased verbosity of changelog:generate command - @norberttech
- #6 - change-log:get command into changelog:generate - @norberttech
- #6 - --tag-start & --tag-end into --tag in changelog:generate commad - @norberttech
- #5 - Replaced redundant methods in Changes collection with more generic ones - @norberttech
- #3 - changes are now parsed by ChangesParser object, not directly in PullRequest/Commit - @norberttech
- #1 - the way to access pull requests related to the commit, those are now taken from the
object - @norberttech - ea9540 - Improved command descriptions - @norberttech
- 885e50 - Take format from option in change-log:get command - @norberttech
- 933675 - Improved support for -v|-vv|-vvv - @norberttech
- cf304f - Move initialization of github client into AbstractCommand - @norberttech
- 4e4108 - Use commits instead of milestones to generate changelog - @norberttech
- 72564b - Initial commit - @norberttech
- #158 - Use pagination in commits compare endpoint - @norberttech
- #61 - generating changelog for empty CHANGELOG.md file - @norberttech
- #50 - Fixed bug that was updating Unreleased section date even when nothing new was added - @norberttech
- #43 - markdown -> html conversion issues in Changelog Manipulator - @norberttech
- 0197d2 - github actions cache usage in changelog-update workflow - @norberttech
- #39 - automation workflow target branch - @norberttech
- #34 - critical bug in keepachangelog theme templates - missing removed change type section - @norberttech
- #33 - sort releases sorting - @norberttech
- #32 - sorting releases by using semver comparison - @norberttech
- #26 - trim change description in each changelog entry - @norberttech
- #22 - Autoloading in Phar environment - @norberttech
- #21 - Do not display output when there are no changes in changelog - @norberttech
- a9dcfb - require autoload in bin/automation - @norberttech
- #6 - fetching all tags by using paginator instead of taking just first page from API - @norberttech
- #4 - Change Log changes are sorted by date - @norberttech
- #3 - use Repository commit data instead of GitData to make sure commit author login is always available - @norberttech
- #2 - Tests failing at PHP 8 - @norberttech
- #83 - phive - @norberttech
- #60 - redundant formatter method - @norberttech
- #43 - markdown list 2 space indention in markdown formatter - @norberttech
- #22 - Redundant Help command - @norberttech
- #22 - Possibility to define multiple project in configuration - @norberttech
- #22 - project:list command - @norberttech
- 9263c7 - old require autoload.php - @norberttech
- #7 - redundant branch parameter from changelog:generate command - @norberttech
- #3 - test suite execution at php8 due to lack of php8 support of one dependency - @norberttech
- @norberttech
Generated by Automation