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File metadata and controls

363 lines (282 loc) · 13.7 KB

Short summary of Biscuit and how it works

Biscuit is an authentication and authorization token that can be used in software, in the same way as a session ID or JSON Web Token, carried in a cookie or a header.

It relies on public key cryptography to verify it in any application that knows about the public key. If you hold a valid token, it is possible to "attenuate" it (restrict its rights) by adding more authorization checks, while keeping a valid cryptographic signature, without contacting the server that created the token. Each attenuation is done by adding a new "block" of logic data and rules. It is not possible to remove or replace a block while keeping a valid signature.

Biscuit uses a logic language called Datalog, to represent its authorization rules. It can model and combine authorization policies like role-based access control or capabilities in a few lines, and even have fine grained rules carried by the token. As an example, you could have a file server application with a common owner or group-based access control, in which you could take your token and derive a new one, without involving the server, that would be valid only for reading a specific file, with an expiration date.

Introduction to Datalog

Datalog is a declarative logic language that is a subset of Prolog. A Datalog program contains "facts", which represent data, and "rules", which can generate new facts from existing ones.

As an example, we could define the following facts, describing some relationships:

parent("Alice", "Bob")
parent("Bob", "Charles")
parent("Charles", "Denise")

This means that Alice is Bob's parent, and so on.

This could be seen as a table in a relational database:

Alice Bob
Bob Charles
Charles Denise

We can then define rules to create new facts, like this one: (a rule is made of a "head" on the left of <- indicating the data that is generated, variables are introduced with the $ sign)

grandparent($grandparent, $child) <- parent($grandparent, $parent), parent($parent, $child)

Applying this rule will look at combinations of the parent facts as defined on the right side of the arrow (the "body" of the rule), and try to match them to the variables ($grandparent, $parent, $child):

  • parent("Alice", "Bob"), parent("Bob", "Charles") matches because we can replace $grandparent with "Alice", $parent with "Bob", $child with "Charles"
  • parent("Alice", "Bob"), parent("Charles", "Denise") does not match because we would get different values for the $parent variable

For each matching combination of facts in the body, we will then generate a fact, as defined on the left side of the arrow, the "head" of the rule. For parent("Alice", "Bob"), parent("Bob", "Charles"), we would generate grandparent("Alice", "Charles"). A fact can be generated from multiple rules, but we will get only one instance of it.

Going through all the combinations, we will generate:

grandparent("Alice", "Charles")
grandparent("Bob", "Denise")

which can be seen as:

Alice Charles
Bob Denise

A Fact can be created from multiple rules, and a rule can use facts generated from previous applications. If we added the following rules:

ancestor($parent, $child) <- parent($parent, $child)
ancestor($parent, $descendant) <- parent($parent, $child), ancestor($child, $descendant)

It would generate the following facts from the first one:

ancestor("Alice", "Bob")
ancestor("Bob", "Charles")
ancestor("Charles", "Denise")

Then the second rule could apply as follows:

  • ancestor("Alice", "Charles") <- parent("Alice", "Bob"), ancestor("Bob", "Charles")
  • ancestor("Bob", "Denise") <- parent("Bob", "Charles"), ancestor("Charles", "Denise")

So we would have:

ancestor("Alice", "Bob")
ancestor("Bob", "Charles")
ancestor("Charles", "Denise")
ancestor("Alice", "Charles")
ancestor("Bob", "Denise")

Then we reapply the second rule:

  • ancestor("Alice", "Denise") <- parent("Alice", "Bob"), ancestor("Bob", "Denise")

So in the end we would have:

ancestor("Alice", "Bob")
ancestor("Bob", "Charles")
ancestor("Charles", "Denise")
ancestor("Alice", "Charles")
ancestor("Bob", "Denise")
ancestor("Alice", "Denise")

Interactions with a Datalog program are done through queries: a query contains a rule that we apply over the system, and it returns the generated facts.

Datalog in Biscuit

Biscuit comes with a few specific adaptations of Datalog.

It has the following base types (for elements inside of a fact):

  • integer (i64)
  • string
  • date (seconds from epoch, UTC)
  • byte array
  • symbol (interned strings that are stored in a dictionary to spare space)

Rules can have constraints on fact elements. The following rule will generate a fact only if there's a file fact and its value starts with /folder/:

in_folder($path) <- file($path) @ $path matches /folder/*

Here are the possible constraints:

  • integer: <, >, <=, >=, ==, is in set, is not in set
  • string: prefix, suffix, ==, is in set, is not in set
  • date: before, after
  • symbol: is in set, is not in set
  • byte array: ==, is in set, is not in set

Most of the authorization logic comes with caveats: they are queries over the Datalog facts and rules. If the query produces something, (if the underlying rule generates one or more facts), the caveat is validated, if it does not, the caveat fails. For a token verification to be successful, all of the caveats must succeed.

As an example, we could have a caveat that checks the presence of a file resource, and verifies that its filename matches a specific pattern, using a string constraint:

resource_match($path) <- resource(#ambient, $path) @ $path matches /file[0-9]+.txt/

This rule matches only if $path matches a pattern, and if the fact resource(#ambient, $path) holds.

In that caveat, the resource fact must have #ambient as its first element. The # character indicates that it is of "symbol" type. There are two special symbols that can appear in facts:

  • #ambient: facts that are provided by the verifier, and that depend on the request, like which resource we want to access (file path, REST endpoint, etc), operation (read, write...), current date and time, source IP address, HTTP headers...
  • #authority: facts defined by the token's original creator or the verifier, that indicates the basic rights of the token. Every new attenation of the token will reduce those rights by adding caveats

#ambient and #authority symbols

This caveat uses a symbol named #ambient (symbols start with a #).

There are two special symbols that can appear in facts:

-#ambient: facts that are provided by the verifier, and that depend on the request, like which resource we want to access(file path, REST endpoint, etc), operation(read, write...), current date and time, source IP address, HTTP headers...

  • #authority: facts defined by the token's original creator or the verifier, that indicates the basic rights of the token. Every new attenation of the token will reduce those rights by adding caveats

#ambient and #authority tokens can only be provided by the token's origin or by the verifier, they cannot be added by attenuating the token.

Example tokens

Let's make an example, from an S3-like application, on which we can store and retrieve files, with users having access to "buckets" holding a list of files.

Here is a first example token, that will hold a user id. This token only contains one block, that has been signed with the root private key. The verifier's side knows the root public key and, upon receiving the request, will deserialize the token and verify its signature, thus authenticating the token.

Biscuit {
    symbols: ["authority", "ambient", "resource", "operation", "right", "current_time", "revocation_id", "user_id"]
    authority: Block[0] {
            symbols: ["user_id"]
            context: ""
            facts: [
                user_id(#authority, "user_1234"),
            rules: []
            caveats: []
    blocks: [

Let's unpack what's displayed here:

  • symbols carries a list of symbols used in the biscuit.
  • authority carries information provided by the token creator. It gives the initial scope of the bicuit.
  • blocks carries a list of blocks, which can refine the scope of the macaroon.

Here, authority provides the initial block, which can be refined in subsequent blocks.

A block comes with new symbols it adds to the system (there's a default symbol table that already contains values like #authority or #operation). It can contain facts, rules and caveats. A block contains:

  • symbols: a block can introduce new symbols: these symbols are available in the current block, and the following blocks. It is not possible to re-declare an existing symbol.
  • context: free form text used either for documentation purpose, or to give a hind about which facts should be retrieved from DB
  • facts: each block can define new facts (but only authority can define facts mentioning #authority)
  • rules each block can define new rules (but only authority can define rules deriving facts mentioning #authority)
  • caveats each block can define new caveats (rules that need to match in order to make the biscuit valid)

Let's assume the user is sending this token with a PUT /bucket_5678/folder1/hello.txt HTTP request. The verifier would then load the token's facts and rules, along with facts from the request:

user_id(#authority, "user_1234")
operation(#ambient, #write)
resource(#ambient, "bucket_5678", "/folder1/hello.txt")
current_time(#ambient, 2020-11-17T12:00:00+00:00)

The verifier would also be able to load authorization data from its database, like ownership information: owner(#authority, "user_1234", "bucket_1234"), owner(#authority, "user_1234", "bucket_5678") owner(#authority, "user_ABCD", "bucket_ABCD"). In practice,this data could be filtered by limiting it to facts related to the current ressource, or extracting the user id from the token with a query.

The verifier can also load its own rules, like creating one specifying rights if we own a specific folder:

right(#authority, $bucket, $path, $operation) <- resource(#ambient, $bucket, $path), operation(#ambient, $operation),
    user_id(#authority, $id), owner(#authority, $id, $bucket)`

This rule will generate a right fact if it finds data matching the variables.

We end up with a system with the following facts:

user_id(#authority, "user_1234")
operation(#ambient, #write)
resource(#ambient, "bucket_5678", "/folder1/hello.txt")
current_time(#ambient, 2020-11-17T12:00:00+00:00)
owner(#authority, "user_1234", "bucket_1234")
owner(#authority, "user_1234", "bucket_5678")
owner(#authority, "user_ABCD", "bucket_ABCD")
right(#authority, "bucket_5678", "/folder1/hello.txt", #write)

At last, the verifier provides a caveat to check that we have the rights for this operation:

caveat1() <- right(#authority, $bucket, $path, $operation), resource(#ambient, $bucket, $path), operation(#ambient, $operation)

Here we can find matching facts, so the request succeeds. If the request was done on bucket_ABCD, we would not be able to generate the right fact for it and the request would fail.

Now, what if we wanted to limit access to reading /folder1/hello.txt in bucket_5678?

We could ask the authorization server to generate a token with only that specific access:

Biscuit {
    symbols: ["authority", "ambient", "resource", "operation", "right", "current_time", "revocation_id"]
    authority: Block[0] {
            symbols: []
            context: ""
            facts: [
                right(#authority, "bucket_5678", "/folder1/hello.txt", #read)
            rules: []
            caveats: []
    blocks: [

Without a user_id, the verifier would be unable to generate more right facts and would only have the one provided by the token.

But we could also take the first token, and restrict it by adding a block containing a new caveat:

Biscuit {
    symbols: ["authority", "ambient", "resource", "operation", "right", "current_time", "revocation_id", "user_id"]
    authority: Block[0] {
            symbols: ["user_id"]
            context: ""
            facts: [
                user_id(#authority, "user_1234"),
            rules: []
            caveats: []
    blocks: [
        Block[1] {
            symbols: ["caveat1", "read"]
            context: ""
            facts: []
            rules: []
            caveats: [
                caveat1() <- resource(#ambient, "bucket_5678", "/folder1/hello.txt"), operation(#ambient, #read)


With that token, if the holder tried to do a PUT /bucket_5678/folder1/hello.txt request, we would end up with the following facts:

user_id(#authority, "user_1234")
operation(#ambient, #write)
resource(#ambient, "bucket_5678", "/folder1/hello.txt")
current_time(#ambient, 2020-11-17T12:00:00+00:00)
owner(#authority, "user_1234", "bucket_1234")
owner(#authority, "user_1234", "bucket_5678")
owner(#authority, "user_ABCD", "bucket_ABCD")
right(#authority, "bucket_5678", "/folder1/hello.txt", #write)

The verifier's caveat would still succeed, but the caveat from block 1 would fail because it cannot find operation(#ambient, #read).

By playing with the facts provided on the token and verifier sides, generating data through rules, and restricting access with a series of caveats, it is possible to build powerful rights management systems, with fine grained controls, in a small, cryptographically secured token.