User contributed notes on various web host that play well or don't play with with Statamic. Send your pull requests, no affiliate links!
Any linux based server with a fairly up to date version of it's distro, and CLI access shold work fine. Below is a more fine list of web hosts that should work fine:
- AWS - [](\)
- Digital Ocean - [](\)
- A Small Orange - [](\)
- ArcusTech - [](\)
- Azure - [](\)
- Digital Pacific - [](\) - Sydney, Australia
- Google Cloud Platform - [](\)
- HostGator - [](\)
- Laravel Forge - [](\)
- Linode - [](\)
- Media Temple (dv) - [](\)
- Media Temple (grid) [](\)
- Metanet - [](\) - Switzerland
- OVH - [](\)
- Panthur - [](\) - Sydney, Australia
- ServInt - [](\)
- Site5 - [](\)
- WebFaction - [](\)
You should probably avoid these. It doesn't mean it's not possible, but will likely require support tickets to enabled PHP modules like `mcrypt`, `mbstring`, and so on, as well as CLI support.
- Go Daddy - [](\) - doesn't meet server requirements
- NameCheap - [](\)
- Rackspace Cloud - [](\) - issues with out-of-sync file timestamps and permissions
- - [](\) - please see here for more details.