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Ensure MongoDB is Running

Sam Howell edited this page Mar 25, 2021 · 4 revisions

NOTE: MongoDB is an independent third-party tool utilized by the Adapt authoring tool. Latest updates to the tool may not be reflected in this article. Consult Mongo's official documentation if the following tips fail to produce the intended results.

MongoDB must be running in order to complete the installation of the authoring tool and for the authoring tool to run.

To verify MongoDB is running on a Mac

Open Activity monitor (search for Activity monitor in the spotlight search bar). If Mongo is running, you will see it listed as highlighted in blue shown below:
activity monitor showing service mongod

Open up a terminal window and verify the Mongodb service has started by running the command:
brew services list

If mongodb is running, it will return a status of started as follows:
terminal showing mongodb-community@4.2 with status started

If mongodb is not running, it will return a status of stopped as follows:
terminal showing mongodb-community@4.2 with status stopped

To start the mongo service run this command:
brew services start [email protected]

NOTE: "[email protected]" is the version used throughout the examples on this page. Change this in the command to match the name of the version that you installed.

If you run into errors, consult the official Mongo documentation Install MongoDB Community Edition on macOS.

To verify MongoDB is running on a PC

Open the Task Manager. Click on the Services tab and look for MongoDB. If MongoDB is running, it will be reported in Status column as follows:
services showing MongoDB with status running

If MongoDB is not running, open up a command line window. Enter the following (make sure that it accurately reflects your path to mongo.exe--change it if necessary): "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin\mongo.exe"

Run the executable file by pressing the Enter key.
The command line report should indicate a session has started similar to this:
command console report after running the exe file

Warnings may be reported. Warnings are not the same as errors. In most cases warnings may be ignored. If the command line reports errors, consult the official Mongo documentation Install MongoDB Community Edition on Windows to reinstall or to troubleshoot your error.

To verify MongoDB is running on GNU/Linux

On Debian and Ubuntu systems, the mongod service can be started and its status checked with a couple simple commands, one of which may require root user privileges, depending on your setup.

With a terminal window open, enter the following command to start the service:

sudo systemctl start mongod.service

If the service has been started successfully, you won't see any further output on the terminal. Verify the service is running:

systemctl status mongod.service
terminal showing mongod service status

To make things easier, you can enable the service so that it starts automatically after every boot:

sudo systemctl enable mongod.service
terminal showing output after enabling mongod service

Finally, verify the service is both running and enabled:

systemctl status mongod.service
terminal showing status of enabled and active mongod service

For more information and troubleshooting guides, consult the official MongoDB documentation:

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