diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 02328c5a650..b5940329afc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,10 +7,19 @@ The Ruby community's gem host.
* Create more transparent and accessible project pages
* Enable the community to improve and enhance the site
-## Supporting
+## Support
- RubyGems.org is maintained by Ruby Together, a grassroots initiative committed to supporting the critical Ruby infrastructure you rely on. Contribute today as an individual or even better, as a company, and ensure that RubyGems.org, Bundler, and other shared tooling is around for years to come.
+> [RubyGems.org](RubyGems.org) is managed by [Ruby Central](http://rubycentral.org), a community-funded organization supported by conference participation for [RailsConf](railsconf.org) and [RubyConf](rubyconf.org) through tickets and sponsorships.
+> [RubyTogether](rubytogether.org) sponsors individuals to work on development and operations work of RubyGems.org to augment the work of many volunteers. If you are interested in joining, you can do so as a [developer](https://rubytogether.org/developers) or as a [company](https://rubytogether.org/companies). The availability of RubyGems.org is not dependent on these paid contributors and is the sole responsibility of Ruby Central.
+> Hosting fees are paid by Ruby Central and CDN fees are generously donated by [Fastly](fastly.com).
## Links