- Rails 3.1 fixes
- Fix sqlite3 compatibility
- Optimizations
- fewer queries (2*N => 2)
- less YAML parsing
- non-numeric primary keys are no longer supported
- Fixed a type mismatch problem with numeric ids
- Implemented smart associations, e.g. category_by_name: Sport # => @car.category = Category.find_by_name("Sport") sellers_by_name_and_active: [Hugo, true] # @car.sellers = Seller.find_all_by_name_and_active("Hugo", true) sellers_by_name_and_active: [[Hugo, Egon], true] # @car.sellers = Seller.find_all_by_name_and_active(["Hugo", "Egon"], true)
- mark objects as modified when saved with save!
- fix some bugs esp. wrt associations
- added a on_seed hook which allows for custom login on seed
- Add a rake task for dumping the current database objects into an alter_egos YAML file
- Do not bring back destroyed objects
- Added Rails3 support
- Initial release with basic functionality