Start Pipelines
tkn pipeline start
To start a pipeline, you will need to pass the following:
- Resources
- Parameters, at least those that have no default value
To run a Pipeline that has one git resource and no parameter.
$ tkn pipeline start --resource source=samples-git
To create a workspace-template.yaml
$ cat <<EOF > workspace-template.yaml
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 1Gi
To run a Pipeline that has one git resource, one image resource, two parameters (foo and bar) and four workspaces (my-config, my-pvc, my-secret, my-empty-dir and my-volume-claim-template)
$ tkn pipeline start --resource source=samples-git \
--resource image=my-image \
--param foo=yay \
--param bar=10 \
--workspace name=my-secret,secret=secret-name \
--workspace name=my-config,config=rpg,item=ultimav=1 \
--workspace name=my-empty-dir,emptyDir="" \
--workspace name=my-pvc,claimName=pvc1,subPath=dir
--workspace name=my-volume-claim-template,volumeClaimTemplateFile=workspace-template.yaml
--dry-run preview PipelineRun without running it
-f, --filename string local or remote file name containing a Pipeline definition to start a PipelineRun
--finally-timeout string timeout for Finally TaskRuns
-h, --help help for start
-l, --labels strings pass labels as label=value.
-L, --last re-run the Pipeline using last PipelineRun values
-o, --output string format of PipelineRun (yaml, json or name)
-p, --param stringArray pass the param as key=value for string type, or key=value1,value2,... for array type
--pipeline-timeout string timeout for PipelineRun
--pod-template string local or remote file containing a PodTemplate definition
--prefix-name string specify a prefix for the PipelineRun name (must be lowercase alphanumeric characters)
-r, --resource strings pass the resource name and ref as name=ref
-s, --serviceaccount string pass the serviceaccount name
--showlog show logs right after starting the Pipeline
--skip-optional-workspace skips the prompt for optional workspaces
--task-serviceaccount strings pass the service account corresponding to the task
--tasks-timeout string timeout for Pipeline TaskRuns
--use-param-defaults use default parameter values without prompting for input
--use-pipelinerun string use this pipelinerun values to re-run the pipeline.
-w, --workspace stringArray pass one or more workspaces to map to the corresponding physical volumes
-c, --context string name of the kubeconfig context to use (default: kubectl config current-context)
-k, --kubeconfig string kubectl config file (default: $HOME/.kube/config)
-n, --namespace string namespace to use (default: from $KUBECONFIG)
-C, --no-color disable coloring (default: false)
- tkn pipeline - Manage pipelines