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How to use this repo

This repository acts as both a tutorial and a development environment for custom scripting in AEL's instance of Mozilla Hubs. To get started, create a repository from this template and follow the guide below. You can then add new components and room scripts to the existing structure, or create your own development environment.

Table of Contents

  1. Running the Development Server
  2. Adding Scripts to Hubs
  3. Custom Components
  4. Visually Positioning Entities
  5. Networking
  6. Interaction
  7. Publishing Scripts

The sample code is structured as follows:

├─ components/ - A-Frame component definitions
├─ entities/ - Sample glTF files from the Hubs Entity Generator
├─ rooms/ - Hubs room scripts

Running the Development Server

After installing Node.js (and optionally yarn) run the following commands:

# 1. Install dependencies

# OR
npm install

# 2. Run development server

yarn start
# OR
npm start

This will start a static file server on port 1234 that serves files in the /src directory. Additionally, it will connect this server to Ngrok so it's accessible outside your local network.

To customize this behavior, see start.js

Adding Scripts to Hubs

The Hubs client hosted on has been modified to support attaching custom scripts to each room. These scripts will execute during the page load sequence before connecting to the networked scene. This allows you to add new forms of interactivity to Hubs without needing to build the client from source.


  1. Click the hamburger menu in the top-left
  2. Select Room Settings
  3. At the bottom of the room settings dialog box, paste the public URL to a script
  4. Click add to append this URL to the list of scripts
  5. Click Apply to save the room settings
  6. Refresh the page to see the effects of the script(s)

Screenshot of custom script input field

At this time only certain hosts are supported for script URLs:

  • Ngrok - for development on local server
  • Glitch - cloud based development tool
  • GitHub Pages - for finished scripts

Any assets referenced from your scripts, such as images and 3D models, should also be served from an approved domain.

Try it!

Create a new room from the Wide Open Space scene. We recommend testing with this scene since it's minimal and spawns you near the origin.

Start the development server and visit the public URL for the rooms folder that's printed to the console. This page shows a listing of each of your room scripts. Copy the URL for the 1-basic.js room script and paste it into the room settings as described above.

Refresh the page and you should see a red box appear near the center of the room:

Red box floating above the ground

Take a look at the 1-basic.js script to understand how it works. This file uses basic JavaScript and DOM APIs to construct an A-Frame entity, give it properties, and add it to the scene.

Refer to the A-Frame scene graph documentation to learn more about converting from HTML to JavaScript

Custom Components

Anything you can do in a regular A-Frame scene will work in Hubs, including adding custom components. The 2-custom-component.js room script shows an example of a custom component that attaches a material from Three.js to an entity. Notice that we store each component definition in a separate file inside the components folder and import them into the room script. This pattern allows us to write multiple room scripts that use the same component.

Refer to the A-Frame component documentation to learn more about what you can do with custom components.

Visually Positioning Entities

Hard-coding properties like position, rotation, and scale can grow tiresome and makes it difficult to contextualize where an entity lives in your scene. A better approach is to position entities through a visual interface.

Option 1: Hubs Entity Generator

Our Hubs Entity Generator can create a .glb file that contains arbitrary component data attached to an empty object. This file can then be loaded into Spoke and positioned just like a 3D model.

Hubs Entity Generator application

For complete instructions, refer to the project's README.

The 3-entity-generator.js and 4-root-component.js scripts demonstrate two ways of using the entity generator. The entities folder contains sample .glb files that accompany these scripts. For instance, after loading 3-entity-generator.js into a room, you can drag entity-3.glb into the room to make the entity appear.

⚠️ Dragging an entity .glb into a running Hubs room can be a useful trick during development, but Hubs' default networking and interactions on 3D objects can conflict with custom networking or interaction scripts. Instead, you should upload and position these .glb files through Spoke so that no default behavior is attached.

We recommend following the pattern from 4-root-component.js by writing a root component for each entity that attaches all other components in its init function. This way you can update the structure of your entity without needing to export a new .glb file or re-publish the Spoke scene.

Option 2: Hubs Blender Exporter

Annotated Blender sidebar

If you're already creating your scene in Blender, you can use the official Hubs Blender extension to attach components to objects in your Blender scene.

By default, only a few built-in components are provided. You can create your own JSON config file to support custom components and their properties by following the structure of the default config file. The config file can be swapped from the Hubs panel in the Scene tab of Blender's sidebar.


Many components work perfectly fine running independently on each user's device, however more complex interactivity may require networking. Hubs uses a fork of networked-aframe for networked interactions.

Adding custom networked behaviour requires a few basic steps:

  1. Append a new <template> into the existing <a-assets>
  2. Register a new schema for this template with networked-aframe (NAF)
  3. Add the networked component to an entity using that template

⚠️ NAF templates must follow a specific naming convention in order to work on Hubs. The most common one is to end template names with a -media suffix.

The 5-networking.js script demonstrates a simple custom networking example. The script spawns a sphere at the center of the room which changes color when a player moves close to it. The color of the sphere is networked so all clients see the color change in sync.

A more detailed guide on how to add custom networked interactables to Hubs can be found in a guide written by one of its contributors here.


Hubs' interaction system works differently from what you might be familiar with in vanilla A-Frame. It's designed to work across a variety of inputs, so you should use the existing systems where possible. This is an area of active exploration and may require some poking around the Hubs source code to achieve your desired effect.

To help get you started, we provide two interaction samples. 6-interaction-click.js demonstrates how to set up an object with the SingleActionButtonSystem so that it effectively receives click events. 7-interaction-drag.js shows how to set up an object with the HoldableButtonSystem to receive the rough equivalent of pointer down and up events, which can be used for clicking and dragging on things. Both examples include networking logic so interactions are shared across clients.

Publishing Scripts

Up to this point, your scripts have been hosted on a temporary development server via a random subdomain like In order to have your script persist in a room for production you should host it on GitHub, specifically in a repository on the AEL organization. If you've been working on your scripts in a personal repository, you can sync those with the organization repository by creating a pull request.

Enabling Static File Serving

By enabling GitHub Pages on your repository, GitHub can statically serve your scripts at a public URL. You can find the option to enable GitHub Pages under your repository settings:

Highlighted settings box

Enable GitHub Pages on the main branch and the root folder:

Main branch and root folder selected

Now your room scripts will be available at a permanent URL like: