AFRAME.registerComponent('gltf-morph', {
multiple: true,
schema:{ morphtarget: {type: 'string', default: ''}, value: {type: 'number', default: 0}, },//end schema
init: function(){
//make sure object3D is set at first
this.el.addEventListener('object3dset', () =>{
//run morpher function
},//end init
update: function(){
//run morpher function
},//end update
morpher: function(){
//get the mesh
var mesh = this.el.object3D
//traverse it looking for morphtargets and targetnames
mesh.traverse((o) => {
//if morphtargets exist & targetNames exist
if ( o.morphTargetInfluences && o.userData.targetNames ){
//store the array position of the passed targetname
var pos = o.userData.targetNames.indexOf(;
//target that morphtarget and update value
o.morphTargetInfluences[pos] =
}//end if
});//end traverse
},//end morpher
})//end morph