@list command =
- clear :
- undo
- resign
- draw
- clock :
- time
- who
- next
- puzzle
- home
@ list piece =
- king
- queen
- bishop
- knight
- rook
- pawn
@ list file =
- a :
- alpha
- b :
- bravo
- c :
- charlie
- d :
- delta
- e :
- echo
- f :
- foxtrot
- g :
- golf
- h :
- hotel
@ list rank =
- one
- two
- three
- four
- five
- six
- seven
- eight
- move {@file} {@rank} to {@file} {@rank}
- {@file} {@rank} [moves] to {@file} {@rank}
- move {@piece} to {@file} {@rank}
- {@piece} [moves] to {@file} {@rank}
- {@piece} {@file} {@rank}
- king-side [castle]
- queen-side [castle]
- [promote] {@file} eight [to] {@piece}
- {@command}