- Anticolision frame transmission in RFAL is on line 2805 in file rfal_rfst25r3916.c
- wu 2nd bit in Operation control register 02h puts the device in wake up mode
- After OSC is stable IRQ on pin 7 is generated it goes to log 1 and stays until IRQ register is read
- 0A = (1 << 7) disable CRC
- ST25R3916_CMD_STOP - C2
- ST25R3916_IRQ_MASK_COL ?
- ST25R3916_REG_NUM_TX_BYTES2 - 23h = 0
- C6
- Cp + 22p - antiresonance
- on when rx_en [6] in Operation Controll Register [02h]
- Stop all activities
- Reset RX gain
Sniffed from discovery:
- D8 -> 02
- 10 -> 03
- 00 -> 06 def
- 28 -> 07
- 24 -> 09
some reading
- auxilary settings:
- B9 -> 26
- 18 -> 0C
- 10 -> 0D
- 00 -> 04 - default bit rate that's all I have :/