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Releases: adopted-ember-addons/ember-file-upload


13 Mar 15:15
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tldr; You can stub out endpoints that handle uploads using the upload mirage helper, and can trigger uploads using the upload test helper 🏖

To upload a file in mirage:


import { upload } from 'ember-file-upload/mirage';

export default function () {'/photos/new', upload(function (db, request) {
    let { type, name, size, url } = request.requestBody.file;
    let photo = db.create('photo', { type, name, size, url });
    return photo;

If you're using mirage locally, you can simulate different network conditions using a network option on the upload helper:


import { upload } from 'ember-file-upload/mirage';

export default function () {'/photos/new', upload(function (db, request) {
    // snip snip snip...
  }, { network: '3g' });

This allows you to handle different types of network conditions in your application easily by testing locally. In addition to the network option, you can specify a timeout that will cause the handler to respond with a HTTP 408 Request Timeout Error.

The request object passed into the upload function contains oodles of goodies that details what the file is. It provides the following fields out of the box:

  • name - The filename.
  • size - The size of the file in bytes.
  • type - The MIME type of the file.
  • extension - The file extension.

For specific file types, we've done some work to make it easier to get more detailed information. A breakdown of this is below:

For audio files:

  • duration - The duration of the audio, in seconds

For video files:

  • duration - The duration of the video, in seconds
  • width - The width of the video, in pixels
  • height - The height of the video, in pixels

For image files:

  • width - The width of the image, in pixels
  • height - The height of the image, in pixels

For GIFs:

  • duration - The duration of the GIF, if animated
  • animated - Whether the GIF is animated

And now, finally! Triggering a file upload:

import File from 'ember-file-upload/file';
import upload from '../helpers/upload';


test('uploading a file', async function () {
  await visit('/photos/new');
  let gif = File.fromDataUrl('');
  await upload('#add-photo', gif, 'pixel.gif');
  let photo =[0];
  assert.equal(photo.filename, 'pixel.gif');


13 Mar 15:23
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tldr; IE11 users now have support for dragging and dropping, and Ember Fastboot run apps won't break on startup.

Courtesy @ef4 for Fastboot support and @chrisdpeters for IE support 🎉


13 Mar 15:25
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tldr; You can prevent Content-Type from being sent along with a request by setting contentType to null or undefined.


13 Mar 15:26
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tldr; 🚀 Fastboot apps can now use ember-file-upload.


13 Mar 15:27
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tldr; You can nest svg elements in a file-upload component.

✨ Now you can have pretty upload illustrations and icons for your uploads ✨